I'm dead.

YOU'RE here for...US?


"oh." Jenny said as she accidentally walked into view of Emily and Changjo's cute scene.

She tried to walk away unnoticed and silently but her shoes gave away her presence followed by the beeping and lights of her vest when she got laser shot. she turned around and saw that is was Ricky who had betrayed her location. 

Emily looked up from Changjo's shoulder where she had placed her head and saw that Jenny had seen. Emily's face turned red, Changjo was going to be her first boyfriend. Jenny walked away and hit Ricky for breaking up Emily and Changjo's moment. 

Ricky looked at Jenny and asked "Why are you hitting your Sunbae?" 
"um..." Jenny stuttered hearing some one say they were her sunbae. "Because you shot me...And I was trying to secretly walked away from that." She continued showing Ricky Emily who had gone back to hugging Changjo. 

"Bang, Bang!" Ricky said shooting the couple. They looked up startled then turned and saw Ricky turning around and heard Jenny's heels running away.

Niel also heard Jenny's heels as they clicked toward him. Jenny was looking down running when she was running. She saw black shiny shoes so she looked up but as she looked up Niel was there closer than she had expected. Niel looked at Jenny as she stopped inches from his face. He looked at her eyes as she stared into his. Then their eyes moved to each others lips Niel moved forward a bit and whispered "I like you" in English then moved closer. 

Jenny smiled at his cute English, she wanted to move forward and kiss Niel but she just stood there frozen. Niel moved in a bit more and they kissed just as Ricky came into view. Jenny jolted back, not knowing what to do. Only thinking about how Niel was her first kiss, and how when her mom found out she would never be able to leave the house again. She ran to the bathroom. Leaving Niel stunned that his first kiss was cut short by the girl running away. He never thought that he would be left.

Ricky walked over seeing the whole thing. "Tough luck man. I guess your not her bias." Ricky said having dealt enough with the lovey-doveyness of today.

Niel stood there in silence, had he just been denied? The first girl he had said he liked denied him? Niel backed into the wall and slowly slid down. Emily and Changjo were walking by hands interlocked when they saw Niel sitting on the ground looking crushed.

"Niel?" Changjo asked
Niel looked up blankly with only an expression of pain on his face.
"Niel." Emily said this time. "What is wrong?" she asked.
"She...She...ran away." Niel stuttered remembering.
"Who Jenny? Why? why did she run away." Emily asked in a motherly tone that rarely came out.
"She was my first..... And she ran away." Niel said not making sense to Emily but Changjo connected the dots and explained to Emily what he thought had happened. Emily ran off to find Jenny. She had assumed Jenny would run to the bathroom. So she went there first.

As she walked in she heard nothing but she stayed silent and heard soft sobbing coming from the far stall.
"Jenny? Is that you? Is everything ok?" She asked worried, Niel was Jenny's first kiss. And knowing Jenny the first thing she thought was OMG I'm so dead. Then the thought Even if I did live through mom we could never ever be together. Emily knew Jenny so well.

"Jenny lets talk for a second." Emily said coaxing Jenny out of the stall. "What happened?" She said with a cheesy 'i already know' smile on her face.

"He kissed me" Jenny said smiling as she wiped her tears, she didn't want to look weak in front of her friend. "Then I realized omma is going to kill me for kissing a guy I only knew for a few hours. Then I realized that after omma we would never last because he lives in KOREA!" She said sniffling. 

Emily patted her back. "Jenny your only with him for today. Have some fun. Let loose." She said smiling thinking about Changjo. The she got serious. "But not TOO much fun" Both girls laughed at Emily's warning. 

They walked out after fixing their make up as best as possible. Emily led Jenny to where Niel and Changjo were in the room. Emily pulled Changjo away to leave Jenny and Niel alone. 

"Why do you look so sad? If I were you I would be beaming. You were lucky enough to kiss me" Jenny joked helping Niel up. He cracked a smile.
"Why did you leave me? And I think you got it wrong, you were lucky enough to kiss ME" Niel said hugging her. 
"who do you think you hugging?" Jenny joked.
"My girlfriend." Niel responded making Jenny's heart skip a beat and her head get nervous. 

What if he wants to have a long distance relationship? Jenny thought. Tomorrow before they leave I will HAVE to break up with him.


Hey guys...I know, I know another short chapter.   I just wanted to give you a great cliffhanger!!!


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YourPororo #1
Chapter 1: Omg this is so weird for me because I only made this account to support my friend who has an account on here, even weirder; Her name is Emily and my name was Jenny O.o I don't really understand what's going on, I don't even know what fandom this is, but the way it was written was cool :)