

(I start to think I chose this symbol wisely xD)


When Yixing enters the locker rooms to hide in shame he sees Sehun there getting dressed. The boy doesn’t say anything as he continues putting on his shirt and Yixing doesn’t really know what to say either so he merely directs himself to the water taps and splashes some more cold water on his face. The bruise is even worse. He sighs. Suddenly he can hear laughter and it’s obviously Luhan.

“Oh my god dude!” His amusement doesn’t cease as he talks. “Ugly thing you’ve got there.” Yixing frowns.

“Shut up. I really don’t need that right now.”

“That was hilarious. The teacher’s face…” Yixing wants to punch his friend in the face.

“I got it Luhan. You can stop.” He looks at him and sees Sehun eyeing him as well but the boy doesn’t find all of this as amusing as Luhan does thankfully. It’s enough to have one useless friend already.

“Sorry.” Yixing can tell it’s meaningful but then Luhan decides to poke at his hickey and that almost has Yixing slapping him across the face. “That’s ugly.” It does look awful but he wouldn’t mind if it weren’t in such an obvious place because it’s Wufan’s and even if it has really stupid reasons for being there he secretly likes the meaning it revolves around.

“I know Sherlock.”

“So what happened? I figured you’d be with him when your mom called me asking for you.”

“What? She called you?”

“Well apparently you didn’t pick up your phone so she worried.”

“What did you say?”

“I told her you were sleeping next to me.” Yixing breathes out. “You didn’t tell her yet did you?”

“No. I didn’t want her to get all happy over nothing. You know how she is. I wanted to wait until we were…” the word lingers but Luhan catches on.

“And are you?” Yixing smiles.

“Yeah.” Luhan smiles with him.

“Did you ?”

“Luhan!!” His grin fades to a shock expression. His friend can be really inconvenient.

“What? I thought it was implied.” He shrugs his shoulders.

“No it isn’t. Idiot.” Yixing takes a look at Sehun that seems to have stiffened suddenly. He feels bad for Luhan’s big mouth that seems to only open at the most inopportune moments and say the most reckless things. At that moment Jongin comes in and exchanges looks with Sehun and it all seems really weird. They seem to be talking with their gaze until Jongin averts his and looks at Yixing. The latter wonders if they resolved things or if everything just remained the same. He can’t really tell by the way they’re behaving but they don’t seem as comfortable as they used to so something mustn’t be fully alright. The atmosphere falls into awkwardness and Jongin ends up not saying anything and grabs his bag to leave. Sehun doesn’t budge. He keeps staring at the door from where Jongin left.

“How is everything between the two of you?" Luhan asks reveling he hasn’t talked to Sehun about this before. Sehun doesn’t say anything though and starts to pretend to be busy with his locker. “Sehun?”

“Everything’s fine.” He blurts out sounding awfully nervous. Yixing can see Sehun isn’t that good at hiding his feelings and this keeps him intrigued how Jongin never noticed.

“Are you sure? You can trust us you know that.” Luhan keeps insisting.

“I do, everything is okay now, really.” He tells as he closes the locker and grabs his bag to leave as well. “See you tomorrow.” Luhan exchanges looks with Yixing and they both agree with something not being as good as Sehun seems to reassure.

“I wonder.”

“It’s none of our business really.”

“I thought we had something special.” Luhan fake cries.

“Please.” Yixing frowns. “You barely know the kid.”

“Are you jealous I like Sehun better?” His frown becomes more preeminent.

“No because you don’t. You’re such an idiot.”

“You love me.”

“I do have my doubts some times.” Luhan scoffs.

Yixing doesn’t prolong the conversation any longer as he makes his way to get dressed and Luhan follows his cue as well. They both take a quick shower and if Yixing ever thought he could have a peaceful time under water he was mistaken because Luhan makes sure to mess with him. The older tosses the soap as far as he could so Yixing has to go grab it.

