




After showering and getting dressed Yixing conquers, rather childishly, his rightful place on the larger part of Wufan’s L shaped couch and reclines there while grabbing the remote to play zapping through the boring channels on Wufan’s lcd tv. Wufan sighs and lies down on the rest of the couch setting his head on Yixing’s lap. They disagree for a good bunch of minutes about what channel to watch when finally they find a less boring looking movie that they both would like to see. Yixing fondles with strands of Wufan’s hair through his fingers as they watch the movie silently.


“Come live with me and let’s be foolish together. Forever.”


Yixing feels Wufan’s head turning in his lap and he knows the older is now looking up at him but this would be the best part of the movie so he keeps his eyes attentively on the screen.

“Come live with me Yixing.” Suddenly he says copying the main characters line and Yixing looks down surprised.

“What?” The movie is now background and Wufan sits up to look at Yixing seriously.

“Come live with me. You can take care of me.” Yixing feels his chest erupting. He wasn’t expecting Wufan to ask something like this and so suddenly. He probably has the movie to blame. Or not. He doesn’t know. He doesn’t know what to answer or what he even wants. Just moments before he was thinking about a married life with Wufan and now that the first cards are set on the table Yixing feels nervous and uncomfortable. It was a nice thought, for maybe a while, a few years. Not now. Not right now. They’re young and Yixing is still in school and this would all be too foolish to do and yet there’s a small part of Yixing that wants to say yes and go home to grab his things and just move right at that moment. The more he looks into Wufan’s eyes the more he feels confused.

“Uh. Wufan…this is not- I- we can’t just…” He stutters. Wufan gets closer to him.

“You said I needed someone to be here with me. I want it to be you.” His eyes are dark and serious and Yixing feels his head spinning with too many thoughts so he gets off the couch to pace around a bit.

“I can’t just…do that. My mother…she needs me.” He feels sad bringing this up but it’s the truth and Wufan is asking something way too serious to be taken lightly.

I need you.” He merely says giving a bigger intonation to the personal pronoun and Yixing feels his heart sink because now he has to make a choice and he hates this. He wants to hate Wufan for putting him in this situation but he can’t.

“Wufan…” He looks at him dejected. He doesn't have the answer Wufan wants.

“It’s okay. You don’t need to accept. I was just- forget it.” Wufan looks away and he looks sad and Yixing feels horrible now. He was trying to find words to give Wufan any sense of comfort when his phone rings. He hesitates but Wufan isn’t giving away anything so he goes to his bag and grabs his phone. It’s Luhan. They haven’t spoken in a while. He feels bad for doing it but he picks up Luhan’s call even if his conversation with Wufan wasn’t over. There’s nothing that shows that either of them wants to continue the subject anyway. Luhan sounds happy on the other end and it makes Yixing smile momentarily. He keeps his eyes intent on Wufan as he talks softly into the speaker but the other doesn’t make any move and keeps staring at the floor.

“Luhan is in China.” Yixing says after hanging up. Wufan hums in response and gets up from the couch and goes near Yixing.

“You should spend some time with him then.” He speaks softly sounding sweet and calm from just slightly above Yixing and kisses his forehead before making his way to the bedroom. Yixing sighs and grabs his bag. He lingers outside Wufan's room. He wants to kiss Wufan goodbye but the older probably wants to be alone now so he ends up leaving and making his way out to go meet Luhan.

When he gets to the place they set the encounter, Luhan hugs him tightly almost crushing Yixing in his arms. Yixing pats his back and buries his face on Luhan’s neck taking in that Luhan is really there in front of him. It feels weird as Yixing takes a look at luhan and has to know that he doesn’t live near him anymore. That in a few days he will leave again and probably for longer and they won’t be able to talk because of whatever things that will keep them busy. And now...Yixing needs Luhan. Thankfully he’s there even if briefly.

