Characters- Sean Cho

Camp Supreme


Name: Sean Cho| Age: 23 | FC: Jay Park | Straight | Open


Sean’s father made it very clear from day one that he was not interested in being part of his life, and that his mother shouldn’t expect him to stick around. And his mother never lied to him, so, from a young age he has known just how the man feels about him. He knows that should have been enough to make him not want to look for the man, but he’s ashamed to say that if you go through his computer history you will find more than just one search of the name Junho Park. He has a bright future ahead. But the fact that he has brains doesn’t make him a loner, he has plenty of friends, is part of sports teams and clubs.


Sean is a very well adjusted guy, even if he did grow up without a father, his mother did a great job, there’s no anger or angst, and he’s actually very happy with where his life is right now. He is easygoing and doesn’t get overly excited about many things; he just has a calm aura about him that makes him extremely cool. Sean is a friendly guy, but he can get shy around people he doesn’t know and that makes people thing he’s conceited and cocky.


Lyi Kim- The girl he hangs with at camp. He finds her interesting because of her mysterious looks and he wants to know why she likes messing with boys etc. To get down to the core of her psyche.

Mazuki Sayoko- Sean is in awe of this girl. She’s a cool girl and Sean likes that, even down to her husky voice. They could have real conversations without having a filter. One of the people of the camp he’ll go to if he has a problem.     

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