
YOU'RE here for...US?

Both girls woke up around 10 a.m which was about average on weekends. Emily was first up as usual she walked over to the bathroom to brush her teeth and get dressed the whole time she smiled. At around 10:30 she had finished brushing her teeth, showering, fixing her hair, getting dressed. As she started applying the very minimal amount of make-up she wore Jenny woke up. 

"Out" Jenny said in her normal grouchy morning voice. Emily quickly picked up her small pink make-up bag and left the bathroom, she looked into Jenny's body length mirror and applied her BB-cream, then she quickly added a touch a pink chapstick and put white eyeliner on her waterlog. Emily never liked make up too much but was not comfortable enough with her self to go with out her BB-cream. When Jenny finished up her morning routing it was about 10:50 they would be picked up at 11:30. Jenny had enough time to apply her make, which consisted of BB-cream, black liquid liner on her top lid, and white on her bottom, a bronze eye shadow, and dream fresh blush, and have a quick breakfast lunch with her mom.

Jenny ran down stairs wearing a black top with a belt and light ripped jeans with her white fedora hat and her white flats. And the necklace her first boyfriend had ever given her, The one she never took off.

Emily walked down behind her afraid of falling like she had done several times before. She wore a Mickey mouse t-shirt with white skinny jeans, with a fake pair of glasses on over her contacts.



"Mom we are leaving in like 15 minutes." Jenny said when Emily finally got down.
"Ok sit down you two can have Tostones Fritos (double fried plantain)" Lucy said knowing Jenny would not pass them up. They were Jenny's favorite snack. Although Emily had been over several times she had never tried them. As soon as she did though she was hooked as most people were. But soon enough Emily's sister was there to pick them up. Emily and Jenny quickly ran out side before her sister got impatient and honked. there car ride to Emily's mom's house was quiet and got instantly awkward after Jamie (Emily's sister) picked up her boyfriend, Liam. 

"Thanks." Emily said as she and Jenny got out of the car. Liam and Jamie went to the mall. Emily walked into her house just to be welcomed my her great Dane. 
"Ok, lets go we have to pick the outfit out tonight." Emily said rushing to her room with Jenny not far behind. the girls finally decided on for Emily who easily got cold and need extra warmth.

The rest of the week dragged on for the girls. Forty minute classes seemed like hours as usual but instead of going home and the rest of the night flying by it felt like years before they went to bed and actually fell asleep. Both of then usually stayed up later thinking about Teen Top coming for them.

When finally Friday came Emily went to Jenny's house again and ate pork chops with rice and beans. Although Emily loved it Jenny only ate the pork chops which she always loved, but she hated rice with beans. She enjoyed rice but hated adding beans to then. The girls did their home work and practiced some Korean. they both had been learning since they were 14 but now Jenny was taking a college course on it since she finished all the available high school Spanish classes. It was about 8 pm when the girls went to bed. They planned on waking up at 5 am because Teen Top was going to be there at 8 and they wanted to be ready.


6:00 am

Emily slowly opened her eyes and looked at the clock. "6:00? What" Emily asked thinking why hadn't she woken up earlier.  She ran to the bathroom with her clothes which she had brought. She quickly took her shower and changed. Emily brushed her teeth faster than ever and ran to wake Jenny up, she knew this was going to be difficult because on weekends Jenny loved to sleep in. 

"Jenny." Emily started as she poked Jenny's face. No affect Jenny slept right through that. "Jenny" Emily tried again poking her harder. Then Emily thought she had a genius idea, she jenny's alarm but again Jenny did not get up. She slept right through it although Emily could see she was starting to slowly get out her dreams. Emily was going to her last resort before slapping Jenny. "Taeyang! omomomomo Taeyang is here!" Emily squealed in Jenny's ear. Right away Jenny's eyes popped open and she ran to her window, realizing that Taeyang was not there she went back to her bed she did not feel like dealing with Emily at the moment. 

"Jenny, don't go back to bed. its already 6:20." Emily said desperately. 

"So. You woke me up early for..." Jenny stopped speaking understanding that Teen Top was coming today. She also ran to the bathroom and showered. Once she had changed and brushed her teeth she let Emily back in so she could fix her hair which was a mess. In the time it took Emily to fix her long straight blonde hair Jenny had already applied her makeup. Then the girls switched Emily did her make up and Jenny tried to style her curly shoulder length dark brown hair.

It was already 7 am and the girls still had some final touch ups to do.  With Emily wearing  

She added a baby pink eye shadow to her blue eyes. She wore her usuall BB cream, and specially for today she wore brown eyeliner, mascara, and white eyeliner. When she was finished she looked into the mirror and her eyes looked alot bigger than she was used too. She used her usuall pink tinted chapstic and stood back. "I hope they like this..." she thought as she put on her mint and white watch, which she wore everyday. She liked that it looked very minimal, but she didn;t know if she liked that she was wearing makeup.

And with Jenny wearing she decided to use a very small smokey eye. Very small. 



When the girls decided they were as ready as they would ever be it was already 7:30. Jenny's mom was just getting up, She brushed her teeth and went to the kitchen. She quickly set out some fruit and sat down still in her pajamas. They girls ate very little because they were too excited. At 7:50 they decided to start and end the day with Teen Top. The first song Jenny put on was "no more perfume on you".  The girls danced the whole time. Then Jenny decided to put on some Big Bang she played "Fantastic Baby". When they chorus came on the both sang to it. Emily got to choose the last song and of course she chose BAP's warrior.

7:00 am

At exactly 7 on the dot a large black limo pulled in front of Jenny's house but she did not notice neither did Emily. The door opened and out came 6 hot Asian guys. C.A.P knocked on the door. The girls stopped dancing and looked over. Jenny squealed a bit and then turned red knowing the boys had seen her dancing. Emily almost fainted for the same reasons. but Jenny pinched her to make sure she stayed awake. They walked over to the opened it and said. "Annyounghasehyo".

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YourPororo #1
Chapter 1: Omg this is so weird for me because I only made this account to support my friend who has an account on here, even weirder; Her name is Emily and my name was Jenny O.o I don't really understand what's going on, I don't even know what fandom this is, but the way it was written was cool :)