If only we could win

YOU'RE here for...US?

"Jenny! you would not believe what I found online!" Emily yelled over the phone causing Jenny to move the phone away from her head.
"What?" Jenny yelled with a little agitation in her voice.
"Well then. I'll give you a hint. It involves Niel, and Changjo." Emily said with excitement in her voice.
"What? Teen Top? Niel oppa? Emily what is it?" Jenny said softening up and fangirling over Niel oppa.
"Well I would tell you but some one..." Emily started but was interrupted.
"Just tell me before I really loose it over Niel" Jenny said kidding around making both girls laugh.

"Well Teen Top is doing their world tour right. Well they just announced that When they go to Montreal they will be stopping at one fan's house or school. That fan and one friend will have the whole day with ALL of Teen Top." Emily quoted the contest.
"What the one day I get grounded they hold a contest. Ok. So what do we have to do?" Jenny asked already standing up to tell her mom that she needed to go on the computer.
"All we have to do is right one sentence why we deserve to see Teen Top in person. I was thinking about doing a funny sentence if I do that will you do a serious and touching one?" Emily have already planed on Teen Top appealing to one of these two types.

"Of course I would get the serious one." Jenny laughed remembering when she was younger always being able to touch people with sad or uplifting writing  "Ok but  I am only going to write the truth I don't want to win because of lies." Jenny said as she walked down the stairs.
"Of course me too. Alright talk to you on facebook. If your mom lets you go on, if not call me and dictate what you want me to write for it." Emily said preparing for the worse but hoping for the best. She hung up and laid back down on her baby blue bed with her laptop to start brain storming the perfect yet funny sentence.picture-gallery-of-teen-bedroom-decorati

Once Jenny had gotten the permission of the understanding mother she took her laptop upstairs to her pink and white themed room, and loggend on to facebook to let Emily know she was good.Teen_Bedroom_by_Architecture_Digital.jpg

As she waited to facebook to load she opened and tab and opened up her playlist which had more than 100 kpop songs, all of which she loved. As soon as she was listening to time is up by LEDapple she started to chat with Emily. When Jenny received the link she read over the rules and conditions then she typed out the most heartfelt and touching sentence she had ever written. But before she sent it in she copied it over to send to Emily to make sure everything was ok.

"Teen Top, I would like to sincerely thank you for giving me strength, where I live kpop is looked down on but when I listen to your music it gives me hope and strength to stand up for what I like and not be afraid of being made fun of or shunned because I know this is not all there is, your music helps me understand that there are other places I can go where people will understand me. Thank you." Jenny wrote. When Emily read this she immediately related to it.

Emily called Jenny back. "I don't know how you do it but some how you always find a way to make me cry when you write something touching." Emily said with her voice cracking.
"So you think its good enough to win?" Jenny asked just wanting to meet Niel in person. 
"How come your not crying and you wrote it?" Emily asked already knowing part of the answer.
"Because I don't like sharing the soft and weak side of myself. So when I right something with that much depth I like to distance myself from it, even if I do it without thinking about it." Jenny said starting to distance herself from the conversation because of the information she just shared. "Do you think we will win or not?" Jenny asked again trying to keep calm.
"Yes! With that we have a good chance of winning." Emily said "I am going to write mine and you tell me what you think. this is what I have so far. "I should meet Teen Top because we could have a SUPA LOVE, Changjo could be my FIRST KISS, Chunji would say I'm his BEAUTIFUL GIRL, C.A.P would say LET'S DANCE, while Ricky would CLAP along to the music, Niel and L.joe would TELL ME WHY I'm their ANGEL, and I would never want it to end." Is that ok?" Emily asked after reading her sentence out.
"I love it! remember when we did that with all those different bands. aahh memories." Jenny said in a cheesy voice.  After that both girls hung up they entered their sentences and got dressed for the day. Emily wore a loose top and white skinny jeans. While Jenny wore a fitting shirt and dark jeans. These were their typical clothes. Teen Top wasn't going to Montreal for two weeks for their concert, the concert that Emily and Jenny had been waiting for, This was going to be the first kpop concert either girl had gone to and they couldn't wait.






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YourPororo #1
Chapter 1: Omg this is so weird for me because I only made this account to support my friend who has an account on here, even weirder; Her name is Emily and my name was Jenny O.o I don't really understand what's going on, I don't even know what fandom this is, but the way it was written was cool :)