I'm so happy, I can't breathe.

YOU'RE here for...US?

                                         ~5:00 PM~

The entire day had passed, and both girls asked each other every half an hour if they were dreaming. To their excitement, this was real life. They had won. For once in their life, they had won. And this time it mattered. They were going to meet their idol's, their biases...their crushes. They were going to meet Teen Top.

"What are we going to do next week?"
Both girls stopped what they were doing. Emily turned off the volume on the T.V, and Jenny killed the music that she was listening to on her computer. They sat there, just staring into space. What were they going to do?
"Uh..." Penny began ", we could go shopping or something. Maybe go to the mall and get something to eat?" said Jenny, in more of a question-like tone.
"Well...what if they get mobbed? That would be awful..." said Emily, looking down, and playing with the buttons on the remote.
"Shouldn't they be planning it anyways?" asked Jenny, to which Emily didn't know the answer.
"I-I'm not sure. Check the website."
Penny opened a new tab on her pink laptop and Emily shut off the T.V and walked over to the computer desk. She wanted to see the schedule too.
She opened the entry page, and was shocked about what she had seen. They had coustomed the entire thing, just for them.

Hello Jenny and Emily! We are very excited to meet you too! Teen Top as well! They wanted to have us tell you a few things that you will need to do before next week.

-Get your outfits picked out. We say this because we've seen in contests from other compainies that the winners were dressed very uncomfprtably, which didn't allow them to have fun with the idols. So please, Teen Top wants to have alot of fun with you two. Please dress comfortably.

-Please cancel any current plans for next week. If you have anything to do prior to Teen Top's arrival please cancel. We would hate for Teen Top to have to leave because you were not home. They are very excited to see you and would hate to not be able to.

-Save up your money. If we go shopping please bring your money.

-Get a good nights rest. If you are tired It will prevent you from having fun with Teen Top. We do not want this to happen.

-Relax all week. Do not stress about the little things. We have the schedule planned, so please do not worry.

-We would like you to send us a picture of yourselves before Teen Top arrives next week. When the date comes, you will see why.

"We need to send a...picture?" asked Jenny.
"Oh no!" said Emily, begining to be in a state of panic. "I take horrible pictures!"
"Calm down, I think I have something that will work for you. I took it last year, at the beach party I had? It was before you got your dolly bangs, but I'm pretty sure It'll work." Jenny got out of her swivel computer chair and walked over to her bed. Next to it was her bedside table which she keeps alot of random things in. Emily hopped in Jenny's comfortable compute chair and watched Jenny as she shuffeled through random necklaces and keychains that she had won at an arcade, untill finally she pulled out a picture. She turned around and walked twords Emily, carefully holding the picture in her hand. "Here." she said, with a smile on her face as she handed Emily the picture.

She looked at the picture in awe. "I actually look...good."

This was the best picture of her she's ever seen. Whenever she took pictures, she always pointed out something that she didn't like. But to her suprise, she rather liked this one.
"I hate you." said Jenny.
Emily looked up suprised from the picture. "W-what?:"
"You look good with, or without bangs...it makes me mad."
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" said Emily with an unusually loud voice. "YOU SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME!"
Just so ironically, Emily was jeleous of Jenny's thick dark chocolatey locks. Her short cury hair was so bouncy and shiny, while hers was thin and silky and gets tangled so eaisally.
Jenny laughed at the sight of Emily's face. Emily was in a combination of pouting and trying not to laugh. "What should I use for mine?" asked Jenny. She was naturally very photogenic, she could take a good picture no matter what she was doing.
"I think I have something that will work for you." said Emily, reciting what Jenny had just said with a smile on her face. Emily picked up her light blue Blackberry. It was her first phone so she treated It with care. She went to her photo's untill she found the one she was thinking of. She, who was still stiiting in the chair, lifted up her phone and showed Jenny the first picture she had taken of herself in Emily's phone. It was a couple of months ago. They were having a sleepover right before the talent show, where they danced to Hello Venus'  Venus, and took lots of pictures of them getting ready.

Jenny had taken this one right after she had done her makeup, and yet to do her hair. Emily loved this shot so much she played around with it, but once she put it in black and white she left it be, because to her it was perfect.
Jenny took the phone.
"My hair's a mess!"
"Are you serious?" said Emily with a look on her face. "I think it looks cute. It brings back memories for me." she smiled and connected her phone to Jenny's computer and printed the image. "This is the one we're sending, got it?" Emily said in a commanding tone, which was very odd for her.
"What about our outfits?" asked Jenny, who was already worring.
"Why don't we pick yours out now?"
The girls spent almost 3 hours picking out the perfect outfit for Jenny. And since her closet was so big, there were so many choices, but they finally decided on this.

Besids a cute black belt, she also picked out a black cardigan just incase it got chilly, but what with the chilly autumn air converting into winter it was almost impossible to say that it wasen't going to get cold. Emily was going to pick out her outfit the next day when Jenny goes to her house for a sleep over.

Once they were done it was almost 9:00 and the girls were exausted from all of the preperations of the day. The girls set up their beds, Jenny made her bed, and Emily set up her make-shift bed right next to Jenny's, right where it always is when she sleeps over. The girls changed into their pajamas, Jenny with her purple plaid pants and tie-dye top, and Emily with her mint polkadotted shorts,and white top with an owl design in the middle.

Jenny her Kpop playlist and shut off the light, leaving her outfit on it's hangers on her door. She walked to her bed and covered up.

They must have been rather tired, because both of them fell asleep almost instantly.
Jenny fell asleep first, with Taeyang I'll Be There playing softly in the backround.
Then Emily was out with the soft song of GD That xx playing as her eyes closed. Her last thoughts being, "I'm so happy, I almost can't breathe. My heart is beating so fast." She fell asleep with a smile on her face, and happy thoughts in her mind. Neither girl could wait untill next week, when there dreams came true.

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YourPororo #1
Chapter 1: Omg this is so weird for me because I only made this account to support my friend who has an account on here, even weirder; Her name is Emily and my name was Jenny O.o I don't really understand what's going on, I don't even know what fandom this is, but the way it was written was cool :)