


“He’s really as stubborn as a rock.” Luhan vents next to him sitting on the benches of the locker room already clothed in gym gear. Yixing is sitting with his knees to his chest and Luhan is finishing tying his shoelaces. It’s Monday morning and they’re alone there procrastinating the stretching they’ll have to do.

“I warned you.” Luhan squeaks in shock because Sehun came out of nowhere. Yixing has his face buried in his hands. He feels bad for what happened to Jongin’s face anyway even if it was at his own account. The boy passed through him in the hallways earlier with a purple bruise but that didn’t stop him of shooting a wink. He feels mixed up again. He doesn’t like violence but he doesn’t blame Wufan for punching Jongin although there would be other ways of solving the subject. His mind is always divided between feeling sorry for Jongin and understanding Wufan. If only he could get out of this mess. “I don’t think that punch did anything to his ego, if anything it made it bigger.” He says while taking a seat next to Luhan.

“Some friend you’ve got there.” The boy doesn’t spare a chance to diss someone.

“Yeah, but I like him anyways.” Yixing unburies his face to look at him. Sehun has a puppy expression on and he thinks that expression is all too familiar.

“You like him?” he asks almost accusatory to try proving a point to himself and even to Sehun for that matter and as he notices the boy’s reaction his point gets verified.


“It takes a lot to like a guy like him” Luhan restarts his ing and Yixing nudges him with his foot. “What? I never liked that kid.” Yixing notices Sehun’s saddening look and wants to kick his best friend in the for being so stupid.

“For how long?” He asks Sehun and he shoots him a look in shock as if Yixing discovered a dark secret. Most likely a secret. He hesitates on his answer and Luhan just eyes back and forth between the two in confusion.

“A while.” His head is lowered and a feeling of guilt runs through Yixing. As if the story wasn’t complicated already this had to happen.

“Wait a minute…you like, like him?” Luhan can be quite the slow thinker himself. Yixing giggles internally as he plans to use this against his friend when the time is needed. Sehun nods affirmatively in response. “Oh man the tragedy.” Yixing shoots him a look. It isn’t the right time for him to bring up the fact that Jongin likes him instead. “What lured you? His or his-” Yixing kicks him again before he says something really unnecessary. “I’m sorry. But honestly can’t you do so much better?” He asks Sehun.

“Shut up already. You don’t chose who you like.” Yixing answers instead.

“I know, I know…but Jongin…” Luhan scrunches his nose and Sehun breathes a small laugh.

“I guess his personality needs a little work.” Sehun defends.

“Severe remodeling.” Luhan enhances.

“Luhan enough.” Yixing decides to make him stop. There’s so much his friend can say until he starts to sound cruel. They might be right about him having a difficult personality but he does have feelings and at the moment Sehun doesn’t need this kind of unhelpful comments.

“Good to know you like to talk behind my back Sehun.” Suddenly a fourth voice speaks. The accused boy turns and gets up probably to apologize but Jongin doesn’t stay to listen and turns on his heels to leave the room. Sehun jogs to grab his arm but the other pushes him away asking to be left alone most likely in his native language because Yixing doesn’t catch it right away. His words don’t move Sehun as he follows anyway.

“I feel like in those Korean historical dramas-” A yelp leaves his mouth before he could finish his sentence. Yet another kick provided by Yixing.

“How helpful are you being today Luhan.” He reprimands sarcastically. “What is wrong with you?”

“Nothing. I just don’t think Sehun should be with that guy. It’s probably for the best.”

“That Wufan has a problem with Jongin I understand but you?”

“I’m Sehun’s friend okay? I’m just looking up for him.”

“Didn’t know you were that close.”

“Don’t think stupidly Yixing, I’m straight. I care for my friends or is that wrong?”

“I don’t see the need for you to remind me of your ual orientation.”

“Do you think I forgot the times when you tried to prove I was gay?”

“I had doubts okay? You’re very clingy. And you whisper…” he waves a hand near his ear to demonstrate “…that’s so…” he interrupts his thoughts mid-way. “…it bothers me.”

“It bothers you?”

“Your breath is all up in my ear and you get really, really close.” His voice pitches as he emphasizes the words really.

“Whatever.” Luhan scoffs, gets up to go to practice and Yixing follows him. On his way there he scans the corridors to see if the other two are anywhere to be seen but he gets no luck. He tries not to think about it too much hoping Jongin didn’t get too angry and forgave Sehun. He most likely hasn’t heard to whole conversation or he wouldn’t have reacted that way. Such confusion makes Yixing’s head hurt. Something inside of him can’t give it a rest feeling it’s all sort of his fault. He wants to mend it. Help Sehun with Jongin and with this hopefully solve Wufan’s problem of jealousy. Two birds with one stone. The two other boys aren’t in the dance studio when they reach and Yixing worries a bit but takes this chance to ask Luhan to join him in his plan.

“Don’t play cupid Yixing.”

“Come on. Sehun is cute, Jongin just needs a push.”

“You’re doing this to get him off your .”

