The One Who Came First.

Don't Follow Me; It's Scary

"Looks like she's gone again." Someone whispered to me. "Does that make you sad~?" He teased. I pouted a little, continuing to take notes during class.

Everyone's been getting on my nerves again lately. It's so hard to keep a nice smile when everyone bothers you.

"Kevin. Come see me after class." I sighed silently; even the teacher is starting to get on my back. So annoying.

The day ended quickly and the teacher motioned to me after most of the other kids had left. "Kevin, you're friends with Mi Sun, correct?" he asked.


"Can you give her the week's homework? I don't think she'll be back until next week. She'll get behind on everything like this." He handed me a stack of papers. Great.

"Of course, sir. I'll make sure to get them to her!" I left with a fake smile and an overly cheerful voice. It's so bothersome today.


I walked home. It was snowing again... I hate the snow. It just makes me feel colder than I already am. I went down my street, passing my house to get to Mi Sun's.

That guy from yesterday was there. "Hello." He said, hands in his pockets. I still couldn't really see his face; he wore a cold mask again. From the half of his head that I could see, his hair was brown and his eyes seemed a little darker than normal people's. Maybe it was just looked like that because he wore all black.

"Hi." We both stared at each other a second until I broke the silence. "Do you know if Mi Sun-ah is home?" I asked. His expression didn't change. "The teacher asked me to pass on her homework."

"Oh. I can give it to her." He reached his hand out. Now I just had to ask.

"Do you live with her?"

"You can say that." A dodgy answer.

"...Are you her brother or something...?" I asked.

"I'm close to her." I heard him laugh a little. "Don't worry; I'm not some serial killer."

"I didn't think that..." He laughed, but his eyes didn't have much sparkle in them. I handed the papers over to him, a bit skeptical that he would actually give them to her after I left. I stayed a while longer, just trying to wheedle some more information out of him. He's kind of suspicious.


Mi Sun POV

"So..." I feel so weird to ask this. "Since when have you and Hoon-ah been roommates?" It's too much of a coincidence. Something's obviously weird about it.

"Since...forever? I don't know...let see. I moved here about one and a half years ago and then I had trouble paying the rent. Then I posted some rent notices around the high school and colleges; since I was tutoring students, I had access to the announcements board. So, I just posted my address and rented out the room to Hoon. He pays on time and doesn't bother me too." He smiled.

"But..." I started.

"What?" It's just too coincidental that the two live together and they are both my stalkers... Hoon is more like a friend, but still. It's not like I've ever gone to the same school as Hoon before. I actually did go to the same school as Number 1 and Number 3, so it can at least make a tiny bit more sense for why I'm stalked by them since I knew them from before.

"Well..." So who started it? Which one started watching me first and how did they even get to know me? What am I thinking about...? It was AJ who started it. I still remember when we met.

"What's with you?" He interrupted my thoughts about the past.

"Nothing. Do you have anything to do today?" I hoped that he would say yes.

"Not much. I have two tutoring sessions later; one for English and the other for regular Korean. I never understand why people need lessons in Korean; it's not even a high level of the language, but just the basics." He complained.

"Maybe it's not their first language and you get money, don't you? Don't complain." He laughed, but I was kind of annoyed.

Why did Hoon start following me? I wonder if it was because of AJ.

Why even bother speculating about it when I know that AJ started it. Hoon probably saw me because of AJ, but that doesn't clear everything up.

I might actually ask Hoon why he began talking to me. Asking AJ is too much of a risk, knowing his personality. Something could happen.


"Anyway, I should start to get ready now." AJ said. "I'll see you later~" He winked with a cute smile, leaving the room.

I waited until he left before asking Hoon certain questions. The conversation started out casual, but I started slipping questions in slowly.

"So, when did you and AJ-ah meet?" I asked a general thing.

"About...a year ago, I think." That's around the time Hoon started following me.

"Really? Was he rude to you then too?" He thought for a moment.

"No. Actually, now that I think about it, he was really nice at first. I wonder why he got so sour later..." It's probably because you started looking towards me. " time, he did say something very serious and then he started being bad."

"What was that?" I asked, trying to be patient.

"He...never mind."

"Tell me."

"Nah, it's nothing big."

"Was it because you met me?" He stayed silent.

"After I started talking to you... He said he would kill me if I got any closer to you."

How cliché.


Kiseop POV

They're talking again... I kept my eyes on them, not blinking when I could.

The stalker laughs. Hm. He said not to worry that he's not a killer? He's good at acting.

Not that I can assume he's ever killed anyone. I can only base of my own experiences with my little sister.

Focus. It's already too late to help Haneul. I can save Mi Sun before this gets too far.

Kevin started to walk away. I hid behind the tree I was standing by.

I looked back towards her house, seeing that the stalker walked over to the door. He just slipped the papers under the door, walking back down the small steps.

He let out a deep breath, ruffling his fingers through his hair as he left, walking past me. "You should leave too." He said, continuing to walk.

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Chapter 18: Oh wow, they all ganged up on eli.
Omgosh just how could he do that to poor kevin T.T so much angst argh
the main girl pic...doesnt really go her dark personality. thats why ullzzangs cannot be used perfectly to fit the mood. she looks bubbly and kiddish like. dont mean to bash just, it caught my attention.
Chapter 17: Please keep writing this story! I love it so much! <3
Whimsical_Princess #4
Chapter 17: Please end it
Chapter 17: Please end it :3
btw where did u move on to? I am looking for another writing space as well
Chapter 17: I'd love to see the end of this story!
Chapter 17: Please update the story ^-^
Chapter 17: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep writing this!!!!!!!