Episode 7.

Rules of Attraction (Temp Hiatus)
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Unexpected Friends


Two classes had already passed today and free period was making its way, closer and closer. Students usually took advantage of this time to catch up on their extracurricular activities, eat snacks, and find a place in school to catch a break or even head on over to the library to study or do God knows what else.

Hana though, had chosen a different kind of way to relax the mind and body as she headed over to the fields for some one on one track-time.

She had just finished putting on her track shorts, a slightly loosely fitted t-shirt and running shoes before she closed the locker behind her and made her way outside to the track field. The weather was warm but there was a slight breeze which made days like these perfect for some serious running drills. She had planned to sweat it out today and warm up her body before this afternoon's volleyball practice. She reached the field and positioned herself over on the starting line before a familiar voice came from behind her.

"Practicing already?" the voice yelled from a short distance and she knew that voice immediately, a voice that she would know anywhere, as she turned and flashed her dazzling smile.

Sunggyu was approaching her, coming from the other side of the field as soon as he saw her.

"It's never too early to start." she said as she stood up.

He was still dressed in his summer uniform: fitted khaki pants, a white tucked-out button-down shirt with his loosened black tie and a pair of black Nike Air Force 1's. Because it was summer the pants were Khaki instead of black and they didn't need to wear the black blazers. This was understandable since they would probably pass out of a heat-. The Korean heat during this time was brutal.

He looked at her carefully as he always did since the first day they met a year ago. Hana was turned towards him now as he moved in closer before coming to a stop in front of her.

"So how was baseball practice?" she asked.

"Pretty good, no complaints." he casually put both his hands in his pockets like the cool guy he was as he spoke to her.

"No one’s giving you a hard-time?" she asked cocking her head slightly to the side with raised eyebrows since Sunggyu was known to be a trouble-maker. The only other people beside herself that she could think of that he treated nicely were the members of the varsity baseball team but mostly Woohyun and Dongwoo, occasionally Hoya. 

"Not yet." he said. A slight smile slowly began appearing and she knew that there was already someone who was getting under his skin.

"Well that's good to know." she said unconcerned, it wasn't her problem and she wasn't going to make it so.

"Today you have practice after school, right?" he asked confirming that she was indeed busy after school.

"Yup. Volleyball."

"And after?" he sounded somewhat hopeful.

"I started working the other day at a convenient store by the house. Why, what's up?"

"Just curious." he said a little hint of disappointment in his words betraying his confidence. He changed the topic, "Want me to count you off?"

"Please" she agreed with a gentle smile before taking her place again on the starting line.

"On your mark. Get set. Go!" and like that she was gone. Hana was definitely one of the fastest runners in the school, no doubt and Sunggyu couldn't help but look on after her in awe as she sped down around the track. She was at the finishing line in a flash as Sunggyu clocked in her time as she passed by. Her time was 4:37 for the mile run, a great time for just a simple warm-up run.

One Year Ago

Hana had let out a pained gasp after she bumped into someone in the empty hallways of the school. How she ever managed that, she had no idea.

"I'm so sorry" she apologized over and over again to the boy who eyed her strangely.

Was he Angry? Well of course Hana, you managed to bump into him with no one around.

Her books were scattered all over the place as he bent down and started picking them up. She apologized again as he stood up and handed her the books. 

"It's okay." he said coolly.

Hana thought there was something so cool about him and the way he carried himself so confidently. Anyone else would have probably yelled at her for doing what she did but he took it all in stride, so admirable. He was a mixture of cute and handsome, with pinch-able cheeks and a charismatic gaze. The way he dressed and carried himself gave him a tough-guy appeal.

"Speak... Hangul?" he asked, probably in the only English he knew. What caught her off guard the most about his question was that this was actually the first time someone had ever asked her whether she could speak Korean. Normally they all just assumed she couldn't.

"Yes," she answered in her near perfect Korean.

"Thank God," he replied, obviously relieved that Hana could speak in Korean. "Your Korean is great by the way."

"Thank you" she replied as he looked at her impressed with her outstanding Korean.

"I'm Kim Sunggyu," he said, "Second year student."

"I'm Hana. First year."

"Well Hana, do you know where you have to go?" 

"I'm actually heading off back to homeroom but I had to pick up these books first from the library."

"Want me to help you?" he said with his arms out.

"I don't want to give you any trouble-" she began.

"No trouble at all" but before she could finish her sentence he was already reaching for the books. She looked at him and he flashed a grin as his eyes hid behind his chubby cheeks.

Present Day

"Do you think your friends will be okay with us having lunch together?" he said in a hopeful voice after Hana had finished taking a quick shower and got dressed. 

Sunggyu had waited patiently for her outside of the girl’s locker room after assuring her that he would be fine by himself as she hesitantly walked into the lockers to take a shower. She wore her black, white and beige plaid uniform skirt, all-white converse, a tucked-out white button-down shirt and nicely done tie. 

"Ha-ha, they'll be fine. Will yours?"

"They'll be fine. They don't have a choic

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Chapter 16 Updated!!!!


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Chapter 16: i know i have said this before...but i really think hoya should come into the picture. :D hana and hoya really look cute :D :D :D
Chapter 10: after reading this chapter...why do i think nina like sungjong? :D
continha_troll #3
Chapter 15: this story is so good, I'm in love with it *-*
continha_troll #4
Chapter 13: love the new update, can't wait for more xD
Chapter 13: ohhhh!! she's badass!!!^^ yaaaay girlpower xD
Chapter 12: well i really want hana to be with hoya. i know i said that before, but i am saying this again. hoya is the bestest for her :D
Chapter 12: Ohhhhh I hope it's not LLLLLL xD hihiih thanks for the update!! :D
Gigi_L #8
Chapter 11: Wait if Nina doesn't like L does she like Hoya ??!!!
Update soon please <3
Chapter 11: well the curiousity is killing me. does nina like L? :P i really dont hope so...but....argh...i want to know who she likes :p :D