Characters- Peter Wang

Camp Supreme


Name: Peter Wang| Age: 21 | FC: Luhan | Up To RPer | Open


Peter is another one of the rich snobs. He always depended on his money to get him everywhere. The only clothes that he would wear were designer. He didn’t have very many friends back home because he was full of himself and didn’t like to hangout with people who didn’t have as much money as him.  His parents sent him to Camp Supreme with only $5,000 which was a lot of money to some people, but not much at all to him. They wanted him to get a job on the camp so that he could see what it was like to work for your money. He brought his rich bestfriend, Jessie, with him. 


He is rude, obnoxious, and extremely judgmental. He is oblivious to the world around him. He only cares about himself, and his bestfriend Jessie. All he wants to do is get out the ‘horrific’ camp and go home to his indoor pool, theater, and limo. He doesn’t get pushed around and isn’t afraid to voice his opinion, whether they be good or bad. 


Jessie Jung- Best friend. The only person that he thinks that ‘worthy’ to be around him. He loves her to death, but hates when she is more in the spotlight. He will do anything for her though, just to make sure she doesn’t leave.  

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