Episode 15.

Rules of Attraction (Temp Hiatus)
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"What took you so long?" Hoya asked as he helped Sungyeol and Sungjong put up the umbrellas and beach chairs on the sand.   Woohyun grabbed the heavy cooler from Ingrid and carried it to a shady spot underneath the umbrella.

"Well unlike you guys we had to wait for the bus."  Hana said as she made her way towards Hoya and Dongwoo.

She noticed L who was sitting in the edge underneath one of the blankets and flashed her a smile to which he smiled back. Sunggyu who was walking behind her caught sight of this and was not pleased.

"I offered you a ride." Dongwoo said as he looked over at Hana who was sitting next to him.

"There are seven of you!" Ingrid called out from the side. She was already sitting on one of the long beach chairs underneath the umbrella with her legs lying over Woohyun's lap.

The two had been dating since before the new school year began but hadn’t been able to meet as much since because of fashion and baseball.

"Yeah and five of us," Hana continued, "It wouldn’t have worked out."

"Ever heard of sitting on each other’s lap?" Hoya added.

Hana only looked at Hoya, "I wouldn’t sit on your lap even if you paid me to."

Hoya narrowed his eyes, "I'm not talking about you guys sitting on us."

Sungyeol added from the back, "Although that would be ideal."

Hoya and the guys laughed, "We could have and would have made space if you told us to."

Hana considered this, "Alright, I’ll take you up on that offer on the way back."

"Uh...” Hoya was alarmed by her implication. He already knew he had dug his own grave.

"Sorry, it's been decided." Hana was firm with her decision.

Sunggyu looked over at Hoya, "You and your big mouth." 

"If anything," Hana continued, "you guys can take the bus. I don't think Dongwoo would mind switching you guys out for us."

Dongwoo only smiled, "You lovely ladies as replacements? You’re right, I dont mind at all."

"He wouldn't dare sell out." Sunggyu said glaring at Dongwoo.

"Says who?" Hana shot back.

"Me. I'm the captain."

"This isn't baseball and besides all I have to do is let Nina here, cast her spell of cute on you and you will all willingly let us on. Isn’t that right Nina?"

"Yeh." she said simply as she finished placing a long beach blanket down.

"She does look like she'd do a good job at that." Hoya said turning back at Sunggyu.

The girls laughed while Sunggyu gave a sigh of defeat. He knew he couldn't win them, especially when they played the cute card. Most of the guys here loved cute. He then noticed L in the background again, staring off at Hana who had gotten up to walk over to where Meilin, Nina and Eunjee were, under the sun.

Everything about L already pissed him off but what only angered him more was the thought that Hana's heart would waver in favor of him and he wasn't going to let that happen. He would have to make a move soon.

Hana turned back to them, "Alright well... we don't know about you guys but we're going in the water. Mei, pass me the sunblock."

At that moment all of the girls began to take off their clothes. 

Hana became the center of Sunggyu's and L's attention. They had never seen her with only a bathing suit on and the sight was pleasant to the eyes.

She ed her shorts first and then slipped them off before taking off her top. Underneath she was wearing a black two-piece bathing suit that showed off her thick and curvy well-toned body.

Sunggyu always knew that girls who were in volleyball or track had the best athletic bodies but Hana’s hour-glass figure was no joke.

The girls applied sun screen and headed towards the water while Woohyun and Ingrid decided to walk along the beach leaving the guys alone to talk among themselves.

Dongwoo, Sunggyu sat on the blankets as they looked over at the girls. 

"Are you finally going to pop the question?" Dongwoo asked holding back laughter.

Sunggyu smacked him and laughed, "I dont know. I dont know how she’s going to reply."

"Honestly, the worse she can say is no."


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Chapter 16 Updated!!!!


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Chapter 16: i know i have said this before...but i really think hoya should come into the picture. :D hana and hoya really look cute :D :D :D
Chapter 10: after reading this chapter...why do i think nina like sungjong? :D
continha_troll #3
Chapter 15: this story is so good, I'm in love with it *-*
continha_troll #4
Chapter 13: love the new update, can't wait for more xD
Chapter 13: ohhhh!! she's badass!!!^^ yaaaay girlpower xD
Chapter 12: well i really want hana to be with hoya. i know i said that before, but i am saying this again. hoya is the bestest for her :D
Chapter 12: Ohhhhh I hope it's not LLLLLL xD hihiih thanks for the update!! :D
Gigi_L #8
Chapter 11: Wait if Nina doesn't like L does she like Hoya ??!!!
Update soon please <3
Chapter 11: well the curiousity is killing me. does nina like L? :P i really dont hope so...but....argh...i want to know who she likes :p :D