


Yixing’s heart is pleading and he knows he should go home and study and do whatever he’s meant to do but he can’t. He just can’t and he won’t as he has decided. The subway is packing to the fullest and it isn’t even rush hour. He guesses it’s the summer’s welcoming earlier at fault. And well he’s heading the other way he was supposed to and center Beijing is always a crowded place anyway so he shouldn’t be too surprised. But he got surprised because it’s passed noon already and the cake shop is full. Couples and groups of friends and even people taking orders away, it was really overloading but Yixing came all this way he wasn’t willing to give up just now. So there he decided to get in line and even if only for a couple minutes he would get to see him. Not all would be bad and he doesn’t mind waiting anyway. The line got at least a good five minutes to reduce down until Yixing could get to do his order. Wufan looks a bit tired and agitated and for a second there he didn’t even recognized Yixing when asking what he wanted.

“Wufan.” He calls him and Wufan now takes a moment to really look at him and he gets surprised. Exactly what Yixing was hoping for.

“What are you doing here?” he asks smiling.

“I missed you.” It probably came out a little pathetic but he really doesn’t care because the way Wufan is looking and smiling at him makes it worth it. The tall male doesn’t answer. They just gaze at each other and Yixing couldn’t feel more in dauntingly in love if it were smack on his face. Probably appropriate moment to call it epiphany at some point but his precious moment ends when Wufan averts his eyes from him to glance at the not so patient costumer behind him that makes sure his cough is audible. Wufan gives Yixing an apologetic look.  “I’ll wait outside.” He’s got what he wanted. Not a coffee to go but two minutes of him and he wants more now, he wants to kiss him, and he wants to be with him.

The wait is boring and the more time passes the more crowded it gets. People coming in and coming out and it doesn’t look even close to slowing down. Yixing sighs. His heart is somehow palpitating. It makes him uneasy and he can’t stop eyeing the door. And he feels stupid being there already, just staring at nothing and fixating at that door. He’s in the middle of a sidewalk just standing and people are passing by and eyeing him. He starts strolling around so it won’t look like he’s an idiot although he’s pretty sure to have marked that mile already. At this point he thinks of giving up and simply go home but he really wants more time. He stops his thoughts when he feels a tap to his shoulder from behind. He turns and sees Wufan still dressed in his uniform minus the little waist apron he usual has.

“You missed me, hum?” He provokes and Yixing can feel his cheeks turn rouge already and his heart is restless at this point because Wufan has a playful grin on and he’s getting close and people are around everywhere, pretty sure looking at them.

“Don’t make fun of me.” He bats his arm lightly and Wufan only smiles wider as he lightly raises Yixing’s chin with his fingers and leans to kiss him. “Shouldn’t you be inside?” he asks after they break his voice coming a bit weaker than he hoped.

“I should but I said I had to take care of something urgent.”

“But they must need you inside, you should go.”

“You don’t miss me anymore that you already want to leave?” he pouts and Yixing thinks it doesn’t suit him at all but it was a nice try nonetheless.

“No. But it’s your job. I don’t want you to get fired.”

“I really don’t think I can go work now. You distracted me.” He grins and makes a move to get closer wrapping his warms around Yixing but Yixing pushes him and adds a failed attempt at suppressing a giggle.

“You really should go Wufan.”

“I’ll ask someone to cover for me.” He suggests. Yixing doesn’t want to say no because it’s really what he was hoping for anyway. To have a chance of being with him today and that would be perfect. Wufan pulls away and makes his way into the shop again and Yixing doesn’t stop him.

Doesn’t take too long until Wufan is out again this time with his casual clothes and Yixing thinks to himself that even if he really enjoys him in an uniform, his casual clothes just make him more…him. He got surprised though. Wufan gets out wearing a flashy pink tank top and a pair of skinny jeans wrapping it with a pair of black converse. Nothing he’d see coming but he likes it. It’s hard for him not to like anything on him anyway. Yixing eyes him up and down and smiles cheekily with a dimple. Wufan pokes at his cheek.

“You look nice.” His words almost choke as he glances up and down.

“Is that sarcasm?” Yixing is still eyeing his arms.

“No not at all. I like it.” he tries not to be obvious with his reaction at the sudden exposed skin the other decided to show today. It is awfully hot so it’s not all surprising but it doesn’t stop from leaving Yixing a bit pinkish considering this is the most skin he’s seen on Wufan. Not really a fair trade now that he thinks about it. Wufan has seen him practically .

“What I would do to go to the beach right now.” He says while grabbing Yixing’s hand and start walking without a notice. It makes Yixing almost stumble as he grabs tighter at his bag strap and at Wufan’s hand. He sighs because it’s a nice thought and it would be a nice idea if the beach wasn’t a three hour drive from where they are. All they can really do is imagine.

“Where are we going?”

“Wherever you want.”

“Anywhere is fine.”

“Oh really? Anywhere?” He shoots Yixing a look and he nods. “I’ll show you my house then.” This catches Yixing by surprise. He really wasn’t expecting such a turn out.

They travel in Wufan’s car as usual and his house seems further from where he works than Yixing would imagine.

“I’m still surprised how easily you trust me.” His right hand is in Yixing’s thigh once again as he turned out to do more often than not, placed a bit too high up and inner than it should but Yixing doesn’t mind. It already plays a typical part in their relationship.

“What do you mean?”

“You never question my actions and you trust blindly with my decisions.”

“Is it a problem that I trust you?” Wufan laughs.

“No it isn’t but isn’t it a bit reckless that you do it so easily?” Yixing thinks about this. It never really crossed his mind that he was doing it without second guessing himself. Everything with Wufan simply feels right so he never thought about it.

