



It’s Friday. The final day of school and the day of the show. Everyone is obviously nervous that Yixing is even able to feel the tension. Some are stretching, some are revising and others are simply panicking. A crowd starts to form in the audience, people moving around trying to find their seats and as he watches this Yixing himself starts to feel anxious. He leaves out a breath to calm down although it doesn’t really work and when he’s starting to feel sweat rising from his forehead there’s a hand on his shoulder.

“Are you nervous?” Jongin has a million dollar grin displayed along with a makeup filled face and he looks amazing with eyeliner if Yixing might add. His hair is all pushed back with gel and he is dressed in a black outfit. Tight black pants and an equally dark shiny tank top.

“A bit yes.” He reciprocates the smile. “You don’t seem worried at all though.”

“Because I’m not. Never am.” The conversation is short because Jongin is called to probably review something. He gives a slight pat to Yixing’s arm and leaves. Yixing starts to bite his nails. It was never a habit of his but there’s always a first time for everything. Unlike Jongin he isn’t yet dressed. His number isn’t for later towards the end but that doesn’t make him less nervous. He fiddles for a good five minutes with his phone because he is waiting for Wufan to say something. The tall male had told him he’d leave work early to be there on time but the show is nearer to begin and there’s still no sign of him. Yixing takes a look around and  sees Sehun going to the back to the dress rooms and he decides to follow him in hopes he’ll find Luhan who is also missing.

He sees Sehun meeting Jongin and they start talking. Both dressed in their costumes probably going through the steps or simply talking about casual things. Either way Yixing is happy to see they are good again. Probably better than good because suddenly Sehun leans to peck Jongin in the lips. This makes him wonder what happened but he doesn’t intrude and leaves them alone in their moment since everything seems to be fine and going on smoothly, his plan was successful apparently. He goes to search for Luhan instead.

It just happens that Luhan is outside in the back talking to Victoria and it also happens that Wufan is there. Yixing frowns because none of them had the decency to pick their phones and send a text or anything. He goes over and makes his presence noticeable.

“Oh hi Yixing.” Victoria is the first to notice him. Both his boyfriend and friend turn to look at him.

“Hey.” He answers. Wufan is smiling at him and he just really wants to kiss him because it has been some time since they saw each other but he doesn’t since it really isn’t his thing to kiss his boyfriend in front of others. Except when Wufan does it without warning.

“We were just talking about you.” Victoria says smiling brightly. Yixing lets out a soft oh. “It’s funny how you guys got to know each other.” her smile is almost blinding. “He’s the best guy Yixing, you can trust my words.” she says patting Wufan’s chest. Yixing had forgotten all about that. He had even forgotten that Victoria knew about his crush for Wufan thanks to Luhan’s big mouth. She must know they’re together now because they told her. It all seems stupid now, how he was afraid of her knowing about his life. Though there’s something else on his mind, her gestures, how he doesn’t actually like her hand lingering too long on his boyfriend’s chest. He doesn’t really know what to think about it. Yixing shakes his head. He was never the jealous type this is not the time to start being one. Especially over girls. He slaps himself mentally. “Not to forget he’s truly handsome as well.” Luhan rolls his eyes not amused at all at her words and Yixing isn’t particularly fond of them either. Wufan just stands there and smiles like the goofy giant he is. Victoria ends up leaving and gives Wufan a peck on the cheek and that’s when Yixing officials himself as jealous. Luhan goes after her so they’re left alone.

“Why are you frowning?” the tall male asks.

“How do you know Victoria?” he retorts and Wufan laughs.

“Junior high.” Yixing doesn’t look any close to satisfied with the brief explanation so he lifts an eyebrow and Wufan sighs as he tells the rest. “We met in school and well I really didn’t have that many friends, not good ones anyway, so she is what I can call my best friend. We stayed close since then and I cherish her friendship a lot. She was the only one not abandoning completely me when I went to America.” Yixing feels bad now. He scratches his neck trying to discard the awkwardness he’s feeling. “Is there a special reason for your question?”

“Just curious.” He coughs.

“I’m kind of mad now though…knowing she knows you for so long and never told me about you.”  Wufan takes a step closer and encircles his arms around Yixing. The latter forgets every stupid feeling he had previously and starts blushing as usual. It’s those words and the way he utters them, it just sends Yixing’s whole spine into a shiver. He actually thinks it’s something that will never pass no matter how much time passes. Wufan leans and Yixing meets him halfway and they kiss. It’s dark around them and only the street lights are glowing. And even if it looks like nothing special Yixing’s romantic unsettling heart can’t stop to think this is quite the perfect setting. Any scene is perfect as long as Wufan is there to be honest.

Without a surprise Wufan’s hands and mouth start to dart south but this time Yixing stops him before he could do one of his so adored love bites. The last one had taken days to disappear.

“Don’t even dare. I have a show to do in minutes.” He sends his boyfriend a glare.

“You’re no fun.” He pouts.

“I love you but I really should go.” He tries to pry away from his arms.

“Say that again.” Wufan only hugs tighter.

“Say what again?”

“That you love me. Say it again.” Yixing laughs. Wufan is behaving so much cheesier lately.

