Can I Ask Your Phone Number?

❈ Say It Beautifully ❈
chapter ten
can i ask your phone number?

~> Reina POV <~


" C'mon, mei... Wake up! You gonna be late if you keep sleep on your so-comfy bed." 

I felt like someone keeping shake my shoulder as I tried to escape that with hide under my blanket. 

" Ck... Maybe I should call your teacher and tell her that Jung Reina won't come to school because she is still sleeping..." Said the voice that I know as Luhan voice. I immediately open my eyes and look him with horror, he is always  being serious if i become like this, and I don't want him to call my class teacher and tell her that I'm absent because of this. 

" No! Please no, ge... I'm already wake up, you see? So... Now, please go out because I want to take a bath and prepare for my school today." I said as I push him out of my room and close the door right on his face. 

" You don't want me to help you taking bath, mei? Did you know that I always help you while you were child." He said, and I can feel he is smirking right now. 

" No! Thank you ever so much!" I said again while taking my towel from my walk-in closet and also my uniform. 

" Okay then... Breakfast is already ready on the dinning table..." He said and I just walk my way toward my bathroom. 

After 15 minute, I already combing my long hair and decide to tidy it into ponytail, I slung my bag in my shoulder and walk out from my room. 

" Morning, mei..." Said someone from behind me and I turn around, finding Kris with wet hair and towel hanging on his neck. Seriously, he is hot and he can be a good model, but why did he not work as a model instead work as bartender with my gege??

" Morning, Kris Ge..." I said and we walk together toward the dining room where Luhan ge already prepare for our dinner. 

" Why the two of you finish at the same time?" Ask Luhan, looking at us with curious look and I just sigh while taking my seat infront of him. 

" Oh! Mei, why did you not know that Kris is the one who will sleepover in here yesterday?" Luhan ge ask, and I immediately remember the message from stranger. 

" Ahh... Nothing, ge." I said, while eating the poridge. I won't said that some stranger is stalking me and terroring me, it will make him go wild. Luhan give me a look and continue eating. 

" Thank you for the breakfast! I'm going to school now... Bye, Luhan ge, Kris ge..." I said as I wave them goodbye and walking out from my house. In the way toward bus stop, my phone ringing again and make me little bit shock.


From: +8877xxxx

To : +8879xxxx

You look cute with ponytail...


He or she is sure my fan... Okay, I'm just kidding... I'm scared right now, why the hell did he or she know my appereance today.




This is really scaring, now someone pat my shoulder and if I'm not wrong, no one from my classmate living near me.

~> End POV <~



~> Sehun POV <~

I walk toward the second bus stop since I'm waking up late, I look around me and realize that I near Nana house. I look at the bus stop and spot Nana, she look at her phone so seriously and make me feel something uncomfortable in my heart. I shoke myhead and decide to greet her.  




She immediately frozen, like a child that just lie to her mom. She, timidly turn around and immediately become relax again.

" Hey, Thehun..." She said, waving her long-slender finger at me and show her cute smile. I don't know, but I feel like somthing tickling my stomach. 

" Hey, Nana! Btw, why did you look like... Hmm, scared of something?" I ask while rubbing my back neck. 

" Hahahaha... It's nothing, Thehun... I'm just, kind of curious about someone that text me a message from yesterday night. Maybe, you know this number?" She said and give me her phone so I can know the number that keep terroring her.


From: +8877xxxx

To : +8879xxxx

You look cute with ponytail...


Who is this person? How dare he said that Reina is cute? And, how can he know Nana phone number? Should I save this number and call him? 

I just shoke my head and give her phone back, I can see she is a little bit dissapointed because I don't know who is the stranger that keep terroring her. I pat her shoulder again and give her a small smile. 

" It's okay, Nana... If he keep terroring you again, just tell me and I help you find this stranger..." I said. She smile again and nod. We keep silent and just stand side by side. This isn't awkward silent, and I like this moment. When the bus stop infront of us, we walk in and sit together. 

" Uhhmmm... Nana, can I ask your phone number?" I ask, my heart keep beating fast, because I'm shy and also scared for her rejection. 

" Okay... Where is your phone?" She said and I had her my phone. I keep looking at her while she typping her phone number in my phone, I want to become my phone now, so I can feel her slender finger touching me. 

" Here..." She said and give my phone back to me. I look at her number and smile. 


Name : Nana~

Number : +8879xxxx

E-mail : [email protected]


" Whee is your phone? I'll give you my number..." I said as she give me her phone. Should I type my nickname that she gave to me like what she do? 


Name : Thehunie

Number : +8893xxxx

E-mail : [email protected]


I gave her phone back and I can see she holding her laughing. I can't blame her because my email is really silly for an mature boy like me, but... Hey! I already have that email since elementary... 

" Your email is funny, Thehun... I like it." She said while giggle and all I can do is smile. 

" Thank you... I like my email too..." I said. 

I can't think that today can be more perfect for me... 

~> End POV <~

 author's note » I'm update again!!! XD, I'm so happy that I have new 2 subcriber... Thank you SO MUCH, guys!!! #sob. I hope that this new chapter won't dissapointed you at all... Enjoy... :)


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OMO!!! Thank you for epic_perfection for the vote!!! XD I love you mah sister... *hug*


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epik_perfection #1
Chapter 16: ooooh, lovin' the update!^^
(sorry if i havent commented for the past chapters, but yes, i have been reading :DD)
Chapter 12: i love the plot..simple n cute..i'll wait for u to update soon~
Chapter 3: new reader~
epik_perfection #4
Chapter 1: OH WOW!
this is so cool!^^
i lik how its written in a diary form :33 ♥
VisionsOfUs #5
Your request is ready to pick up!
Happy New Year from Insane Desire! ^^
Chapter 7: Urgh~ kris~ can't wait for his appearance~
Uhuhuhu~ now that his step brother onto her along with sehun~ uhuhuhuhu~
Interesting story~ keep it up~
rwenn_99 #9
it seems interesting! update soon~ ^^