“Maybe.” He grabs Wufan’s hand that is on his lap. “But I always felt safe with you somehow.”

“Even when we first met?”

“Well I was scared at first but it was about my feelings other than about you.”

“Your feelings?”

“Yes. I mean…I was sure I liked you but I wasn’t so sure I should go for it…”

“That’s normal Yixing. And to be fair I wasn’t too subtle anyway.” He laughs again.

“I like you like that.” Yixing smiles to himself and Wufan squeezes his hand.

It doesn’t take much longer until they arrive to Wufan’s house. A nice neighborhood and it’s an apartment in an all too tall building. Wufan uses the elevator ride for his benefit and pushes Yixing against one of the walls to kiss him. It’s hot and messy and a bit too hard as they can’t really control their impatience. The small space seems to get even smaller and warmer. Yixing merely thanks that there isn’t any weird music as background. He curls his arms around Wufan’s neck and tries to think of anything other than how good it feels to have his body flushed against him this way and how good his hands feel on his waist. These thoughts are getting too dangerous as well as Wufan’s over eagerness. Thankfully the elevator gets to its stop. Wufan pulls away with a smile and lips fully red. Yixing likes that a bit too much. The tall male grabs his hand and pulls him to his apartment’s door.

He fumbles with his keys and opens the door. The inside is even better than the outside. Really classy style. Somewhat a bit too neat for a single man and overly monotone for Yixing’s taste. Wufan places his keys on a little bowl placed on a table near the door and keeps pulling Yixing along without stopping to take off their shoes but he doesn’t question it. They barely reach the couch and Wufan has his hands back on Yixing’s waist pulling him closer and leaning to kiss him. It catches Yixing by surprise but he quickly softens and reciprocates. It’s even harsher than the one in the elevator. Their breathing gets heavy and Yixing thinks to be addicted on how Wufan tastes. That ting of coffee always lingering. He gasps into their kiss as he feels hands grabbing his behind. They don’t part and one of Wufan’s hands starts to go up and inside Yixing’s t-shirt and this sends shivers up his spine. Wufan starts walking forward and Yixing’s lower legs hit the couch making him fall backwards and Wufan fall on top of him. He fists the pink fabric over his chest before the other could kiss him again. Everything feels good, all too good but he really isn’t ready for things to go further. Wufan is looking at him in confusion and he merely shifts his head to the side in response not confronting his eyes. Yixing can feel Wufan’s heart on his chest beating incredibly fast. The tall male gives him a chaste kiss on his cheek before pulling away and getting up. Yixing sits up and he sees Wufan ruffling his hair sighing.

“Are you hungry?” Yixing nods negatively. “’Cause I am. I’ll make myself something.” Wufan starts to walk towards the kitchen.

“I can make you something.” He gets up following him.

“No it’s fine.”

“Can you even cook?”

“Yes I…cook.” His voice gets a decibel higher showing indignation.

“What are you going to do?”


“Eggs? Really?” he doesn’t mean to offend him but he never judged the boy as the cooking type and he guesses to be right the more he sees how defensive Wufan is starting to get.

“I happen to do a really good omelet.” Yixing shoots him a skeptical look. “Okay fine I can’t cook to save my life. But the instructions on the instant noodles packages are filthy liars, it does not come out like they example.” This makes Yixing giggle.

“Let me, I’ll make you something.”

“No Yixing you can’t-”

“Don’t argue with me.” He glares at him. “Sit.”

“Okay.” He says as he obeys siting at the table. “This is not fine you know. I invited you it isn’t supposed you to cook.”

“I want to. You look hungry and obviously you’re hopeless.” Wufan pouts.

“I’m not hopeless…” he starts to argue.

“You can’t make instant noo-”

“Okay okay…you made your point. I get it.” Yixing merely smiles and starts to explore the kitchen to gather food. He can feel Wufan’s eyes on him.


I'm sorry ^^; I don't think they're ready for just yet xD I don't know if I'll write it anyway since I still have to improve my writing skills xD if you really want to I can try though, it's at your own risk lol.

Anyway yeah...hope you guys liked it. :)

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so the next update probably will take a whilee...sorry


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Chapter 35: I'm glad you showed the first chapter from Wufan's perspective and even a bit of their future! And I'm glad Luhan was able to be happy and successful while still dragging Yixing everywhere ^^
Chapter 1: i'm still in love with this fic no matter how many times i re-read the whole thing <3
Chapter 35: Second time reading and I still adore this fic as much as the first time.
And can Wufan and Yixing just get married irl already?! They're so perfect together that it physically pains me to know that they're apart.
Chapter 32: Probably one of the best fanxing fics i've ever read tbh
Everything is fluffy and well plotted and i just ♡♡♡
This is such a beautiful piece tbh ;;
I'd give this fic thousands of upvotes if i could ♡
Chapter 35: omg where am i when you wrote this? why am i seeing/reading this just now. this so good and it gve me butterflies too. i miss fanxing so much. thank your for this one. :)
leolliepop #6
Chapter 35: omg im reading this all over again and gosh I still love this story a lot ;~; been with it in 2012, 2013 and reading it again in 2014 I just- im really amazed how this story entices me. I love this story and I love you <3
2440 streak #7
Chapter 35: loved it more and more specially when the story was nearing its end...
lovely KrAy! and thank you for the beautiful LayHan friendship in here too!
D_S_H_ #8
Chapter 35: This, and the SeKai spin-off, were both fantastic stories. Thank you so much for writing them!
D_S_H_ #9
Chapter 10: My favorite Exo pairs are SuChen, KrAy, and BaekTao! Lol. Just stumbled onto this story but I am enjoying the fluffiness and I'm looking forwards to the SeKai plan.