


He gets outside and decides to wait there taking in the hot summer air. At least it was air he thought only realizing how suffocating it was inside. While he waits he does what turned out to be a habit of his, observe people. He’s a curious person and finds great interest in watching people pass by, each and every one with their own lives. It’s probably a scary thought how each individual has a life of its own but it’s beautifully intriguing as well. And somehow along the way most of them are connected to one another. Being in other’s lives without even knowing. Like Wufan and himself. Wufan was a part of his day and as it seemed he was a part of Wufan’s day. He laughs inwardly of how ironic and funny he finds it all but mostly he’s happy his beliefs are somehow true. People are indeed connected and sometimes, yes sometimes meant to be. Short minutes after, Wufan appears at his side. Thankfully he doesn’t seem upset by the fact that he didn’t wait for him, a good thing since Yixing didn’t do it as a negative connotation. The tall boy is looking at him with a smile.

“Should I take you home?” he asks carefully. Yixing turns his head to eye him and ponders about the offer. It’s not really a trait of his letting a stranger invade his space and life this way. What he initially had cursed himself not to do he ended up doing anyway and probably worse. He thought, really thought he had learned a lesson and that his heart wasn’t as foolish as before but it turned out that his little engine is just as stubborn as his mind. Yixing falls in comfort around Wufan for strange reasons and with that he finds himself accepting the offer. They walk because Yixing’s house isn’t too far and Wufan is led by the smaller boy. The streets got incredibly emptier since lunch hour most likely has already passed and everybody just got back to work or home. It’s a theory or it could be the high heavens working their magic. Yixing considers it’s a nice thought. Along the way he thanks Wufan mentally for not pushing any further. It is only a bit past noon and that could open a window for the taller boy to make a move and ask him to wander somewhere else. The walk is done in silence but on the contrary of what Yixing feared it didn’t fall into awkwardness. Wufan stands as close as he can making their shoulders bump from time to time and Yixing finds himself enjoying something so small more than he should. He smiles lightly but it instantly falls to a surprised expression and he turns his head to look at Wufan in question. The tall boy had grabbed his hand that was hanging lose on his side and intertwined their fingers. Yixing is still looking at him but doesn’t let go and Wufan doesn’t flinch keeping his walking steady and his head facing forward. Yixing soon gives up and looks at their hands. He notices again how his hand is much smaller compared to Wufan’s. They earn themselves some foreign stares, one’s of curiosity, others from aversion and a few of consenting. Yixing feels a small self-consciousness about it but doesn’t say or let it show since he it was Wufan’s move anyway and he doesn’t seem even a bit bothered by the public attention. Inwardly Yixing wished he had that confidence. He does have confidence but it’s a foolish confidence. His true self lays on his dance but that isn’t a Yixing available to everyone.

Nothing is said until they reach his home.

“It’s here.” He says stopping his tracks in front of an old fashioned building. Their hands are still connected and he can’t bring himself to let go. Wufan takes a couple steps more until he’s face to face with him. When Yixing looks up at him he smiles and Yixing smiles back cutely making his dimple appear. The tall boy takes a cue and leans forward. Yixing flinches a bit afraid Wufan might take a step too far but his fear seized when he felt lips on his forehead. He doesn’t smile but can’t help but find the gesture endearing.

“I hope to see you soon Yixing.” They smile at each other again and Wufan pokes Yixing’s cheek like he did when they met. He has that sense of comfortableness again and he decides to take a step of his own, slightly tiptoeing caused by the height difference and brushes his lips on Wufan’s cheek very lightly. Their hands that haven’t parted since break their link when Yixing walks inside. His mind is full of thoughts again, some are screaming, some are trying to calm the screaming ones, others are blank and there are the ones attached to his conscious side that try to reason out his actions again. He decides he is way too confused to rationalize by himself so when he reaches home he calls Luhan to tell him about his eventful day. The first seconds into the call and Yixing regrets with his soul because Luhan is a girly screeching machine on the other side and it is making him have an headache but then, luckily for him to have decided to tell him over the phone instead of personally or else those squeals would come alongside with nudging and pats. When his best friend decides to shut up he tells him the details. Only the important to the story because the details of his thoughts he keeps them to himself.

The afternoon passes and slightly before dinner hour his mother arrives, just in time, he thinks while steering the soup. He hears ruffling and shifting in the background and steps making their way closer.

“You seem happy.” She points out. Yixing doesn’t think it shows that much but she’s his mother so he doesn’t question how she sees it.

“I guess.”

“Something good happened?” She pulls a chair to sit and he goes back to focus on the soup. Telling her about Wufan isn’t in his plans. Not yet. And he really doesn’t want to keep his hopes too high in risks he might fall and get hurt.

“Nothing in particularly. Have I told you I was assigned to a school project as a choreographer?” He turns to smirk at her cutely showing proudness in his words knowing how much she likes to hear about his achievements even if the smallest. She reattributes him a wide smile.

“That’s great honey but please do not over work yourself.”

“I know mama.” Yixing turns the stove off and brings the pot to the table that is found already set. Dinner goes by with his mother telling him about happenings at the hospital. When they finish, as usual Yixing is responsible for cleaning up while his mother goes to bed for much needed rest. As he cleans he thinks of Wufan and sighs contently to himself. He hopes not to be rushing whatever this is. He likes it so far and mostly doesn’t want to ruin it. One thing he’s sure though. Wufan likes him and that alone makes his heart burst into flames and makes the butterflies come back again.


YOU SEE THAT? YOU SEE IT RIGHT? JUST HOW CUTE IS THAT? OMG MY SHIP TOTALLY SAILS!! NOT THAT I HAD DOUBTS BUT OMGG...Okayy sorry for the spazzing. :P So XingXing gave a sweet little peck on Wufan's cheek and everything is pink and cute :) LOL I like straightforward Wufan as well hehe

Again you guys are the cutest. Thank you for commenting and liking my story :) Although I'm not even sure how to finish this OTL Thank you for reading. <3<3<3

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so the next update probably will take a whilee...sorry


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Chapter 35: I'm glad you showed the first chapter from Wufan's perspective and even a bit of their future! And I'm glad Luhan was able to be happy and successful while still dragging Yixing everywhere ^^
Chapter 1: i'm still in love with this fic no matter how many times i re-read the whole thing <3
Chapter 35: Second time reading and I still adore this fic as much as the first time.
And can Wufan and Yixing just get married irl already?! They're so perfect together that it physically pains me to know that they're apart.
Chapter 32: Probably one of the best fanxing fics i've ever read tbh
Everything is fluffy and well plotted and i just ♡♡♡
This is such a beautiful piece tbh ;;
I'd give this fic thousands of upvotes if i could ♡
Chapter 35: omg where am i when you wrote this? why am i seeing/reading this just now. this so good and it gve me butterflies too. i miss fanxing so much. thank your for this one. :)
leolliepop #6
Chapter 35: omg im reading this all over again and gosh I still love this story a lot ;~; been with it in 2012, 2013 and reading it again in 2014 I just- im really amazed how this story entices me. I love this story and I love you <3
2439 streak #7
Chapter 35: loved it more and more specially when the story was nearing its end...
lovely KrAy! and thank you for the beautiful LayHan friendship in here too!
D_S_H_ #8
Chapter 35: This, and the SeKai spin-off, were both fantastic stories. Thank you so much for writing them!
D_S_H_ #9
Chapter 10: My favorite Exo pairs are SuChen, KrAy, and BaekTao! Lol. Just stumbled onto this story but I am enjoying the fluffiness and I'm looking forwards to the SeKai plan.