“You’re being silly.” He tries again with no avail to get away from his boyfriend’s hold but the latter only grips harder and decides to lean and catch Yixing’s lips again. He can almost feel Wufan’s tension and neediness through the kiss. “I love you.” He gives in and says it after they pull apart. And even though it really isn’t something as easy to say for him the smile Wufan shoots him makes it all worth it.

All good moments have to come to an end unfortunately and this is no exception. Yixing has to go inside since the show is about to start and there’s always a billion things to do and get ready. He tells Wufan one more time that he should go and advises him to go sit in the audience the sooner possible or he won’t be able find any good seats. Wufan decides to show one of his shameful pouts again and whines a bit saying he’ll be all alone. Yixing pats his arm and tells him to stop being so childish. As backfire Wufan says he loves him and that ruins Yixing’s armor and makes him cave in yet another heated kiss.

When they finally manage to pull away for more than a couple minutes Yixing leaves to go inside with a ‘see you later’ on his lips.

“Good luck.” Wufan says before going the other way to enter by the front.

Everything is frantic backstage. People moving around and the nervousness is palpable at this point. Yixing scans the place and catches Jongin running a hand through Sehun’s neck probably trying to calm him down. It’s a cute gesture and it actually makes Yixing smile. They’re performing first and in less than ten minutes. He can hear the teachers trying to get order among the dancers, shouting for the first performers to form a line so they can enter gradually on stage.

As the first performance runs successfully the remaining ones happen one by one smoothly. Yixing couldn’t feel any happier to see how everything unveils so nicely. His turn is almost up and after that it’s the final number. He goes to dress and do his makeup. An entirely white suit including his shoes and instead of a tie merely a loose first button. Luhan is in there as well and Yixing can see how much his friend is nervous. Probably even more then himself. Luhan as well is dressed in white but his pants are tight alike Jongin's and he has a loose white t-shirt that reveals his left shoulder. When they finish getting dressed they go to the stage entry. Luhan grabs Yixing’s hand before they come on stage. His palms are clammy and cold. Yixing grips hard and glances at his friend.

“I believe in you Xing. I love you from the bottom of my heart.” Luhan’s eyes are glassy but he doesn’t dare to look back at Yixing. “I really hope you don’t forget me when I’m gone.” Yixing hugs him. “Don’t push yourself too hard. I won’t be here to scold you about it.” He hugs tight before pulling away. “This is it Xing.”

“We’ll see each other plenty Luhan.”

“Just promise to behave okay?”

“Should I really be the one to promise that?” Luhan laughs faintly and Yixing can see how hard he is trying to fight his tears. “I wonder what I’ll do without my Xiaolu.” He sends him a smile for comfort but Luhan is beyond that as he lowers his head and sheds a tear. “You’ll ruin the makeup dude, come on.” Yixing grabs his face and shakes him a bit in hopes some comedy will make the older forget the sadness. “This is really not the time to be all mushy.” Luhan leaves out a soft giggle and attempts to wipe the tears without smearing all that black eyeliner. Their time is almost there. The dancers occupying the stage exit and the curtains close, that’s when they enter and take their positions. Yixing’s heart starts to pump loudly with adrenaline. A rush of fear mixed with excitement electrifies his body. The curtains open and he’s ready.


Sorry I'm late. This thing was not coming out properly from my brain lol stubborn chapter xD I'm losing my mind don't pay attention to me. I think I liked how it turned out tho. Jelly Yixing hehehe for good measure. xP

Hum...yeah...well...it's the end of the school year officially and well...the show and stuff...anyway...I hope you liked it. I'll try my best to get the thing written and update as fast as I can this weekend :) 


Oh btw the Sekai thing you'll find out everything on the side story. They're going to softly vanish from now on lol

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so the next update probably will take a whilee...sorry


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Chapter 35: I'm glad you showed the first chapter from Wufan's perspective and even a bit of their future! And I'm glad Luhan was able to be happy and successful while still dragging Yixing everywhere ^^
Chapter 1: i'm still in love with this fic no matter how many times i re-read the whole thing <3
Chapter 35: Second time reading and I still adore this fic as much as the first time.
And can Wufan and Yixing just get married irl already?! They're so perfect together that it physically pains me to know that they're apart.
Chapter 32: Probably one of the best fanxing fics i've ever read tbh
Everything is fluffy and well plotted and i just ♡♡♡
This is such a beautiful piece tbh ;;
I'd give this fic thousands of upvotes if i could ♡
Chapter 35: omg where am i when you wrote this? why am i seeing/reading this just now. this so good and it gve me butterflies too. i miss fanxing so much. thank your for this one. :)
leolliepop #6
Chapter 35: omg im reading this all over again and gosh I still love this story a lot ;~; been with it in 2012, 2013 and reading it again in 2014 I just- im really amazed how this story entices me. I love this story and I love you <3
2440 streak #7
Chapter 35: loved it more and more specially when the story was nearing its end...
lovely KrAy! and thank you for the beautiful LayHan friendship in here too!
D_S_H_ #8
Chapter 35: This, and the SeKai spin-off, were both fantastic stories. Thank you so much for writing them!
D_S_H_ #9
Chapter 10: My favorite Exo pairs are SuChen, KrAy, and BaekTao! Lol. Just stumbled onto this story but I am enjoying the fluffiness and I'm looking forwards to the SeKai plan.