





A year after and the beat is just as loud in his ears as the year before and he can feel the sweat drops forming on his forehead starting to run down his temples. He’s heaving and his chest is pumping as loud as the music. That’s what he thinks he feels anyway as the excitement takes over him. He does a triple pirouette, that has been the center of his concentration for the last weeks, and lands perfectly balanced at the end of the choreography he designed for his solo and the music dies along, as well as the lights. The curtains close and he stays put, taking in what just happened. He did a good job and he’s satisfied. More than that he’s happy. It’s the end of school year, his graduation, the turning point of his life.

His mother came to see him as she wished to do for so long. Wufan is there too and for everything to be perfect it was just needed for Luhan to be there. His absence due to his, finally dream come true, entrance in sm entertainment and, as he made clear to complain, his impossibly over pushing training schedule. Albeit despite that he didn’t forget and called Yixing before, making almost two hours of conversation, to wish him good luck and to calm his nerves a bit with small talk about cute girl trainees he got to meet.

Yixing feels the adrenaline wearing off and he finally leaves the stage when the applauses calm as well. He smiles to himself. He’s twenty two years old and he’s exactly where he always wanted to be and more.

After getting off the stage clothes and ceremonially waving and hugging his teammates, that after all accompanied him for three years, he goes outside and to the front of the big theater building.  Midway, he can see his mother and Wufan, apart from the big crowd, conversing with soft smiles displayed in their faces. For a moment he wonders what they might be talking about and then he just figures he's probably the subject so he doesn’t bother to ask when he arrives. He smiles nonetheless.

They praise him and his mother hugs him tight once he gets close enough for her to embrace him. She hushes words of proudness and happiness into his ear and Yixing stays quiet since he’s not sure he’ll able to keep his tears from falling, afraid his voice might betray him. It’s not only her words but it’s a small goodbye as well, in a way. It’s now, more precisely in a couple days, that Yixing will finally move in with Wufan. He, they, couldn’t be happier but Yixing still feels a small tightness in his chest concerning his mother. He always thought of himself arranging his life one day and part but he never thought it would feel as unsettling as it does.

She pulls away and smiles reassuring Yixing wordlessly and Yixing smiles back and allows himself to breathe deeply and let his worries fade.

Two days after and he’s looking at Wufan’s, dull lifeless, walls again. Wufan is sleeping soundless in their room and Yixing didn’t wake him up. There’s no need really, the older boy must be tired out of his mind from work and the fact that he got to actually have summer vacations is a conquest so Yixing thinks he deserves to rest. He furrows his brows and chews on his lip. He still hates how those walls look. The paintings he bought a year before are still there but they’re small and after countless sleepovers Yixing has grown tired of looking at them and considering that now he’ll be living there and seeing them every day just throws him off. He takes a look around and decides that, after all, if he is indeed living there that would mean that he has, and earned himself, a say on the house’s decorations. So without too much thought he grabs Wufan’s car keys, yes because Yixing finally decided to get his license, and wallet and goes out shopping.

He took a while so when he comes back he’s not surprised to see Wufan sitting on the couch watching television. It does take him a bit aback when the older jumps at the sound of Yixing coming in with a worried face but then Yixing slaps himself mentally because he did forget to tell or at least leave a note to Wufan telling he’d be out. He sheepishly smiles when Wufan comes near him with a fading upset expression giving place to a confused one.

“Where did you- and what is all of this?” He inquires frowning even more as he realizes what is lying on his hallway floor. Yixing scratches the back of his head.


“I can see that Yixing. Why did you buy paint?” He shrugs. “Forget it stupid question. Why do you want to paint my walls?”

“Our walls.” Yixing corrects smiling and Wufan’s expression softens.

“Right…right. I still need a little getting used to.” Yixing doesn’t blame him because there’ve only been two days and honestly Yixing has still to feel like that’s his home from now on as well. Wufan ends up sighing after Yixing gave him a, succumb-into-surrender kiss and picking up the buckets of paint from the floor to bring them to the living room.

It’s a whole full process starting to live together and build something that they’ll be able to call home one day. There’s got to be some ground rules and a couple cessions and right now Wufan starts to indulge Yixing’s need for color. They set the furniture aside and splatter a few newspapers on the floor near the walls so it won’t get painted and grab the big brushes. Wufan frowns when Yixing opens the big can of paint.

“Purple? Really?” He asks scrunching his nose and Yixing shoots him a look.

“I saw it on a wall and it looked pretty good, don’t make that face.”

“Fine, fine. If you say so.” He says and Yixing nods satisfactorily as he dips the brush inside the dark purple paint. 

