


“We need to go.” Yixing grabbed his bag and flailed his arms the most he could so the older who get his point. It took him a while but soon enough he grabbed his own bag and followed Yixing out of the cake shop.

“What took you so long?”

“Can we leave? Let’s just leave! Let’s go to your place.”

“Dude what did you saw in there? Bloody Mary?”

“Shut up let’s go.” Luhan didn’t ask any more questions and started to walk alongside him. Yixing was speed walking making it hard for him to follow but in no time they were in front of Luhan’s apartment. They got in and Yixing sprung to the living room, without even taking his shoes off, directly to the couch diving face first into the leather.

“Luhan!!” the baby faced boy really didn’t want to hear his name uttered by that voice.

“Yixing get up, you’re messing the floor.” He says but the slumping figure didn’t budge.

“My carpet! Do something!” the third voice almost screeches making signals and pointing his hand to the white carpet beneath the couch.

“Yixing get up! Come on” Luhan grabs one of his arms and drags him off somehow to his bedroom and the scene repeats, Yixing springs to his bed and slumps on it.

“No. No. Not my bed. Get out. You know your place. Come on, chair.” he doesn’t want to get up but he knows better than to piss off Luhan and he knows about the bed rule, blue bruises proving exactly that. “Are you in your right mind to step on Minseok’s carpet seriously?”

“You guys are the worst house hosts ever.” He takes a seat at Luhan’s desk chair.

“We’re back to talking so I assume you’re feeling better. Now tell what in the world happened in the bathroom for you to be like this?” Yixing knocks his head on the table in front of him with a loud thump. “What is going on? You are seriously worrying me!”

“He gave me his number. He gave me his freaking number. I have his number! He talked to me! Oh my god.” Almost all of his words were muffled down but Luhan was able to hear them.

“Wait, wait, wait. He? He as in the golden boy?”

“Yes…” he cries out to the desk his forehead still connected to it.

“Oh my ing god Yixing!! Why aren’t you jumping? This is good!” he gets up from his bed and goes by the younger boy grabbing his shoulders so he would sit up straight. “Aren’t you happy?” Yixing looks at him with downy eyes and a slight frown.

“Why…why would he? I was fine just admiring him from afar.” He cries out again and tries his chance to slam dunk his head into the desk again but Luhan grabs him.

“Dude, you got to be kidding me. Give it a try at least. You’ll never know if you don’t give it a chance.” he kneels down by the sulking boy and pats his thighs for comfort. “I know it’s scary but if he gave you his number he must like you right? Come on, you should be excited!” Luhan pats his thigh harder for emphasis and Yixing looks at him in the eyes. The older boy gives him a reassuring smile.

“I don’t know Han.” Luhan hugs his legs and rests his head in his lap.

“You’re just scared. If he hurts you, you know I’ll be here. I’ll kick his if he does.” Yixing breathes out a giggle and pats the older’s head lightly.

“I know.”

“I’m here forever Xing.” Yixing’s fingers take long between the boy’s brown locks and he smiles.

“Why are you hugging my legs though?” his comment ruins the moment and Luhan gets up in a flash.

“Because I’m a cute ing friend that’s why!” he scoffs and gets back to his bed flopping on it. Such action makes Yixing laugh out loud.

“You are the cutest Han.”

“ you! Can’t a person be nice, Jesus.” He rolls so his back is turned to Yixing and he’ll be facing the wall. These moments are rare but it happens and Yixing is thankful for them. Their friendship means the world to him and he would die for the older boy. The best thing about my life is you. He said once to him and Luhan had brush it off as if nothing but he never forgot his words. Telling him he liked guys was a terrifying big step for him but he took it and Luhan never judged him. For anything for that matter. He’s grateful everyday he met such a great person.

“Xiao Lu.” He echoes.

“Oh no. Don’t come all sugary on me now.”

“Xiao Lu is a cute friend.” He singsongs.

“Please.” The older boy lets out a scoff.

“Xiao Lu is the cutest.” He continues until it gets into the other’s nerves.

“Please shut up.” He gets up and glares at the younger boy. “You’re so annoying!”

“You’re worse though.”

“I am not going to argue with you. I’m hungry.”

“How can you be hungry we just came from the shop?”

“I’m a growing teenager!”

