You speak English?

YOU'RE here for...US?

The boys bowed to the girls, which flipped a switch in their brains to bow too.

"Annyeonghaseyo." said Emily and Jenny simoultaniously.The boys gazed at the girls in complete shock.
"You two can speak Korean?" asked L.Joe in perfect English.
"You can speak English?" asked Jenny in awe.
"Yes, we have been learning with our company, but we finished right before the contest." said Niel with a sweet smile which made Jenny melt inside. It was clear that both girls were nervous. Jenny looked dazed and Emily was practically shaking. The boys all saw this, and decided to make them feel welcome.Chunji took the girls hands and led them outside.
"Thank you!" he yelled to Lucy, Jenny's mom.
"De nada!" she yelled back.The girls faces flushed. Jenny's latina skin turned a pomegranate color, while Emily's cheeks turned a rosy strawberry color. Which the crisp autumn wind had something to do with it too. As Chunji walked ahead to the car with the girls Niel never took his eyes off of Jenny 'there is something special about her'. Changjo thought the same about Emily.

As all eight of them entered the limo Jenny and Emily sat across from each other strategically this way one of the band members would sit next to them. Niel took the seat next to Jenny and C.A.P next to Emily. Even though Changjo was her bias she was just happy to sit next to any of the teen top members.

"This reminds me of Korea." Niel said breaking the silence in the car.
"Really? What is it like in Korea?" Jenny asked looking in to Niel's eyes. Soon a conversation between the two in part English and part Korean started. Jenny forgot about Emily temporarily.

Emily felt a bit awkward for a second before Ricky spoke up to her "How do you know Jenny?" Ricky asked wondering how the two were so close.
"Oh, our mutual friend introduced us in Social studies class. Then during that summer I introduced her to kpop and ever since she has loved it." Emily remembering showing Jenny boyfriend's love style, the first kpop video Jenny ever liked.

"You didn't show her one of our videos?" Changjo asked pretending to be offended. Emily giggled. Jenny looked over to where Emily was sitting and saw Changjo and Ricky and C.A.P  all looking at her like she was the most beautiful girl in the world. Jenny thought to herself 'Emily is going to have to chose one..Oh boy'.

"So, Where are we going?" Jenny asked the car full of guys.
"Surprise" L.Joe answered speaking for the first time. He was being really quite. 

Even though Jenny was with Teen Top she was still tired and accidently yawned. Emily laughed " How could you possibly be tired when you're sitting next to Niel."  Emily said accidentally letting Niel know he was Jenny's bias. Jenny started to blush. Niel knew why but pretended not to. 

"You must be cold." Niel said taking his jacket off and covering Jenny in it. Jenny thanked him and started to talk to L.Joe her second bias. While L.Joe and Jenny talked Ricky and Emily talked more with Changjo occasionally jumping in. Then even though both girls like the guys they were talking to they switched. 

They car drove for a long time several times Jenny yawned until Niel took her head a leaned it against his shoulder, Jenny slowly lifted it up so she could whisper into his ear. She was about to say something but Emily tapped her leg. Jenny looked over and Emily told he to go over there so they could talk. Jenny did as she was told. 

"I think he likes you." Emily quietly said to Jenny. Just as the limo stopped before Jenny could say something back. They looked out the windows they were at the bowling alley but no one was there. Still everyone left the limo. They went to the door, the lights were off, so the girls turned around but the boys kept walking. They opened the door and went in. The girls turned around and followed them in. C.A.P the lights and the place came alive. 27_bowling1_large.jpg

The girls were amazed. 'Did brave sound rent the whole place for us?' they thought synchronized. They looked at each other and smiled as wide as they could,they felt like it was a dream, one they did not want to wake up from. 

"Shoe size miss?" Chunji pretended to work there. 
"8 and 1/2" Emily said shyly.
"7 and 1/2" Jenny said not really caring about it. And Chunji gave them their shoes and everyone else got their own.

The six boys walked over and chose a separate lane. But since they had rented the most private bowling alley in the area there were only six lanes Niel shared his lane with Emily and Changjo shared with Jenny. The girls wanted to switch though, so they asked if they could switch with each other.

The boys went first then Jenny and Emily went. Jenny turned around and saw a karaoke machine she ran up to it and picked a song before anyone could say anything to her. Luckily they had brought that machine and it was full of kpop songs. Jenny choose ne of her favorites by big bang. She knew every lyric because she had listened to it. When she first started she was nervous about singing in front of her biases. When Niel looked back and saw her all ready to sing but very nervous he walked to her and picked up the second microphone and whispered to her "you're not alone."

Jenny started to sing and everyone looked back. Niel joined in when she need encouragement and in the chorus. By the second chorus she was singing with her heart forgetting about being nervous. Niel stepped closer and closer to her as they sag together. Soon they started to dance together while they sand when the music everyone clapped.

"Next two to preform are....Emily and ....Changjo." Jenny said trying to set them up. Jenny knew Emily would hate her for this but she didn't care they would only be with Teen Top once.

Emily started to shake her head no but Changjo grabbed her hand as he walked on the make-shift stage. Changjo chose the song when the music played Emily wanted to run off stage and hug Changjo at the same time. 

"Its my favorite song" he explained.
"Mine too." Emily said as the music started and she had to sing. And the end of the song the two hugged and laughed.


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YourPororo #1
Chapter 1: Omg this is so weird for me because I only made this account to support my friend who has an account on here, even weirder; Her name is Emily and my name was Jenny O.o I don't really understand what's going on, I don't even know what fandom this is, but the way it was written was cool :)