
Not So Bad Girl 2
Your POV-- i moaned rolling over on my stomach. I was still exhausted from the flight but the annoying ringing from my phone kept me from falling back asleep. Giving up i grabbed my phone and slid my finger across the screen answering the call. " whaaaattt!!!" I whined tiredly. " get up, right now i know you and i knew if i didn't call you you wouldn't be up to get to school." I perked up at the familiar voice coming through my phone. " are you moving yet." Zelo said. " yes." I lied snuggling into my pillow. " no you aren't, if you get up I'll take you to breakfast you didn't eat last night right." I sat up excited. " really! You'll take me to breakfast!" I said happily. " yea, I'm on my way now you better be ready!" He said hanging up. I hopped from my bed and ran to the bathroom,i showered quickly and got myself dressed before fifteen minutes had passed, deciding i didn't have time i left my hair in its natural curls. I heard a car and ran down the stairs in time to see zelo stepping inside. " oppa!!" He looked up and smiled at me. " hey sweetie you listen well your up and ready come on I'll get you breakfast." I ran down the stairs wrapping my arm through his. We walked outside and he turned to walk down the street. " oppa are we walking?" I asked surprised. He looked at me and nodded. I looked down at the heeled boots i had on. " you could have told me." He laughed noticing my shoes. " well you need to learn the route i can't take you every day, why aren't you wearing those high tops i bought you?" He asked as we walked down the street. " because i don't have dance class today, its rare that i have a chance to wear regular clothes since I'm always practicing i thought i would dress up today." " well i like your regular clothes better then your dressy clothes these don't fit you, your not really the skirt and blouse kind of girl." I frowned looking down at the pretty mini skirt and ruffled blouse i was wearing. " is that Oppas ideal type?" I asked curious. He had on a thinking face before he nodded. " i suppose so,i like Mature older women, with long black hair and an s line figure... What about you what's your ideal type...let me guess ruggedly handsome and buff muscles a real American boy." He said chuckling. I shook my head. " actually i prefer the cute pretty boys with hidden muscles...oppas my ideal type." I said leaning my head cutley on his shoulder. He smiled shaking his head. " well you'll find someone just like me there are allot of pretty boys in your career field." I sighed looking at the ground he want catching that i was talking about just him. Oppa stopped by a street vendor and bought me food before we reached the school. When we saw it i nearly dropped it on the ground. The campus was beautiful, it was huge and covered with green grass and trees filled with student studying and reharsing. It was a sight to be seen. " excited?"zelo asked squeezing my hand.i nodded. " well i think the office is over there lets go get your schedule." I nodded holding his hand we walked towards the office, girls where giggling and starring at him like he was a piece of meet, i tightened my grip on him. " oppa you wait here I'm going to get my schedule." He nodded plopping down on the bench stretching out his long legs. I smiled and turned to go into the building. There was an older lady sitting at a desk right when you walked in.she looked up situating the glasses on the bridge of her nose. " can i help you?" I nodded walking up to her. " yes maam I'm a new student i was told to come get my schedule today." She nodded turning to her computer she typed in some words. " name and identification number." She said mono tone. I quickly called off my number and told her my name. She clicked a few more things and the printer started pushing out a paper. She handed it to me. " , there you go anything else?" She asked seriously. I quickly shook my head and scurried to the door. I put my hand on it to open it when it suddenly swung open connecting with my face sending Me to the floor. I grabbed my nose in pain, but it seemed to be fine other then a potential bruise. " oh I'm so Sorry!" I heard a male voice call. The boy held my shoulder and helped me up.I looked up and gasped at who I saw. " you!!" Me and ilhoon both said at the same time! " what are you doing here?" Again at the same time. " i asked you first!" We both yelled. Sighing i held up a hand to stop us from saying the same things again. " you hit me in the face with a door." I said in an i can't believe this tone. " oh come on its not like i did it on purpose i didn't just say oh look there's stalker girl I think I'll beam her with the door." He said stepping away from me. " stalker?" I said insulted and confused. He nodded. " come on running into you three times in two days when I've never met you before its more then just a coincident. " i scoffed. " WOW YOU HAVE AN EGO!" i said in English. The door opened and someone slipped in looking at us suspiciously then walking past before the door shut i caught a glimpse ofgirls surrounding zelo and i heard one let out i loud laugh. " who's that your dad?" Ilhoon asked following my gaze. I looked back at him angrily i hated when people pointed out our agree difference. " NO YOU IMBECILE" he sighed. " would you stop speaking in English!" " WILL YOU STOP ANNOYING ME?" He through his hands up in the air. The door swung open again as another person came through and i saw a girl lay