




“It’s not funny.” Wufan says as they walk slowly out of the restaurant and Yixing can’t handle his giggling even if he tried.

“I disagree.” He says obviously amused with Wufan and it makes the tall male frown at him. Cutely if Yixing might add.

“You get amused with such simple things Yixing.” Maybe it’s true. Yixing always had an easy smile. He just finds that life is too valuable and quirky not be smiled at. And in his defense, the little predicament Wufan was found on at the restaurant was just simply gag material.

“I wouldn’t have minded if the water had fell all over you though.” He means it innocently but he notices after saying it that it doesn’t sound as much as he meant and he can tell Wufan noticed too.

“Now you’re just teasing.” He grins and grabs Yixing’s hand. “I guess that made the trick for your discomfort.”

“Oh it did.” Yixing laughs some more and he can see Wufan wants to frown again but doesn’t. The night is chilly in contrast with the hot summer day earlier so Yixing leans against Wufan’s side. This makes the taller male let go of his hand and drape his arm over Yixing’s shoulder. As an automatic reaction Yixing wraps his own arm around Wufan’s waist. It’s comfortable and sweet and Yixing finds it utterly romantic. Wufan feels so warm he doesn’t feel like letting go anytime soon. The walk back to the car is slow and quiet all the way until reaching the vehicle. Wufan drives them to what Yixing can recognize as the Beijing Aquarium. He smiles because it has been so long since he’s been there and he thinks it’s adorable of Wufan to have thought of it. They go inside and Yixing is already amazed although he remembers everything to be bigger. Wufan grabs his hand and pulls which makes Yixing look at him.

“You look like you’re going to get lost.” He says and Yixing frowns. He might be oblivious but he isn’t that distracted. He lets himself be guided anyway. There aren’t a lot of people because it’s already late at night but a little further he sees a man with a little boy. Yixing's smile fades and doesn’t return even as they go pass the enormous tanks. The whole place is majestic. Yixing loses track of how much they walk. “Are you okay?” Wufan asks probably noticing how Yixing isn’t smiling.

“Yeah.” It comes out low and it doesn’t convince Wufan obviously. It doesn’t even convince himself.

“What’s wrong?” Wufan stops his tracks. They’re inside one of the aquarium’s tubes and the immense blue and the over colored fishes can really impress anyone. It’s really as if they’re under the sea. It gives Yixing a sense of calmness.

“I just…all of this…the last time I’ve been here I was with my father.” Yixing tells.

“Do you want to leave?”

“No. It’s fine.” He finally smiles. “It’s better if I make it a good place to remember.” He reaches and pecks Wufan gently and the latter smiles back.

The rest of their visit is made quietly occasionally talking about the weirder and quirkier fishes or telling life stories or with Yixing mocking Wufan telling he looks like a penguin to what the tall male only pouts in response. Yixing laughs and makes a memory, hopefully replacing it for the sad one that haunted his mind.

When it’s over Wufan asks Yixing if there’s anything else he would like to do next but the younger can’t really find a right answer.

“I don’t want to let go of you just yet.” Wufan says approaching and lingering the moment before closing the gap between their lips a bit too much. It melts Yixing’s remains of manliness into, once again, a vivid pink blush. And he thinks the exact same. He doesn’t want to go home-- he doesn’t want to let go. So he suggests going to Wufan’s house. Yixing knows what this could lead to and in honesty with himself he doesn’t mind anymore. In fact he’s sure of himself right now. He doesn’t worry about the past anymore and has Wufan to thank for it. Wufan being the one that makes him live in the present and almost consider a future. Because Wufan promised him forever and Yixing wants to hold on to that promise. So he’s ready. And somehow for the first time Yixing thinks it’s right. He didn’t wait so long for nothing and he did it for reassurance because he had to be sure, because never before he felt like it was the right time or the right person. But now he knows.

The ride to Wufan’s house is short and during the course Wufan’s hand found its way to Yixing’s thigh as usual. Yixing couldn’t help but smile at this. It’s something so simple but it brings great comfort to him along with a sense of warm and familiarity. He finds himself looking closely and touching Wufan’s fingers lightly. Just touching. Feeling the soft skin under his finger tips and running through their length stopping where the skin crinkles at the knuckles. Yixing thinks that he never actually looked at Wufan this way. So closely and detailed. The tall male’s palm is so incredibly warm on him and Yixing loves how it feels. Loves how his hand is big and how certain and firm his grip is. As if Wufan is always so sure. This makes Yixing feel safe. This is what makes Yixing feel safe. Ever since the first time Wufan grabbed his hand.