They start but after only a single painted wall, and Wufan having agreed that purple is eventually a good color, Yixing gives up and sits on the floor. It’s so hot that he’s already sweating and not even the fine breeze that breathes through the window helps the least bit. He sighs and takes a look around. He decides that, okay, one wall is good enough. Interior decorators would be proud of him and call him innovative. He glances at Wufan who is finishing a spot higher near the ceiling. His shirt raises and Yixing doesn’t miss the soft slight tanned patch of skin that reveals and grins to himself. When Wufan stops he turns around looking at Yixing on the floor.

“Already tired?” He asks smiling. Yixing groans and lets his body fall to the floor. It feels nice and cool that he doesn’t feel like getting up.

“Yes. Leave it like that. It looks good.” He mumbles and Wufan laughs again.

“You bought two gallons of paint for one wall?”

“We’ll storage the rest and save it for another time.” Wufan sighs and drops his brush near the paint bucket. Yixing closes his eyes and lets the sun rays, which cross the opened window, touch and sink in his skin. Even despite the heat that fills the room it actually feels nice. He hears Wufan closing the can and after a brief moment he feels pressure on his lower body so he opens his eyes just to see Wufan straddling his hips. The older male smiles and leans, resting fully on top of Yixing, tangling their legs, and catches Yixing’s lips in a sweet slow kiss. Yixing can taste the coffee Wufan always makes sure to drink right after waking up.

“There’s no paint that can measure to the color you give my life Yixing.” Wufan says softly against his lips into the silence that fills the room and Yixing blushes, if not madly, and smiles foolishly at Wufan’s words. He feels embarrassed for Wufan’s cheesy words but can’t stop but loving them. After all they’re the ones that succumb him into warmness and make the butterflies dance. “Indeed…purple…definitely looks nice.” Yixing hints a tone of mischievousness in Wufan's tone. “I wonder how it looks on you.” The next second Wufan sits up again and Yixing feels something wet cross his cheek.

“You didn’t…”

“Oh but I did.” And Wufan smears some more paint on Yixing’s neck making Yixing gasp. The younger tries bleakly to battle Wufan but the older still manages to mess more paint in Yixing’s skin and all over his arms.

“Wufan!” He scolds, not really succeeding in suppressing his smile and tries to escape by rolling over with no avail because Wufan has him nicely trapped with a good grip on his hips. “This is your shirt!” He tries to bargain instead.

“I know.” Wufan responds smiling as he pushes Yixing’s hands away by gripping his wrist to keep him still. “I still think pink suits you better.” He insinuates and pins Yixing’s arms above his head to lean and kiss him again, deeper and sweeter. Yixing lets himself melt all over again.



holy damn, i just found out Yixing's birth name is Jiashuai lasHAWJHD and Wufan is Jiaheng klqhjsoqho im crying. TuT 

anyway. so yeah a year after and ugh overly cheesy stuff xD. im so sorry i was so late.

i think, actually im sure, the next chapter will be the last one. ;n; im actually sad about this omg. /sobs hopefully i won't take so long to write the last one. we'll see. (don't shoot me)

it was so nice and you were always so nice to me. i'll forever love you. thank you so much. <3<3<3<3



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so the next update probably will take a whilee...sorry


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Chapter 35: I'm glad you showed the first chapter from Wufan's perspective and even a bit of their future! And I'm glad Luhan was able to be happy and successful while still dragging Yixing everywhere ^^
Chapter 1: i'm still in love with this fic no matter how many times i re-read the whole thing <3
Chapter 35: Second time reading and I still adore this fic as much as the first time.
And can Wufan and Yixing just get married irl already?! They're so perfect together that it physically pains me to know that they're apart.
Chapter 32: Probably one of the best fanxing fics i've ever read tbh
Everything is fluffy and well plotted and i just ♡♡♡
This is such a beautiful piece tbh ;;
I'd give this fic thousands of upvotes if i could ♡
Chapter 35: omg where am i when you wrote this? why am i seeing/reading this just now. this so good and it gve me butterflies too. i miss fanxing so much. thank your for this one. :)
leolliepop #6
Chapter 35: omg im reading this all over again and gosh I still love this story a lot ;~; been with it in 2012, 2013 and reading it again in 2014 I just- im really amazed how this story entices me. I love this story and I love you <3
2440 streak #7
Chapter 35: loved it more and more specially when the story was nearing its end...
lovely KrAy! and thank you for the beautiful LayHan friendship in here too!
D_S_H_ #8
Chapter 35: This, and the SeKai spin-off, were both fantastic stories. Thank you so much for writing them!
D_S_H_ #9
Chapter 10: My favorite Exo pairs are SuChen, KrAy, and BaekTao! Lol. Just stumbled onto this story but I am enjoying the fluffiness and I'm looking forwards to the SeKai plan.