“God I’m so happy to be back. You have no idea of the nightmare I was going through back there.” Luhan says as he sits back down at the table he was before Yixing arrived.

“Nightmare?” Yixing inquires taking a seat across from Luhan.

“By the name of Kim Jongin.” He retorts and Yixing chuckles. He even misses Jongin even if it sounds stupid. He misses having people around him. Friends, people to talk to.

“Oh. What did he do?”

“So, yeah, he’s actually dating Sehun now, god knows why Sehun fell for it, and they’re like joined by the hip and, ugh, I saw him . I’m marked for life.” Luhan groans a bit exaggeratedly and Yixing can only think about how much he missed Luhan’s playful remarks and dramatic comments.


“Nothing. Long story. It’s better if I forget it.” He shrugs. “You first, how’s your boyfriend?” Yixing isn’t surprised that Luhan doesn’t want to talk about his things now because Luhan always thinks of others first anyway and Yixing is sure he’s curious.

“I actually just came from his house.” He tells and Luhan’s eyes go wide and Yixing’s suspicions get confirmed. Luhan will always be the curious little kid he met years ago.

“Does that mean what I think it means?” He asks suggestively and Yixing keeps it quiet because he knows exactly what Luhan is suggesting and he doesn’t want to answer even though it’s probably obvious on his face. “Oh my god. It totally does!” Luhan says loudly reading right through Yixing. “You guys ed!” He doesn't hold his laugh. Yixing shoots him a look.

“Luhan!” He feels embarrassed but deep down there's something about this he loves. He missed Luhan’s big mouth. He just simply and plainly missed Luhan and how easily he can make him smile. Even if by being utterly inappropriate.

“How was it?” Luhan leans over the table and drops his tone to make the conversation more private. Yixing sighs and looks down at his hands.

“It was good.” He murmurs trying not to show his obvious blush towards the subject.

“Just good?”

“The best I’ve ever had. Is that what you want to hear?” Yixing laughs.

“Really? He’s that good?” Luhan looks genuinely surprised and Yixing rolls his eyes.

“Yeah, he’s that good.” Yixing would defend that it doesn’t matter how Wufan performs in bed, that it only matters how much they love each other and how good and amazing Wufan makes Yixing feel. But he figures Luhan wouldn’t understand so he leaves the answer at that.

“You know, I always wondered how it was to take it up-” He muses.

“Luhan.” He interrupts in surprise. “Is that what you’ve been doing with Jongin?” Yixing ends up mocking because it’s just that easy and it makes Luhan frown.

“That’s not even funny but I forgive you. The dude walked in …” Luhan fakes a shiver. “…when I was getting tutored by Sehun and he came in all man of the jungle on me. He’s a really possessive idiot by the way. Rudest jerk I’ve ever met.” Yixing laughs at Luhan’s description of Jongin.

“Right. But wasn’t that his house?”

“Well…yes…still, there’s a thing called courtesy and he has none.” He scoffs.

“So I can see you guys are getting along.”

“Besties for life.” Luhan adds to Yixing’s irony. “I’m alone now though. They’re going to travel, I don’t know where, for the rest of the summer. I’m not even sure if they’ll be back by the end of it. Sehun didn’t tell me much.”

“Oh.” Yixing controls his urge to tell him to stay. Even after the time being Yixing still wants things to go back to normal. He still wants Luhan back and Wufan all to himself. Going to school and going to eat cake with Luhan and see his boyfriend wonder around in his uniform. Their stupid little routine. “I missed you Han.” He says instead and Luhan looks into his eyes.

“I missed you too Xing.” He smiles. “I’m sorry if I haven’t called much. I know I’ve been busy but that’s no excuse.”

“It’s okay. I understand.” He looks down at his hands again.

“You look sad.” Yixing should’ve guessed Luhan would pick up on it. He always does. There’s really no point to hide it and Yixing needs to talk about it with someone anyway so he might as well tell.

