flare for dramatics......

Not So Bad Girl 2

“Well I can’t say that I’m surprised” I ripped apart from Ilhoon so fast I fell backwards off the bed with a loud thud.

“Yah!” Ilhoon hissed softly, peaking his head over the edge of the bed. “Are you ok?” I nodded embarrassed. I poked my head back up to see peniel leaning on the door frame swinging the key to ilhoon’s door around his finger. The others were staring wide eyed and mouths open as they stood piled in the tiny door frame. My face heated up in embarrassment and shame.

“Peniel-“I started to apologize but his laughter cut me off. He doubled over from laughing so hard and waved his hands at minhyuk who tried to help him. Everyone stared at him shocked now.

“Oh my god! Your face! Don’t worry hye mi-ah…I was expecting this sooner or later, I just hadn’t thought it would be so soon, I thought at least maybe a couple weeks…so all I can say is kudos to you.” He said smiling. He stood up straight catching his breath and tossed the key on ilhoon’s bed. “So I’m guessing this means we are over?” he said looking at me. I opened my mouth not sure what to say. “Don’t worry hye mi-ah… I was ok with this all along, I just wanted you two to get together, it was killing everybody, and it was like watching their two parents fight and not knowing which side to choose.” I gaped at him in complete shock. I jumped up off the floor and over the bed landing in front of peniel making him jump with a start.

“yah!” I hissed smacking his arm. He rubbed it poking out a lip in pain.

“Ouch…that hurt.” he whined.

“Yea well so did that!” I hissed. “You asked me out as a lie!” his eyes widened.

“What! It was all for the better! Look you’re with Ilhoon now!” he said inching behind hyunsik.

“So! Do you know how much stress I’ve been in because I felt like a horrible girlfriend to you?” I reached for him around hyunsik and he ducked out the room.

“anni anni anni anniiiii!!!” he screamed in shock as chased him angrily down the hall the others watching. “I’m sorry! I was just trying to help!” he said jumping over the back of the couch. There was a groan and thud as peniel fell to the floor taking joo won with him. Joo won looked around in shock and his eyes widened as he saw me sailing over the back of the couch at peniel. Peniel had just been crouched to get on his feet when I tackled him to the side. I sat on his back and grabbed both his cheeks pulling on them.

“You jerk! I was feeling horrible! And you didn’t even have any feelings for me! You asked me out as a scheme! What if I had, had real feelings for you!”

“so you didn’t have real feelings for me?” he said in a nasal voice.

“I did! That’s why I accepted! You jerk! They might have been the feelings of a friend but they were still there! You where technically my first boyfriend!”

“I’m sorry!” he whined as I pinched and pulled his cheeks.

“Hye mi-ah…what have I told you about your temper.” I heard joo won say before I was pulled off peniel. I wiggled trying to get free but he hold steady. “Come on…we have to leave or well be late for the shoot.” I looked at the clock on the wall in surprise.

“Omo!” I hissed in shock. We only had thirty minutes to get all the way back. “Ahhhhhh! Let’s go what you are waiting for!” I hissed pushing him towards the door. He hurried grabbing his keys and jacket off the hook by the door and slipped into his shoes. “bye guys! Peniel I will kill you next time I see you!” I called. I burst out of the door after joo won and we raced down the hall.

“Hye mi-ah!” I stopped turning to see Ilhoon running down the hall after me.

“Ilhoon…” we just looked at each other. Neither one of us knew what to say now.


“Hye mi-ah! We have to go!” joo won called from the elevator. I looked back to see him holding it open gesturing for me to hurry.

“I’m coming...” I called turning quickly back to Ilhoon. “I’m sorry, can we walk later, i have to get back to the shoot.” He looked at me not knowing how to respond and just nodded. I felt sad that I couldn’t talk to him now, so that we could find out what this was. I gave him an apologetic smile and ran to the elevator. Hoping in I looked back and saw him take a hesitant step forward like he wanted to stop me. it made my stomach tighten and my heart flutter to see him looked after me like that. The doors closed with us staring into each other’s eyes. with a quick hand I slammed the open button and the doors dinged back open before we had a chance to move. Ilhoon was still standing there looking at the floor. He looked up when he heard the door open surprised. I quickly ran from the elevator and clutched the front of his shirt pulling him to me as I kissed him quickly on the couch. I pulled away just as quick leaving Ilhoon looking at me shocked.

“Later…I promise.” I said dropping my grip on him and ran back to the elevator. The doors closed and I let it move this time descending to the first floor.

“So dramatic…you were meant to be an actress.” Joo won chuckled I looked up at him confused.

“What are you saying?” he shrugged.

“You have always had a flare for the dramatics…that was a movie made moment.” He said laughing. He hopped off the elevator turning back to me. “You coming?” he asked. I smiled and ran after him glancing one last time up at Ilhoon’s floor even though I knew I wouldn’t see him.

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tetediva #1
Chapter 36: Wow a great story i liked it really much :))
Yaa, you are amazing person, with interesting ideas and fantastic talent :D
THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING! <3 I love the the first part and the second part of the story :) It was really really enjoyable time to spend with your stories :)
Hye Mi, Ilhoon, Addie, Joo Won, Sung Jae and Lee Hi... Good luck and congratulation guys :)
I don't know what I should say now, so I just say it again : THANK YOU! <3
FIGHTING autor-nim~ Good luck in the future :) x
Chapter 36: awww he said saranghae jagiya~~ and the story ended :(
i hope you update 'i'm not your servant girl'
Chapter 36: Yay!!! All happy endings xD
Chapter 34: Hahaahahahha man, uważaj, she will make you a liiiiiving hell when you will come back to her hahahahah ;d she will kill you :p
Hahahah Changsub <3 That was pricelessssssssss :D hahahaha and the best moments are when boys are running off for lives - or their things's lives? hahahahhah :D
Ahh~ Poor Lee Hi, she has to tell it to SungJae, it would be funny hahah ;d Or he doesn't have to say it to Ilhoon xd Then he'd have a little suprise ;d Like death time or something like that hahahah by Hye Mi~ hahahahhahahaha :D
Joo Won & Addie <3 Good that they came together~ Can't wait to hear news about them into public :D
Thanks for your hard work~ Update soon again, okaaay? Fighting! <3
Chapter 33: Whoaaaaaaaaaaaah, Joo won, you are amazing :) And smartyyy and congratulatiooooooooooooooooon <3
Ahh~ Poor Ilhoon, he didn't even have a courage to ask her about it :p
Addie, congratulation <333333333 I'm happy for you~ :D
Hye Mi-ah~ Ilhoon~ Just wait, soon it will be your time :)
Thanks for your hard work, update again, arasso? Fighting! <3
Chapter 32: aww peniel seriously xD??
Chapter 31: THAT IS AWESOME, loving it more n more xD
Chapter 31: THEY DID IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
And finally they confessed to each other! <3 She said it and he showed it :p Ahh~ finallllllllllllly <3
I was waiting for so longggggg to read about it! <3
Now, I'm wondering how Peniel will reveal the truth of his recent doings ;o xd
Update again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
Chapter 30: ilhoon oppa, please be okay :(