Their picking the winners tomorrow?!?!?

YOU'RE here for...US?


             ~One Week Later~


  As the sun roze over the horizon both girls, even though on opposite sides of town, always awoke at the same time every day. It was a weird best friend thing that they had. Both girls stretched and got out of bed, taking a shower and getting dressed.

    Once out of the shower and dryed off, Emily changed into her usual outfit, dark skinny jeans, loose blouse slightly tucked in, and a cool pair of shoes. Across town Penny got dressed in  pretty pink skirt, tight white tank top, and a dark navy blue cardigan with her favorite pair of flats. And soon enough the different buses were at the girls different houses, yet at the exact same times. 
    Immediatly once the buses let out the girls searched through the overwhelming crowd to try and find each other. With the cool autumn wind sweeping Emily's long hair and bangs in her face, it was quite difficult for her to find Jenny, but once Jenny spotted Emily looking in such a manner she laughed and then ran through the crowd over to her. 
   "How can you see with all of that hair?" asked Jenny, as she snuck up on Emily causing her to jump.
   She laughed. "Very funny, but your thick curly hair must have been alot worse before you cut it off." Emily smiled and shifted her backpack that was hanging loosly on her shoulder.
   Penny used her free hand to play with her short shoulder length locks that were kept in place with a white headband. "It's getting cold out here, can we go inside?" 
   "I don't want to stay out here any longer either but, " she paused and motioned to the middle school entrence which was almost mobed over by students depreate to get into the building ", I think we may have to wait a few minutes." 
   And so the girls politly stood there, with their legs shaking and their hands holding the doors open for students so that they could get in quicker. "I don't know how I conplained about the heat." said Emily. "But then again, fall is my favorite season." 
   Jenny shook her head and said. "No, the warmer months are the bomb, thats when all of the cute new fashion trends come out!" she said smiling.
   "The fashion in the colder months is better though!" said Emily, in a quiet voice. Knowing that if she goes to far Jenny might go even further. Even if they were just joking. "You get to layer, and wear warm scarfs, and the cute boots are SO CUTE!" 
   "You know what?" Jenny said, as if she were trying to intimidate Emily, which to Jenny's suprise she actually was, "Your right, summer has it's moments but fall is best." Emily hugged Jenny, and Jenny hugged back. They were so much like sisters, they didn't know why they weren't.
   As the girls parted their seperate ways to get to their lockers, unfortunatly not everything they did was the same, they departed with a wave and a 'see you later' , like they did everyday.

   Since it was friday, both girls decided that they would ride Jenny's bus home and they would both spend the night there. The winners were being chosen a week from then, or so they thought, so they decided that Emily being away from her computer wouldn't hurt anything, right?

   Once the girls finally made it off of the freezing, crowded bus, they ran right inside Jenny's house which was, to their hopes, was being heated to just the right tempature. It seemed almost instantly after they rushed inside that their flushed cheeks turned back to their normal color, and the numbness in their finger tips turned to sudden warmth.

  "Mom, can you please make us some snacks?"  asked Jenny, giving her an innocent face.
  "Yes, how was school today girls?" almost instantly after Jenny heard the word 'yes' come out of her mothers room she ran upstairs to check her computer about the contest, abandoning Emily all alone downstairs. Akwardly standing infront of Jenny's mother.
  "T-thank you for the snacks." said Emily in a quiet voice, taking the plate of cheese and crackers. "I'm sorry about Jenny." said Emily, acting as if it was her fault, but her and Jenny's mother both knowing quite well that the contest ment alot to her. So they both ended up shaking it off. 

  Emily gave Jenny's mother a short and akward, uneeded bow when all of a suden she heard an excited Jenny yell from the top of the staircase.
  "EMILY.OH MY GOSH EMILY GET UP HERE!" said Jenny, jumping with joy. Emily walked up the staircase as fast as she could, without spilling the plate of snacks. She immediatly went into Jenny's room and set the plate down on her dresser.
  "Wae? What's the big deal?" asked Emily in complete confusion. Jenny pointed to her computer screen with a smile on her face that just read excitement. Emily bended over slightly and read the computer screen in completel disbelief.

Attention all Teen Top contest applicants. The winner will be chosen tomorrow at exactly 5:00am. We are very sorry for any inconvience. Teen Top will arive at your door a week after the winner is chosen. We here, at Bravesound had to make this decision due to an unexpected  early finish of their world tour. Traffic is taking alot less time to get through than we ecpected, along with how long the concerts last. We are very sorry for our rookie mistake, this is Bravesound's first world tour after all. Again we are very sorry for any inconvience. If you are chosen, please contact us immediatly after you recive the email, if you wait more than 10 minutes to contact us another participant will be chosen.

           Thank you for your time,
                          Bravesound and Teen Top


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YourPororo #1
Chapter 1: Omg this is so weird for me because I only made this account to support my friend who has an account on here, even weirder; Her name is Emily and my name was Jenny O.o I don't really understand what's going on, I don't even know what fandom this is, but the way it was written was cool :)