Episode 5.

Rules of Attraction (Temp Hiatus)
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Bad Blood

"I am sore all over" Sungjong said as he placed his right hand over his left shoulder and massaged it as he rotated it around.

The boys were walking out of the locker room located in the back building of the building which connected to the field. They had just finished baseball practice and it was now 6 o'clock at night. They had practiced for 3 hours straight before they could finally take a shower. They were dressed down in t-shirts and sweat pants as they walked out onto the field with their hair all damp. 

"You'll get used to it." L said walking beside Sungjong.

"Let’s go grab something to eat, I'm starving." Sungyeol finally said as he ran beside them.

"When are you not?" L said making Sungjong laugh.

"Oh, you know you are too." L smiled and nodded, admitting that he was indeed hungry.

"Where's Hoya and Woohyun?" Sungyeol asked.

"They went to go hang with Dongwoo and Sunggyu." replied L looking straight ahead as they walked out the field.

"They're close with them?" Sungjong asked surprised.

"Of course" Sungyeol began, "Woohyun and Sunggyu are life-time neighbors while Dongwoo and Hoya met in a break-dancing competition back in elementary school. Woohyun and Hoya are same aged friends and have been since elementary school when Hoya moved to Seoul from Busan. Then you have Sunggyu and Dongwoo who have been in the same classes since elementary school."

"So wait, then how do you two know them?"

"We both met Woohyun and Hoya in middle school" Sungyeol replied first again.

"Dongwoo is my neighbor" L added.

"And then we both met Sunggyu back in middle school when we joined the baseball team there."

"That's right! I met them all in middle school too." Sungjong said as he came to the realization that he knew most of the story already.

"Then why are you asking us?" Sungyeol fired. 

Oh God, here we go again.

Sungyeol and Sungjong constantly fought and it was mainly because Sungjong knew exactly what to do and say to get under Sungyeol's skin. It didn't help that Sungjong was a pro at keeping his cool and replying with a soft voice and bright smile. Honestly, it was something that would drive any other person insane but L admired Sungjong for that, he was a kid but he always knew how to handle himself in a mature way.

"I was just curious. I don't know everything." Sungjong replied with a slight pout.

"Yeah and as if the world wasn't small enough you end up being my neighbor."

Sungjong ignored Sungyeol's comment as they continued to walk through the streets of Seoul. They had finally reached the barbeque restaurant where they regularly eat and hang out at. After getting a table towards the back of the restaurant where they can eat and talk peacefully Sungjong decided to ask L something he had been curious about since he joined their previous baseball team back in middle school.

"Is there bad blood between you and Sunggyu?" he asked straightforwardly as he grilled the meat.

"Shut up." Sungyeol said through his teeth as he lightly smacked Sungjong across the back of the head.

"What?" Sungyeol replied innocently putting his hand on the place where he had hit him, "It doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Besides that's what people are saying and honestly, I want to know."

Sungyeol looked over at L who let out a heavy sigh as he chewed on some of the already grilled meat. He put his chopsticks down and gave the question some thought before he answered, "Not necessarily bad blood more like... distaste."

"Isn't that the same thing?"

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Chapter 16 Updated!!!!


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Chapter 16: i know i have said this before...but i really think hoya should come into the picture. :D hana and hoya really look cute :D :D :D
Chapter 10: after reading this chapter...why do i think nina like sungjong? :D
continha_troll #3
Chapter 15: this story is so good, I'm in love with it *-*
continha_troll #4
Chapter 13: love the new update, can't wait for more xD
Chapter 13: ohhhh!! she's badass!!!^^ yaaaay girlpower xD
Chapter 12: well i really want hana to be with hoya. i know i said that before, but i am saying this again. hoya is the bestest for her :D
Chapter 12: Ohhhhh I hope it's not LLLLLL xD hihiih thanks for the update!! :D
Gigi_L #8
Chapter 11: Wait if Nina doesn't like L does she like Hoya ??!!!
Update soon please <3
Chapter 11: well the curiousity is killing me. does nina like L? :P i really dont hope so...but....argh...i want to know who she likes :p :D