“Don’t be late again Xing.” He laughs as he grabs his towel and goes running away from the showers. Yixing curses internally. Really unhelpful. He doesn’t deserve a friend like this, he really doesn’t. He goes grab the soap and cleans himself rapidly and then goes dress himself to go to his next class. History and he has to present a paper on some famous choreographer assigned almost in the beginning of the semester that he thankfully did beforehand. Although panic rises when he remembers he wasn’t home last night so he doesn’t have the paper with him. He knocks his head against the locker and breaths out profanities again. This day really has become far worse than it has started. When he gets to class about five minutes later than he should he receives a scold and another one again when he tells the teacher he doesn’t have the paper to present. Thankfully the teacher lets him present it tomorrow so not all is bad. He wasn't exempt without a final reproach though and it makes him want to bury his face into sand because his history teacher also made a remark about the hickey and started saying that he shouldn’t be playing around at this time of year. To his relief he has lunch break now so he goes to the cafeteria trying his best not to look utterly defeated but it’s really no use. He can even see people looking at his neck and he feels so self-conscious. He never expected people to give such importance to the mark on his neck.

“People don’t see you as the naughty type but I know better.” Luhan is eating a sandwich with way too much mayonnaise. They’re alone sitting at their usual tables sitting facing each other.

“It’s not my fault that Wufan is possessive.” He sighs itching at his hickey.

“Isn’t it?” Yixing looks at Luhan and thinks about it. Yeah probably it’s half his fault. Wufan deserves to be teased though, he thinks. It’s just a little payback. Although it’s Yixing paying the price now.

“Whatever. I can’t hide it and it’s useless to do so anyway since everybody already knows.” He buries his face in his hands.

“You should eat something. You have class all afternoon.”

“I’m not hungry.” In fact his stomach is twisting and turning with no rest.

“I’m pretty sure you haven’t eaten anything yet, as usual, so I demand you to go buy a sandwich. Now.”

“Luhan…I’m really not-” Luhan ignores him and gets up leaving his half eaten sandwich on his plate to go buy one for Yixing. The latter sighs. He really should eat anyway. Sometimes he gets so busy and forgetful he doesn’t remind himself to feed. It has happened to him passing out in the middle of a ballet class and Luhan had scolded him when he heard and from then on he never let him go by without knowing Yixing ate something. Luhan comes back and sets the food in front of Yixing and he complies to his order to eat the whole thing. At some point it makes him feel better. It must have been hunger then.

He doesn’t stay with Luhan long taking a chance to go to the bathroom and see if there’s any chance of that purple thing to have toned down. It hasn’t not even one bit if anything it looks worse. He sighs and leaves and tries not to think about it too much. He was on his way through the hallways for his next class when he passes by a studio and he can hear music pumping. He takes a peek and sees Jongin. He’s dancing ballet again. Or something resembling. It looks like ballet but it’s an exclusive interpretation made by Jongin himself. Yixing decides to open the door and stay to watch him a bit. There are really only a few people in the world that can mesmerize Yixing this way and they’re all professionals. It’s uncanny how Jongin is able to have that impact. He looks upset while dancing though but Yixing doesn’t stay to ask and leaves before the boy notices him. He’s late for his class anyway so he needs to hurry.

His classes end around five or six Yixing doesn’t bother to confirm and he goes home since he has a lot to explain to his mother. She’s not there when he gets home though so he decides to revise some steps since he’s been, about two days, without practicing already.

It doesn’t take too long until the night starts to fall and it gets around dinner time. Before his mother comes he makes sure to steal some of her make up and try his best to hide the ugly purple thing on his neck. When she finally arrives he comes out of his room to meet her. She doesn’t say anything while taking off her coat and shoes and makes her way to her room. Yixing doesn’t talk either and decides to go to the kitchen and get the dinner started.  Hopefully he hid the hickey well enough. He has the pan sizzling and throws vegetables inside when his mother appears now in more comfortable clothes. Yixing looks at her but she doesn’t and goes sit by the table like usual. She always says she likes to watch him cook, that it’s soothing. He never asked why, scared of the answer. He’s sure it has something about him resembling his father so he doesn’t dare to ask afraid it to be true.

“You should’ve warned me you weren’t spending the night yesterday. Luhan has a good heart but I’m not thoughtless.” Yixing didn’t think she would believe either but at some point he thought there was hope. Anyway he surely didn’t want her to know through Luhan so he’s thankful for his lie.

“Sorry. I meant to but I fell asleep.”

“Where were you?” Yixing is stirring the food and he doesn’t stop to look at her as he tells.

