Characters- Lyi Kim

Camp Supreme


Name: Lyi KimAge: 20 | FC: Sohee | Up to roleplayer | Open


 There is a reason why everyone acts the way they do and it’s usually because of their childhood. Lyi was the middle child of three sisters that were raised by her father and a sick mother. They were a middle class family and growing up was a little rough because her mother was sick with leukemia. Little did Lyi knew, she didn’t know life was going to be harder. Her father was cheating on her mother for numerous years and that broken her and her sisters heart. While they worried over their mother, he was with another woman. Her sisters blamed their father, but Lyi put the blame on the woman. She knew that the man had a family, she knew that the man had a dying wife, but she seduced him. Then Lyi lost the trust in people, especially men. That’s why she’s the seducing person she is today. She wants someone to feel the pain she felt when she was a little girl.


Her eyes says it all, mysterious. That’s exactly what Lyi is and it’s enough to a person in and she uses it to her advantage. Since Lyi is a complex individual, let’s break down her in a simple sense. ‘People can’t be trusted’ is the core of why Lyi acts the way she does. So, she uses people people to get what she wants, especially money. Lyi will friend you and once she gets what she wants, she’ll leave you. Lyi loves using boys the most because they don’t think with their brains,but think with what’s below their belt. Now to the topic of her and boys. Lyi loves seducing boys, especially the ones that have a girlfriend because she loves the thrill of doing something that forbidden. She has never been caught and very careful because she has to keep her reputation. Lyi doesn’t care about the girlfriend of the boy or people in general. If someone tripped in front of her, she wouldn’t help nor care. Lyi would just simply walk over them. Also, she could be very morbid. Lyi is sneaky and manipulative and that’s how she gets away with most of the things she does.  


Sean Cho- Lyi is a bit of a loner, but she is hangs out with anyone it would be Sean because he’s honest and a real person.

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