“Well yes and no. It’s for a good cause anyway.” Luhan still looks skeptical so Yixing tugs on his arm to insist in an annoying way just to mess with him.

“Fine. Fine. I’m doing this for Sehun just so you know.” He scoffs and Yixing just smiles to the fact he agreed. To worse his anxiousness the other two end up not showing up at practice at all. He just hopes it doesn’t mean bad news.

Thankfully practice wasn’t too harsh and they were excused sooner since the thing is going pretty well. Luhan accused their teacher of doing drugs for this unusual happening and Yixing laughed as they went to get changed. No signs of Jongin or Sehun anywhere. Yixing voice's out his worrying to Luhan and the latter pats his arm reassuring him they must have just went to their dorm or even made peace and start making out in the middle of the street like those cheesy animes. Later he denies to ever had watched such thing. Yixing doesn’t get any less concerned but he figures it doesn’t do him any good to be work up over nothing so he says goodbye to Luhan and decides to head home. Not before texting Wufan asking if there’s any chance of him to get off early.

He guesses there’s really no luck as he receives a reply saying he can’t and probably has to stay longer since the days are becoming bigger and bigger and the beginning of summer is there, being practically summer already so the shop gets busier by the minute. Sorry. Yixing is actually sad because he doesn’t see Wufan since Saturday, that wasn’t a particularly good day and they didn’t get that much time together after all. It’s not like there’s actually a limit anyway. For Yixing he could stay all the time in the world with him if it were possible. It’s okay, I just hope to see you soon. He sighs as he starts to walk towards the subway. Not everything can be as he wants. Although he doesn’t want things his way, he ever only wished the days were longer and hopes that he’ll eventually get the reward he deserves for working hard. That’s what he tries to believe anyway. He thought he didn’t need it but now he can’t think of living without it. Love. Set your mind into being great and worry about trivia later. His primary school teacher once had said to him and even if he thinks it’s a silly thing to say to a nine year old kid he understands why he told him that. At the time referring to dancing as triviality but Yixing sees it in another way now. He’s thankful really. This man representing a father figure. In a way a father he never actually had. If it’s meant for you it will come to you one way or the other. And it did. Dancing did. He never actually gave up and his hopes of becoming better and better never died even if he had been in a way deprived of it at one point to keep up his grades. At least in school but nobody could stop him at home. Now he thinks Wufan came to him as the person meant for him.


Okay before you guys freak out xD yes Sehun likes Jongin. lol. And Yixing sees this as his opportunity to make things better. Finally be able to put Wufan at ease and at the same time he makes someone happy or two ^^. The next chapter will reveal everything so don't get ahead of yourselves kids xD  I promise to update soooon~

On another note. I hope the last paragraph doesn't seem confusing. It's just Yixing thinking about karma -if I can even say it's karma- like if he works hard enough one something he'll get rewarded for it even if in a completely unrelated matter. (Working hard on his dancing lead him to Wufan, so to speak). Does this makes sense? LOOL

Now I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support and saying such nice things. I don't deserve it and it makes me smile like a kid on Christmas omg TuT snif <3<3<3<3 Btw. Thank you to Nara 1214 for helping me get my inspiration back and suggesting a plot twist :) I had thought of it but didn't think of going forward. Is it okay? hehe I decided to keep Yixing's pov since the whole fic is his life and it's named butterflies and that has only to do with him. So...yeah...hope you guys like it anyway... :)

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so the next update probably will take a whilee...sorry


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Chapter 35: I'm glad you showed the first chapter from Wufan's perspective and even a bit of their future! And I'm glad Luhan was able to be happy and successful while still dragging Yixing everywhere ^^
Chapter 1: i'm still in love with this fic no matter how many times i re-read the whole thing <3
Chapter 35: Second time reading and I still adore this fic as much as the first time.
And can Wufan and Yixing just get married irl already?! They're so perfect together that it physically pains me to know that they're apart.
Chapter 32: Probably one of the best fanxing fics i've ever read tbh
Everything is fluffy and well plotted and i just ♡♡♡
This is such a beautiful piece tbh ;;
I'd give this fic thousands of upvotes if i could ♡
Chapter 35: omg where am i when you wrote this? why am i seeing/reading this just now. this so good and it gve me butterflies too. i miss fanxing so much. thank your for this one. :)
leolliepop #6
Chapter 35: omg im reading this all over again and gosh I still love this story a lot ;~; been with it in 2012, 2013 and reading it again in 2014 I just- im really amazed how this story entices me. I love this story and I love you <3
2439 streak #7
Chapter 35: loved it more and more specially when the story was nearing its end...
lovely KrAy! and thank you for the beautiful LayHan friendship in here too!
D_S_H_ #8
Chapter 35: This, and the SeKai spin-off, were both fantastic stories. Thank you so much for writing them!
D_S_H_ #9
Chapter 10: My favorite Exo pairs are SuChen, KrAy, and BaekTao! Lol. Just stumbled onto this story but I am enjoying the fluffiness and I'm looking forwards to the SeKai plan.