Characters- Stella Bong

Camp Supreme


Name: Stella Bong| Age: 18 | FC: Krystal Jung | Bi | Open


Stella has always considered herself one of the lucky kids. Two loving parents, a dog, a house with picked fence and everything else. It made her feel superior, like her family had something all those other families didn’t. But Stella soon learned that things don’t stay perfect forever. She thought her parents could never end, but that’s exactly what happened when her father cheated one her mother. And to make things harder for her and her brother, he cheated with another man. After years of marriage and two kids, her father decided he was gay, and left the family to be with his boyfriend. The girl had never felt so betrayed before, and by the one man she was sure would never hurt her. It was as if her whole life had been a lie. Her father has tried to keep contact with the kids, but the girl refuses to even talk to him, still hurt. The divorce, which happened at the beginning of the year, was the turning point for Stella, who suddenly became the school party girl and started sleeping around. Her grades have also dropped, but she doesn’t care, it’s her way to rebel against her parents.


Outgoing, outspoken, friendly, talkative, all things you could use to describe Stella. She everything you would expect of a social butterfly, and it was all enhanced by her troubles at home. It was if she felt the need to be louder, more expansive and just attract more attention. Stella acts as if the entire world is her stage, she loves to be the center of attention and entertain people. She is affectionate and is always holding, hugging and touching her friends. She has a tremendous love for life and knows how to have fun, and she always takes her friends along for the ride.


MaRi Song- Stella follows her around and tries to be like her, but MaRi pushes her away because she knows that she’s young.

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