Falling for each other

YOU'RE here for...US?

"Aya!"L.joe said as he tripped and fell still holding on to Chunji, who in turn fell on L.Joe bringing Niel with him. The last to fall was Jenny who landed on top of Niel whose back was to the ground and his chest under Jenny's laughing but frightened face. 

The whole group knew they had lost for sure but could not stop laughing at themselves for all falling. Jenny realized where she was and who she was on top of and quickly stood up and dusted herself off still laughing. "L.Joe, that was hilarious" Jenny said with a permanent smile on her face.

"How can you laugh so much knowing we lost the prize?" Chunji said jokingly.
"I don't really care about the prize. Spending time with you guys now is enough." Jenny said looking at mostly Niel as she said that. One by one the laughing boys stood up and dusted themselves off too.

"Lets go in see what we lost out on" Niel said grabbing Jenny's hand and walking in with her while L.Joe and Chunji trailed behind. 

"Jenny! Are you alright?" Emily asked worried as the walked in. But as soon as she saw Niel holding her hand she knew Jenny was more than alright. 
"I'm fine" Jenny mouthed backed knowing the room was awkwardly silent.

Out of no where a Korean man walked out. All the boys smiled and bowed when the saw him. The man seamed familiar. It was Emily who really recognized him first. She bowed immediately then looked over to jenny and gave her a forceful look. Jenny saw the look and understood what Emily was telling her to do. And obeyed right away although she thought she knew him she could not name him right there. 

"Shinhwa" Niel whispered into Jenny's ear knowing she was confused.
"Where?" Jenny said looking around for her bias Eric. Niel thought it was cute how absent minded she could be sometimes. While Changjo was admiring the complete opposite of Emily, how sharp she was to connect Andy Lee like that.

"Hello everyone." The man said. "I am sure you are all surprised to see me, Andy Lee of Shinhwa," He said looking over at Jenny to make sure she understood everyones obvious hinting. Jenny's eyes popped wide open and everyone laughed including Andy.

"I have had the drivers of the cars follow you all day. And seeing as both teams came very close to winning we will announce something even more special at the end of the day. Please don't expect anything too big from our small company." Andy Lee said he turned away and walked out the door he came through.

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YourPororo #1
Chapter 1: Omg this is so weird for me because I only made this account to support my friend who has an account on here, even weirder; Her name is Emily and my name was Jenny O.o I don't really understand what's going on, I don't even know what fandom this is, but the way it was written was cool :)