“I met someone mama.”


“He’s a guy that works at a cake shop near Luhan’s house.” His mother doesn’t respond so he turns and he sees her smiling.

“Are you with him?”

“Yes.” He says shyly. She takes a cue and gets up to come hug him. “Mama, please.”

“I’m sorry. I’m just happy. I like to see you happy Yixing.” She caresses his cheek. “What’s his name?”


“Is he handsome?” She puts on a cheeky smile and Yixing feels embarrassed as she always does this when he tells her about a boyfriend. Thankfully he hasn’t had that many to go through this all the time.

“Yes mama. Very.” He smiles as he says it.

“Why haven’t you told me before? Can I meet him?” Yixing sighs as he goes back to stirring the vegetables.

“I’ll ask him if he’d like to come over.”

“Oh yes. Invite him for dinner. I can cook this time so you won’t have trouble.” She sounds excited.

“It’s fine, I can do it.”

“No, no…I’ll do it. And for now you really should tell me more about him Yixing.” He sighs again. He already expected this so he tells her how they met and how romantic was their first kiss and leaves out the little details that are no one's but his and Wufan’s. He tells about falling asleep in his couch and how Wufan was cute enough to let him spend the night. She pushes the question about if they slept together and this makes Yixing stutter. He’s had the talk before he doesn’t need it again so he reassures her that they only actually slept and they were fully clothed. It’s the truth so there’s nothing he should worry about. His mother smiles all through his stories. She’s always like this. Gets so excited when Yixing has a boyfriend sometimes almost even more than himself.



Guys guys, omg, one thing you should know. I'm the biggest loser and I majorly (SO MUCH) at math so I cry everyday of my life in sorrow. BUT I had a good grade on my test today so I'm feeling mighty happy :D:D

Lol I also had a little argument with my friend today because I just found out she ships Kaisoo, Taoris and Krisyeol and I'm like OH HELL NO NOBODY SINKS MY BEAUTIFUL SHIPS XD no but really...I ship Kray, Sekai and Baekyeol so that conversation didn't end very well lol. We just agreed not to agree with each other. I just don't see whatever she sees. Oh well... 

Back to the story. I decided to make Wufan and Yixing's mom meet. What you think? hehe Btw I have no idea how the Beijing Dance Academy works so I'm making up classes xD I only know it exists and that Victoria graduated from there. So bear with me pls...it's not really relevant anyway.

You guys say you don't want this to end and that you love it and I feel so bad that there's got to be an end. It really has but somehow I don't want it to end either because I'll miss your comments T___T <3<3




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so the next update probably will take a whilee...sorry


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Chapter 35: I'm glad you showed the first chapter from Wufan's perspective and even a bit of their future! And I'm glad Luhan was able to be happy and successful while still dragging Yixing everywhere ^^
Chapter 1: i'm still in love with this fic no matter how many times i re-read the whole thing <3
Chapter 35: Second time reading and I still adore this fic as much as the first time.
And can Wufan and Yixing just get married irl already?! They're so perfect together that it physically pains me to know that they're apart.
Chapter 32: Probably one of the best fanxing fics i've ever read tbh
Everything is fluffy and well plotted and i just ♡♡♡
This is such a beautiful piece tbh ;;
I'd give this fic thousands of upvotes if i could ♡
Chapter 35: omg where am i when you wrote this? why am i seeing/reading this just now. this so good and it gve me butterflies too. i miss fanxing so much. thank your for this one. :)
leolliepop #6
Chapter 35: omg im reading this all over again and gosh I still love this story a lot ;~; been with it in 2012, 2013 and reading it again in 2014 I just- im really amazed how this story entices me. I love this story and I love you <3
2440 streak #7
Chapter 35: loved it more and more specially when the story was nearing its end...
lovely KrAy! and thank you for the beautiful LayHan friendship in here too!
D_S_H_ #8
Chapter 35: This, and the SeKai spin-off, were both fantastic stories. Thank you so much for writing them!
D_S_H_ #9
Chapter 10: My favorite Exo pairs are SuChen, KrAy, and BaekTao! Lol. Just stumbled onto this story but I am enjoying the fluffiness and I'm looking forwards to the SeKai plan.