“You’re twenty-two. You’re hardly a teenager anymore.” Luhan just glares and makes his way to the kitchen to fetch some snacks and after rummaging in the fridge he decides to make a sandwich. Meanwhile Yixing takes a look at the piece of paper Wufan gave him. His heart starts to beat faster. I’ll be waiting, echoes in his head nonstop. Things like this don’t happen to guys like him. He must be dreaming or at least he thinks he is. He fiddles his phone out of his jeans pocket and ghosts the thumb over the touch screen weighing his indecision. What is the worst that can happen. He breaks my heart. If one thing Yixing learned from his previous relationship was to not rush head first into anything. He gave his everything and was left with his heart in shreds. Wufan wasn’t even supposed to have happened. He never planned to have developed a crush for a complete stranger let along him responding to it. They first saw him on a random day leaving the dance academy and their first thought was that he was a new student. Yixing had thought he was extremely handsome and he caught his eye almost instantly. Luhan then made question to investigate if there were any new entrances at the academy but there weren’t which made the younger boy give up. It was a nice view for a couple minutes and it would remain that way. The odds of finding someone in Beijing are zero to if you don’t have connections on the CIA then just give up. Although like Yixing’s beliefs, fate is a funny thing and so he thought it was destiny to have found him a couple days later on the subway. He had Luhan next to him so they followed him like little school girls they so much like to make fun of. That was when they discovered his work place, the cake shop. It was a funny adventure he remembers, as he smiles to himself, never thinking it would lead into this. He questions himself over and over again in his head if to send a text or not and what should it say. His palms are beginning to get clammy and his mind is driving frustration making him scream and throw the phone at Luhan’s bed. It bounces and falls on the floor but thankfully it does not break. He reclines on the chair ruffling his hair and lets out a deep sigh. The older boy comes back to the room with half of his mouth full of lettuce and chicken and the sandwich in his hands.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah. I just have to sort things out.” He smirks good-naturedly and gets up to pick-up his phone. “I’ll be going. I have things to do.”

“Don’t push yourself too much and…you know…take your time.” He gives him a warm smile. Yixing replies a similar grin and makes his way to the door. The whole way to his house is made thinking about what he should do. What decision to make. To his infortune or not, fate seemed to have decided to play with him taking possession of his Ipod to only play love songs and the streets suddenly seem to be filled with couples and cute advertisements displayed in shops. Or maybe he just never saw it before. Either way it’s making his mind even more confused. When he gets home his mom is fast asleep on the couch, most likely tired out of her extra shifts at the hospital. Yixing gives her a peck on the forehead and turns off the TV not before noticing it was playing a Celine Dion song, Taking Chances. That just topped it all. Fate is somehow sending him a message but he rather ignore it for now having other things to think about. He goes to his room to discard his things and get a blanket so his mom would be more comfortable, than proceeds to do house shores the most silently possible not to wake her up. When he finished he was set to practice and try to come up with dances moves for the school year end project but having his mother there makes it impossible to train at home. Since it was still early in the afternoon he decides to go to the familiar place that has seen him dance for years now, a place only he knows about where he can freely unleash himself. He doesn’t even change clothes and goes directly there. If anything he hopes it will help him sort his feelings and clear his mind. He dances up to sunset until he can’t anymore. It’s tiring but it’s worth it because he’s passionate about it.


Length: 1600+

Short fic I said to myself. Four chapters top, I said. An easy thing, I said. -.- I don't even know how I made this got so much bigger. I developed Yixing's life way too much but oh well now it's made I can't go back. Anyway don't despair Yixing only needed time to think but real soon things will get going. Lol okay.

Thank you soo much for reading. :') <3<3<3

Isn't Luhan like the cutest friend ever? Ugh. Like everyone is so loose around him, they're themselves it's adorable like Luhan brings that in them. Peace and comfort. I don't even know. Luhan isn't even my bias yet he's everywhere on my fics lol. OTL I just really like how people are around him. Okay I'll shut up. Byee~

Btw none of the gifs are mine but I don't really now who they belong to either. :|

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so the next update probably will take a whilee...sorry


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Chapter 35: I'm glad you showed the first chapter from Wufan's perspective and even a bit of their future! And I'm glad Luhan was able to be happy and successful while still dragging Yixing everywhere ^^
Chapter 1: i'm still in love with this fic no matter how many times i re-read the whole thing <3
Chapter 35: Second time reading and I still adore this fic as much as the first time.
And can Wufan and Yixing just get married irl already?! They're so perfect together that it physically pains me to know that they're apart.
Chapter 32: Probably one of the best fanxing fics i've ever read tbh
Everything is fluffy and well plotted and i just ♡♡♡
This is such a beautiful piece tbh ;;
I'd give this fic thousands of upvotes if i could ♡
Chapter 35: omg where am i when you wrote this? why am i seeing/reading this just now. this so good and it gve me butterflies too. i miss fanxing so much. thank your for this one. :)
leolliepop #6
Chapter 35: omg im reading this all over again and gosh I still love this story a lot ;~; been with it in 2012, 2013 and reading it again in 2014 I just- im really amazed how this story entices me. I love this story and I love you <3
2439 streak #7
Chapter 35: loved it more and more specially when the story was nearing its end...
lovely KrAy! and thank you for the beautiful LayHan friendship in here too!
D_S_H_ #8
Chapter 35: This, and the SeKai spin-off, were both fantastic stories. Thank you so much for writing them!
D_S_H_ #9
Chapter 10: My favorite Exo pairs are SuChen, KrAy, and BaekTao! Lol. Just stumbled onto this story but I am enjoying the fluffiness and I'm looking forwards to the SeKai plan.