Lucie Han

Camp Supreme


Name: Lucie Han| Age: 23 | FC: Son Ga-In | Straight | Open


Lucie always was a big dreamer. When she was younger she’d sing into hairbrushes and imagine singing in front of thousands of screaming fans. Unfortunately, she was born into a home where she had an alcoholic mother and a father who came and went as he pleased. She was sure she had half-siblings scattered across the country due to his infidelities. Despite her unfortunate circumstances, Lucie did everything she could to try and pursue her dreams. She entered numerous part-time jobs from the age of 13 to try and save up enough to buy her own guitar. By 16, she eventually had, but only enough to buy a second hand, battered one with a string missing. She loved it all the same.  Lucie is a pretty girl, quirky too, and she loves to experiment with different looks to try and help her stand out in a small town. She’s pretty much had a boy at her hip or chasing after her since she was 15, but she’s never actually been in love. She’s scared to let people in after watching the destructive nature of her parents relationship, but she’s also scared of being alone, so she lets herself have fun, but keeps a wall up. She’s a heart breaker,  a challenge, always the one to end the relationship. Lucie Han keeps people on their toes and always wanting more.


Lucie is quite hard to figure out. On one hand, she’s full of life, bubbly and adorable. She always loves a good laugh and a good time. She’s quirky and surprises some people with her wit. On the other, she’s a little depressed and hopeless and wishes she could find someone to show her that this isn’t all there is to life. However, she also puts up a bit of a barrier without meaning to. It seems it has been building up since she was young. She fears that if you let people too close, they’ll break you, just like she watched her parents do to each other. 


  to be added

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