Characters- Jessie Jung

Camp Supreme


Name: Jessie Jung| Age: 23 | FC: Jessica Jung | Up To RPer | Open


Jessie was raised to be a little princess. Her mother made sure her whole bedroom and wardrobe was pink, but that only lasted until Jessie was old enough to pick her own clothes. That’s also when the first arguments between her and her mother started. If her mother wanted her to wear a dress she would go and put some jeans, if her mother wanted her wear her hair down she would wear it in a ponytail. Sometimes, most times, it was just to drive the woman crazy. But the girl was just too stubborn and not a fan of her mother’s bossy ways. Thankfully, she has her father there to keep her sane. She’s always been closer to him, and would be living with him if it were up to her. She has always felt like there was always pressure from her mother for her to excel, and not only academically. Jessie’s mother wanted her daughter to be the most popular girl at school, if she couldn’t hold that post when she was in high school, the least she could do was to live through her daughter. Her mother would do anything, from getting Jessie the best clothes to throwing the biggest birthday parties and inviting everyone. But, again, Jessie wasn’t sure that’s what she wanted. 


One of the first things you notice with Jessie is her sarcasm, she is quick-witted and that’s her favorite kind of humor.  She always seems to have something to say and will always try to have the last word. She can even be considered snarky, but she doesn’t care, don’t ask if you can’t deal. She is straightforward and will tell you how she sees it. Jessie is impulsive at times, which lands her into a lot of trouble. This is how Lena came into the picture. Jessie was bored and decided to trick Lena into thinking she was a lesbian. 


Peter Wang- Best friend. He dragged her along to this camp and she didn’t know Lena was going to be there. Lena sometime wonder why she’s friends with Peter. She has money too, but doesn’t treat people bad because they don’t have it.

Lena Lu- The girl Jessie tricked. Jessie was only bored at the time and that’s why she did what she did and she broke it off before things got too serious because she got bored again or so she says. Jessie has been ignoring these feelings she would get thinking about Lena, but cast them aside.  

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