a hand seductively on zelos arm while flipping her hair overt her shoulder. I quickly grabbed the door and walked out. I heard zelo follow but ignored it. " got my schedule Oppa lets go eat ramen I'm hungry." I said grabbing his hand. One of the girls surrounding him grabbed his arm stopping me. " can't you see the grown UPS are talking now?" She said shortly. " you shouldn't cramp the older peoples style I'm sure he's old enough to do what he wants, shouldn't you be at nap time?" She said looking me up and down. I scoffed opening my mouth to curse her out when another girl popped up. " shut up can't you see that he's probally her older brother." I heard ilhoon snort from behind me. I kept ignoring him. Zelos phone started ringing and he quickly picked it up, he looked at me apologetically and stepped away. Seeing zelo wasn't going to pay then attention anymore the girls walked away. " you know they aren't at fault he's like what ten years older then you? And those girls are allot more..... Advanced then you." He said looking them up and down. I turned to ilhoon with daggers. " HYE MI! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I turned to the familiar English. Peniel came jogging towards us. " HI PENIEL! I'M JUST HERE TO GET MY SCHEDULE." I says holding up the paper. " OH YOU GO HERE NOW?" He said exited.i nodded. " uh Korean please?" Ilhoon said trying to get our attention. " WHAT ARE YOU STUDYING?" Peniel said ignoring ilhoon who huffed and rolled his eyes. " APPLIED MUSIC IM TAKING ALOT OF TRAINING CLASSES HERE THOUGH FOR SINGING AND DANCE I WANT TO DEBUT." I said enjoying my conversation with Peniel. Zelo ran over looking at me apologetically. " hey sweetie sorry." He said affectionately. " oh is this your boyfriend?" Peniel asked pointing to zelo. Ilhoon snorted. " no this is my...." I stopped not knowing what to call him. " I'm her Brains so to speak.... If i wasn't here she would lose her head. Sweetie I'm so sorry i have some where to be,i can't eat lunch with you." I nodded giving him a smile i was upset that he had to leave me but i knew he had a life to. He gave me a quick peck on the cheek and started off stopping suddenly he turned back. " here you shouldn't skip another meal you know you...." He stopped seeing the guys behind me and i was thankful he caught himself before he spoke. " here I'll pay since i can't go. We'll eat some other time." He turned and jogged of campus. Sighing i tucked the money he handed me in my pocket. " hey Peniel ramen sounds good lets go eat lunch huh." Ilhoon said excitedly. Peniel nodded. " WHY DON'T YOU COME WITH US EAT LUNCH, YOU HEARD HIM DON'T SKIP ANOTHER MEAL." Ilhoon looked between us. " " did you just ask her to come with us" he said pointing back and forth. Peniel smirked. " IT SEEMS LIKE IT'LL ANNOY ILHOON, THAT'S ALWAYS GOOD FUN." He said chuckling. I thought on it not quite sure. " I AM HUNGRY" Peniel grabbed my arm not waiting for an answer and dragged me after him. " Yah not cool!!" Ilhoon called following after us angrily. " DON'T BE ANGRY ILHOON!" Peniel called back to him. " Korean!" He said irritated. Me and Peniel where racked with laughter.
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tetediva #1
Chapter 36: Wow a great story i liked it really much :))
Yaa, you are amazing person, with interesting ideas and fantastic talent :D
THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING! <3 I love the the first part and the second part of the story :) It was really really enjoyable time to spend with your stories :)
Hye Mi, Ilhoon, Addie, Joo Won, Sung Jae and Lee Hi... Good luck and congratulation guys :)
I don't know what I should say now, so I just say it again : THANK YOU! <3
FIGHTING autor-nim~ Good luck in the future :) x
Chapter 36: awww he said saranghae jagiya~~ and the story ended :(
i hope you update 'i'm not your servant girl'
Chapter 36: Yay!!! All happy endings xD
Chapter 34: Hahaahahahha man, uważaj, she will make you a liiiiiving hell when you will come back to her hahahahah ;d she will kill you :p
Hahahah Changsub <3 That was pricelessssssssss :D hahahaha and the best moments are when boys are running off for lives - or their things's lives? hahahahhah :D
Ahh~ Poor Lee Hi, she has to tell it to SungJae, it would be funny hahah ;d Or he doesn't have to say it to Ilhoon xd Then he'd have a little suprise ;d Like death time or something like that hahahah by Hye Mi~ hahahahhahahaha :D
Joo Won & Addie <3 Good that they came together~ Can't wait to hear news about them into public :D
Thanks for your hard work~ Update soon again, okaaay? Fighting! <3
Chapter 33: Whoaaaaaaaaaaaah, Joo won, you are amazing :) And smartyyy and congratulatiooooooooooooooooon <3
Ahh~ Poor Ilhoon, he didn't even have a courage to ask her about it :p
Addie, congratulation <333333333 I'm happy for you~ :D
Hye Mi-ah~ Ilhoon~ Just wait, soon it will be your time :)
Thanks for your hard work, update again, arasso? Fighting! <3
Chapter 32: aww peniel seriously xD??
Chapter 31: THAT IS AWESOME, loving it more n more xD
Chapter 31: THEY DID IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
And finally they confessed to each other! <3 She said it and he showed it :p Ahh~ finallllllllllllly <3
I was waiting for so longggggg to read about it! <3
Now, I'm wondering how Peniel will reveal the truth of his recent doings ;o xd
Update again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
Chapter 30: ilhoon oppa, please be okay :(