For The Second Time II

Daddy And Mommy

-3rd person pov-


"Umm miss?"


Yoona looked up at the guy before her. He gave her a questioning looks as he hold onto the boy's shoulder. Yoona then looked at the boy she hugged and slowly loosen her grip when she realized that the boy wasn't her son.


"I'm sorry." She apologized and stood up.


The older guy gave her a small smile before taking the younger ones' hand in his, taking him inside a candy shop. Yoona sighed softly and continued walking.




-Taeyang pov-


Ji and I took Yoogeun out since I'm not working today. As usual, that dude in his girl dress cuz Seunghyun told him to wear em' whenever he went out with his kid. I fished for my car keys in my pants' pocket and was startled a little when Ji talked to me in a panicked tone.


"What?" I turned to face him.


"Son kidnapper at 1 o'clock!" 


"Huh? Where?"


Ji spread his arms and legs as farther as he could with Yoogeun behind him and walked like a crab as a girl in white dress appraoched us. She stopped a few metres from us, looking at Yoogeun and then at Jiyong with a symphatetic looks plastered on her face.


"You ain't getting him." Ji said with attitude.


"Please, let me see him." She pleaded.


I raised my eyebrow and placed my hand on Ji's shoulder, "Calm your woman," I said in a low tone and smiled at the girl, "You must be Yoogeun's mother if I'm not mistaken."


"Yes, I'm his mother. My name is Yoona. Please, let me see him. Yoogeun baby, mommy's here." She called out for him, hoping that Yoogeun would run to her. 


Instead, the boy just looked at her through mine and Ji's legs. He wrap his arms around our legs and shakes his head. His mother clenched her shirt lightly and kept begging us to let her see him.


"Ya heard the kid. He doesn't wanna see ya cuz he got a new bootay-shakin' momma that is way better than you." 


I rolled my eyes in Ji's statement. I turned around and squat down, patting Yoogeun's head with a smile. I told him to just go and talk to his mother. He hesitated for a while but then stepped forward, taking a few steps towards his mother. I stood up and threw my arm around Ji's shoulder to prevent him from stopping Yoogeun. We watched them as the boy's mom quickly pulled him into her embrace as she cried.


Jiyong crossed his arms, making a face while I just let out a soft sigh at the touching mom and son moment. They were talking about stuff which is somewhat inaudible to our ears since Yoona was talking in a low voice while Yoogeun just nods and shaking his head in response. We sometimes heard him saying yes and no.


"What took them so long?" Ji whined loudly.


I took him to a nearby bench and we sat down, waiting for them to finished. I brought my leg up and placed it on Ji's lap. I leaned back and rested my arm on his shoulder. 


"Scratch my leg for me dude." I asked.


Jiyong scratched his cheek, making an annoyed face before he reached my foreleg with his other hand and scratched it. Aah, that's feels good. 30 minutes had passed and they're still haven't finished yet. Hmm, what took them so long?


"I'm going in." Ji threw my leg down and got up, approaching them like a thug.


I rushed towards them after fixing my clothes, scared that Jiyong might do something. He stopped behind Yoogeun and tapped the boy's head, making him turned around and picked him up after that. The lady was trying to stopped him but held her shoulder, giving it a light squeeze and gave her a 'no' looks. Before she could opened to protest I shook my head, patted her shoulder and goes for Jiyong who was already in the car. 


Now how does he get in? I thought it was locked...




-Seunghyun pov-


I got home rather late today. Man I'm tired. 


Lazily, I walked towards the elevator and stumbled upon Hyori who happened to be waiting for the elevator. She glanced at me and gave my back a light shove as a way of greeting me. I looked at her with a boring and tired expression on my face as my finger pressed for my apartment's floor. 


"What's with the face?" She poked my head.


"i'm just tired." I replied.




I let out a soft sigh. Tired to reply her again, I turned around and made my way for the stairs. I climbed the many flights of stairs to reached my floor which is on the 10th. I stopped at 5th floor and sat down with my back resting against the wall. Whew, that was damn tiring!


I fished out my phone and called Jiyong. Hope that pick up his phone.


"Yes darling?" 


"Uh, you're home right? I need a little help."


So I told him, bla-bla; he hung up and after like 5 minutes, I saw him climbing down the stairs. He wasn't in his girls' dress instead he just wore a black sweater with a pair of brown shorts. Without saying a word, he squat down in front of me. With a happy expression plastered on my face, I wrap my arms around his neck. Ji carefully got up and held onto my legs. He balanced himself and starts walking with me behind him. 


He groaned, "I can't believe you ask your wife to piggyback you."


", I'm tired. Just save your nag for later."


"And you called your wife a . How romantic."


I rolled my eyes and rest my chin on his shoulder, ignoring him. Once we arrived, Taeyang opened the door as he greeted us. Ji carried me to the living room and dropped me, making my landed hard onto the wooden floor. 


"The man!" I hissed.


He wiggled his at me before he tango his way to his room, shutting the door close and locked it. Tae chuckled as he helped me up. I gave him a small smile and sat on the couch.


"Bro," He took a seat beside me, "Got something to tell ya."












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Thank you!
was busy with school s and i sorta have a writer's block... next chapter is coming soon..


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This is cute! Hope maybe u'll update someday :)
Chapter 5: That's how Seungri would act not Taeyang. -.-"
Chapter 1: SAY WHAT? XD
Chapter 14: I thought you would never ever ever ever update it!!!!!!
willy,, don't you have an intention on continuing this story?? i love it soooo muchhh~~~~ so pleaseeee don't leave it just like that :((
Eshinco #6
Chapter 14: awseome love gtop family keke
needz mooreee plzzz
New reader here!!
That's funny!! GD turning into a lion mother Iol .....
wait for more....
Chapter 14: aish this is good really
but when will you update this story? XD please fast update will ya
this story is so damn comedy xD lol-ing