“Before you called, Wufan asked me to move in with him.” He doesn’t look up but he can almost hear Luhan’s expression of astonishment.

“Oh. Wow. That’s huge.”

“Exactly. He got disappointed because I said I couldn’t just simply make that decision so easily.” Luhan hums to give Yixing notice to continue. “He made me choose between him and my mother…I can’t just decide that.”

“But you want to go don’t you?” Yixing chokes because Luhan said it out loud and he feels horrible that he wouldn’t think twice if he was that reckless.

“I do.”

“I’m actually surprised. You really like him huh?” He smiles. “I understand your dilemma, and I’m not trying to influence you here, but you’re already old enough to make that decision without having to worry about your mother Yixing. I’m sure she’ll even be thrilled for you. And it’s not like you’re moving to another country.”

“She works too much and for so many hours. She arrives home tired and she always smiles when she sees I left dinner ready for her. She needs me. She needs me to be there for her. She doesn’t say it but I’m sure she won’t handle being alone, Luhan. She won’t.” Luhan hums as his expression saddens. “She still keeps his picture on her bedside table. Even if she tells me she’s fine I know she’s not. Sometimes I go by her room and she’s crying. I can’t leave.”

“What are going to do then?”

“I don’t know. I need to think. Wufan isn’t eating healthy and he doesn’t do anything to change that either. Only recently his schedule got loosened up but I can see he’s tired. Not to mention I barely see him because of it.”

“You can’t worry about everyone Yixing.”

“I know but I do. The thing is. Wufan is young and I know he’ll get through but my mother has been through a lot already.”

“Hum. Still…you want to take that step anyway.” Luhan says completing Yixing’s thought. The latter groans.

“I really do.” He drops his head in defeat because the decision is far from being clear to him. “But I can’t. He’ll understand, right?” Yixing looks up at Luhan pleading for a positive answer but Luhan’s face doesn’t show anything that would be considered positive.

“I don’t know Xing. I don’t know him but the best you can do is talk with both. Then you can make your decision.” Yixing groans again and brings his hands up to rest his face on his palms.

“Yeah...” He says voice muffled down by his hands. 



^^ so yeaaah...wufan asked xingxing to go live with him but yixing worries about his mother and all of that lol i think it's pretty clear :)

all the hearts for you guys.  

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so the next update probably will take a whilee...sorry


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Chapter 35: I'm glad you showed the first chapter from Wufan's perspective and even a bit of their future! And I'm glad Luhan was able to be happy and successful while still dragging Yixing everywhere ^^
Chapter 1: i'm still in love with this fic no matter how many times i re-read the whole thing <3
Chapter 35: Second time reading and I still adore this fic as much as the first time.
And can Wufan and Yixing just get married irl already?! They're so perfect together that it physically pains me to know that they're apart.
Chapter 32: Probably one of the best fanxing fics i've ever read tbh
Everything is fluffy and well plotted and i just ♡♡♡
This is such a beautiful piece tbh ;;
I'd give this fic thousands of upvotes if i could ♡
Chapter 35: omg where am i when you wrote this? why am i seeing/reading this just now. this so good and it gve me butterflies too. i miss fanxing so much. thank your for this one. :)
leolliepop #6
Chapter 35: omg im reading this all over again and gosh I still love this story a lot ;~; been with it in 2012, 2013 and reading it again in 2014 I just- im really amazed how this story entices me. I love this story and I love you <3
2439 streak #7
Chapter 35: loved it more and more specially when the story was nearing its end...
lovely KrAy! and thank you for the beautiful LayHan friendship in here too!
D_S_H_ #8
Chapter 35: This, and the SeKai spin-off, were both fantastic stories. Thank you so much for writing them!
D_S_H_ #9
Chapter 10: My favorite Exo pairs are SuChen, KrAy, and BaekTao! Lol. Just stumbled onto this story but I am enjoying the fluffiness and I'm looking forwards to the SeKai plan.