Always Be Ready For the Expected

Don't Follow Me; It's Scary

We just stared at each other; both with blank expressions. “Um, thanks?” I responded, confused by his eyes; I think he was mad.

“You shouldn’t walk alone when it’s this dark.” He spoke, a bit of emotion in his voice. Why does he care? I could have taken care of those guys anyway.

“Yeah.” I agreed, not wanting to talk any longer. “Thanks, and see ya.” I turned around, starting to walk along the streets again. I stopped at the stoplight, waiting for the cross walk sign to change. I glanced to my side, seeing him standing there, his hands in his pockets.

I almost asked him if he lives in the same direction, but I don’t want to meet people. I don’t want to talk to them or have any association. I don’t need any more troublesome beings in my life.

My phone buzzed in my pocket so much today. I took it out, turning it on silent after seeing the caller ID: Number 6.

I sighed, but was happy that it wasn’t stalker number 1. I labeled them all in my phone because they constantly call and text. I used to change my phone number a lot, but it’s no use anyway. I just leave it alone. But if it’s number 1… I make sure to carry my knife around. I’ve numbered them by frightfulness and Number 1 is definitely the worst. He’s so…petrifying…

Suddenly, he grabbed my arm, pulling me across the street with him. “You’ll get hit by a car. Hurry up.” And I thought this guy was different. I thought he wouldn’t bother me and was impassive. He’s just like the others; annoying.

I pulled my arm away once we had crossed and walked in front of him; trying to lose him. I kept walking, eventually having to glance back out of curiosity and a bit of fear.

He was gone.


I turned back, walking quickly. I should get to my house fast. It was dark and since I was new here, I knew I would have some trouble with finding the house; I had only been there a few times over the weekend before this week.


“Hey~” Another man grabbed my arm. Now it’s just when the erts come out. I feel bad since some are really just drunk and I will still hit them.

I raised my arm up, about to slap him in the face when my hand was snatched away, being intertwined in another’s fingers.

“What are you doing? Let’s go.” My eyes widened a bit as that kid pulled me away, coolly keeping his other hand in his pocket and walking in front of me. I tried to unlock our fingers once I regained thoughts. He was so sudden.

I broke my hand away from his. He didn’t even look back and kept walking as did I. He’s different, but I don’t trust anyone.

I kept walking, noticing that he was going down all the streets as me and that he was always in front of me too. I almost unconsciously asked where he lived again, but held myself in. I don’t want to associate with people. That includes everyone.

We walked into the more local streets. There were seven streets total in the area and, luckily, he to the fourth one. I let out a breath of relief, walking down to the sixth one. I was just frazzled since I thought he may have been following me. I’m not cocky in my looks, but can’t help but get a little scared when someone walks with me and acts nice.

That’s what they all do.


“Good morning!” A boy yelled to me as I entered the classroom. I sat down, not giving a hello in return. Class started and that guy came in late again.

“Kiseop, detention again.” Ah, that’s right. His name was Kiseop. He sat down, like yesterday; calm and no thoughts showing from his eyes. I wonder if he’s bipolar or something. He was mad yesterday and then now he’s emotionless. Maybe he has a bad school life? No friends? Ah. Why am I caring? I don’t need to.

Lunch came and my stomach rumbled. I sighed, laying my arms on my desk. I should get a job for money. I really need money… “Mi Sun-ah.” I looked up to the cookie boy, holding one out to me. “Here,” I didn’t move, blinking twice at him before he smiled, “You seem hungry; take it.”

I shook my head, making him frown a little. “Last chance~” He sang with a smile. I knew I was hungry and knew that I wouldn’t even have much to eat once I left school. I can't waste the opportunity.

I accepted it, making him smile wide as a few guys yelled to him in disbelief.

“She actually took it from you?! She wouldn’t even say hello to us!” A group screamed at him, smacking his arms. I opened the packaging around the cookie, digging into it. Mmm~ Chocolate.

I stared towards Kiseop’s chair, noticing that he had left. I didn’t even notice. “So, how’s your second day of school?” The cookie boy pulled up a chair to me. I still didn't say anything “Umm…” He scratched his head awkwardly at my silence. “We should be friends! Maybe we have a lot in common haha.” So bothersome… Friends; I don’t need them. I highly doubt that I will be able to stay here for very long anyway; there would be no point in making a friendship.

He held his hand out to me. “Let’s start again. I’m Kevin. You are?” He smiled at my motionless, taking my hand and shaking it himself. “You are Mi Sun-ah. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He laughed a bit. How weird

The other guys kept pestering him and he eventually left when the teacher came back in for class. I noticed that Kiseop was back too, but I never saw him come in; strange.


I wandered around campus again. I walked down that trail again, leading to the big tree where I saw Kiseop again. He looked down at me, and just like yesterday, neither of us said a thing. I left soon, exploring the town and trying to find stores that needed employees until it was dark.

I went down the streets, trying not to make any eye contact with the men coming towards me today. I felt a warmth on my shoulder before it pulled me closer, knocking me into a body. I almost slapped the guy away until I released it was Kiseop. I still debated slapping him away until I saw his expression; a little angry again. What? Does he get mad at night only?

I let his arm stay around my shoulder until we made it to the more local areas. He casually let go, not saying a word and going down the fourth street. Maybe he is good; he doesn’t say much and I like that much better than everyone else.

I walked to my house. No matter when or where I was always prepared to attack when I opened the door to any of my temporary houses. I had to be ready.

I bit my lip, turning the knob quickly and shoving my hand in my pocket for my blade. I slammed the door open, looking around speedily.

No one.


“Morning.” Thankfully, the boys all understood by now that I didn’t talk and that I didn’t want anything to do with them. I spent a nice day in class, sitting alone until the guy from yesterday came up to me.

“Mi Sun-ah, here you go~” He handed me a cookie again. “Your stomach growls so loud haha.” He joked around, pulling a chair up to me.

I ate the cookie, smiling a little.

“A-Are you smiling?” He asked in disbelief. I quickly lost my soft smile, staring at him blankly. “Ah, anyway, I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out some time.” I frowned. He’s not like…them, is he? So quick to want to hang out… “I mean, if you don’t feel comfortable with me, that’s different, but, I mean, we, um… we can, ah, no, we…” He babbled on, confused with what to say.

“Kevin-ah.” He stared at me with wider eyes.


“The cookie was yummy.” I gave him a small, soft smile, making him smile wide.

“Good! I’ll make sure to bring another tomorrow!” The teacher came in quickly after that. I didn’t want to associate with him, but he was…kind of cute. The way he talked and acted. His looks weren’t bad either.

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Chapter 18: Oh wow, they all ganged up on eli.
Omgosh just how could he do that to poor kevin T.T so much angst argh
the main girl pic...doesnt really go her dark personality. thats why ullzzangs cannot be used perfectly to fit the mood. she looks bubbly and kiddish like. dont mean to bash just, it caught my attention.
Chapter 17: Please keep writing this story! I love it so much! <3
Whimsical_Princess #4
Chapter 17: Please end it
Chapter 17: Please end it :3
btw where did u move on to? I am looking for another writing space as well
Chapter 17: I'd love to see the end of this story!
Chapter 17: Please update the story ^-^
Chapter 17: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep writing this!!!!!!!