Episode 9.

Rules of Attraction (Temp Hiatus)
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The weekend was finally here. Hana had taken the initiative to call L they day before to discuss their meet up time and location. They had decided on Hongdae since they both lived nearby and it was famous for its youthful scene.

Hana was waiting at a small shop near the entrance of Hongdae as she looked at the cute jewelry that they had stocked up on display outside. Her curiosity was piqued as she decided to go in for just a second to look at the stuff they had inside.

What she wasn't aware of was the L had just gotten there when she went inside.

He had already noticed her looking at the display case outside and went over to take a look for himself. He found what she was looking at. On a little silver necklace was a porcelain white dove, a small quartz crystal and small porcelain clock with little silver detailing. The price was 15,000 won. No wonder she had kept walking, so expensive for such a simple necklace, even if it was completely hand-made.

He decided to walk in after her. She was across the room as he slowly made his way towards her. She was looking at the cheaper pieces of jewelry. He decided that while she was calculating it would be the perfect time to interrupt her.

"Deciding what to buy?" he said making her jump.

He had to admit her reactions were interesting to watch. It didn't hurt that she was adorable.

She slapped him on the right arm out of reflex, "You scared me."

He couldn't hold back his smile.

It had occurred to him that he never did officially apologize to her for the way he acted the other day. He dint want things to get awkward between them and even he didn't really understand why he had acted the way towards her.

"I never said I was sorry... about the other day."

"Forget about it" she said coolly, "We're okay now so let’s not make a big deal out of the past."

There was no denying this girl was not like any of the others here.

Her phone rang and L couldn't help but be impressed by her ringtone. It was "Run" by Epik High. She sure did have great taste in music. She didn't look at it though, instead she pressed ignore and lowered the volume.

"You like Epik High?"

"Pssh" she scoffed, "Don't you?"

"They're pretty good."

She looked over at L in disbelief, "Only pretty good?"

"Okay. They're amazing." he admitted finally.

They walked out of the shop and started walking around Hongdae instead as they tried to find uses of English in street signs and menus and laughed at some awkward uses of English. Like the epic sign that said. "Try Coffee and fly on wave to destiny sees you."

Neither of them had any idea what it meant but according to Hana because it had a huge picture of JYJ it made up for it on their part. They took a picture of it followed by a picture of them together in front of it.

The pictures were coming out great and they had found way more than 20 different forms of English.

At one point L had taken the camera from Hana but she never noticed what it was he took a picture of, if he even did, since she was too busy organizing the Polaroid.

It was so fun that they didn't even realize just how late it was. The sun was finally setting and it was beginning to get dark outside. The older college kids were finally appearing.

"Hey, so you want to grab something to eat?"

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Chapter 16 Updated!!!!


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Chapter 16: i know i have said this before...but i really think hoya should come into the picture. :D hana and hoya really look cute :D :D :D
Chapter 10: after reading this chapter...why do i think nina like sungjong? :D
continha_troll #3
Chapter 15: this story is so good, I'm in love with it *-*
continha_troll #4
Chapter 13: love the new update, can't wait for more xD
Chapter 13: ohhhh!! she's badass!!!^^ yaaaay girlpower xD
Chapter 12: well i really want hana to be with hoya. i know i said that before, but i am saying this again. hoya is the bestest for her :D
Chapter 12: Ohhhhh I hope it's not LLLLLL xD hihiih thanks for the update!! :D
Gigi_L #8
Chapter 11: Wait if Nina doesn't like L does she like Hoya ??!!!
Update soon please <3
Chapter 11: well the curiousity is killing me. does nina like L? :P i really dont hope so...but....argh...i want to know who she likes :p :D