When they reach the apartment Yixing lets himself in comfortably, taking off his shoes, while Wufan deals with the key, and follows to the living room. He settles on the couch and takes a look around the room. It’s really empty, maybe even more than the last time and even more colorless. He thinks about adding red or green curtains when Wufan appears, the top two buttons of his dress shirt unfastened and with his hair tousled. Yixing swallows and grips the edge of the cushions. Wufan has always said that Yixing drives him crazy and Yixing knows how much the tall male gets frustrated sometimes but Wufan has no idea how much power he has over Yixing. How much he frustrates and drives Yixing over the edge just as much. Only, Yixing keeps it cool and collected. Yixing is patient. But Yixing isn’t patient now. Not anymore. He gets up and goes near Wufan and starts to undo the rest of the buttons. Ever. So. Slowly. He can see Wufan tense up. When he reaches the last button he takes the shirt out of the tall male’s pants and runs a hand from the chest to his navel. Taking in the warmness of the skin and the definition of his muscles. He’s so amazingly gorgeous, Yixing thinks. He kisses tenderly right above Wufan’s left going slowly to the side and then up to his neck. He breathes in Wufan's cologne and at the skin there bringing a hand to the back of Wufan’s head. He grips at the hair and the silence in the room allows Yixing to hear Wufan’s breath hitch. This time is Yixing’s turn to leave a mark. He does the best he can to make it as purple as possible. He pulls back to see his work and because he finds it perfect he kisses the bruise. He lets go of Wufan completely and he can see how much the boy’s eyes are dark with want so he doesn’t waste much more time and takes Wufan’s shirt off following with his own, discarding them somewhere on the floor. He grabs Wufan’s hand and guides him to the couch, making him sit, and places himself on his lap, each leg on either side of Wufan’s thighs grinding just lightly forward for good measure. It makes Wufan sigh and Yixing catches his lips in a hungry kiss, hands quickly following to his hair again. He likes the feeling of Wufan’s suave blonde locks between his fingers and more than that he likes how Wufan moans when he pulls a bit too harshly. The tall male’s hands find their way to Yixing’s and grip it hard pulling him even closer. The temperature inside the room gets increasingly higher and Yixing can only bother to think about the growing he feels inside his pants. He jerks roughly at Wufan’s hair to look at him. He’s panting and his small lips are red, his eyes are half lidded and Yixing finds out he likes this look on Wufan. He smiles and gives him a quick kiss before asking where he keeps the lube and derivatives and Wufan mentions the bathroom as the place. Yixing gets up to get them. After a moment of searching he finds what he needs and when he comes back Wufan is at the door. The tall male grabs his hand and leads him to the bedroom.


Okay okay. So...hum yeah I took them to the aquarium because idk it's cute but I made it short so we'll get to the point of this once and for all XDDD bare with me and imagine that aquariums can be open at 10 or 11 at night lol

Oh btw I didn't put on the other chapter but THIS is what Wufan is wearing. I had chills running down my spine as I wrote because dammit Wufan looks gorgeous /faint.

I want to ask. How was your new year's eve my lovely readers? ^^ Mine was bumpy, it was raining so I fell and hurt my ankle lol (stupid heels) and my friend fell as well. Other than that it was nice and I watched the fireworks with my friends and the rest of the downtown population lol ^^

Hum... yeah. I hope you guys like this chapter and hehe you know what's coming don't ya? /wink Love you <3

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so the next update probably will take a whilee...sorry


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Chapter 35: I'm glad you showed the first chapter from Wufan's perspective and even a bit of their future! And I'm glad Luhan was able to be happy and successful while still dragging Yixing everywhere ^^
Chapter 1: i'm still in love with this fic no matter how many times i re-read the whole thing <3
Chapter 35: Second time reading and I still adore this fic as much as the first time.
And can Wufan and Yixing just get married irl already?! They're so perfect together that it physically pains me to know that they're apart.
Chapter 32: Probably one of the best fanxing fics i've ever read tbh
Everything is fluffy and well plotted and i just ♡♡♡
This is such a beautiful piece tbh ;;
I'd give this fic thousands of upvotes if i could ♡
Chapter 35: omg where am i when you wrote this? why am i seeing/reading this just now. this so good and it gve me butterflies too. i miss fanxing so much. thank your for this one. :)
leolliepop #6
Chapter 35: omg im reading this all over again and gosh I still love this story a lot ;~; been with it in 2012, 2013 and reading it again in 2014 I just- im really amazed how this story entices me. I love this story and I love you <3
2439 streak #7
Chapter 35: loved it more and more specially when the story was nearing its end...
lovely KrAy! and thank you for the beautiful LayHan friendship in here too!
D_S_H_ #8
Chapter 35: This, and the SeKai spin-off, were both fantastic stories. Thank you so much for writing them!
D_S_H_ #9
Chapter 10: My favorite Exo pairs are SuChen, KrAy, and BaekTao! Lol. Just stumbled onto this story but I am enjoying the fluffiness and I'm looking forwards to the SeKai plan.