Chapter 12

YOU'RE here for...US?

"Tada" Jenny said as every one tried to see where they were out of the windows. All they could see was a ver large building but there her lots of sounds. 
"where are we?" CAP asked first.
"Get out and come in it will be a ton of fun." Jenny begged still not telling them.
"um, ok" Niel said as he opened the car door and got out followed by Jenny who was sitting next to him. then Emily, who had an idea of where they were, and Changjo. The rest followed hesitantly. 

They all looked up and read the sign. With aw in their eyes they walked in. as they walked in the sound filled them and the environment got them excited.

"One room for 8" Cap said in his best English. 
"Ok that will be $6.25 each per hour, please pay the first hour now. Please get your protection to the right and we have someone to help you get the right size. Some times people get them too big or too small." She said with a giggle at the end.

They all stepped over. Jenny, Emily, and L.Joe all got smalls, while Niel, Ricky, Chunji, and Changjo got mediums, and CAP being the obvious biggest he got a large. They all awkwardly walked into the dark room. As they each walked through the doorway they vests they had just been given for protection light up in bright lights of red and blues. The looked at each other and as the worker walked out the all yelled. 

"See wasn't this genius a idea?" Jenny asked looking reassurance that everybody was happy.
"Laser-tag...Who would have thought about this other than you." Emily said so happy Jenny finally got to dress up as a spy and come here.

"Well, i thought we all look like spies and earlier we were acting as spies so why not comehere?" Jenny explained.

Everyone grabbed their guns. "No teams" The guys yelled as the ran away. Jenny was about to run when a hand held her back.

"Wae?" Jenny said as she turned and saw it was Niel.
"Your shoes. Are you going to run in those?" Niel asked worried she would get hurt. 
"Of course. I have no problem running in heels." Jenny said proudly. Then she ran off and hid. the room was perfect for their spy theme.Pharaoh4.JPG

All the guys and girls dressed up gave it a Trouble Maker feel to it. It was a full out war ending with one champion. Emily? Gentle Emily won the first of many battles. Jenny was the most easily found but also one of the hardest to kill because of her quick reaction and sleek figure which distracted every member of Teen Top except Changjo who only had eyes for Emily. 

Everyone was immersed in the game. "Alright. new game but this time teams."  L.Joe said wanting to win at least one game. "Couples against singles" He said making the two unofficial couples awkward. "Lets go, Niel and Jenny, with Changjo and Emily. Game on" He said with him and the three other  'singles' running away. And the 'couples' just standing there dumfounded that their feelings were so obvious.

"Lets go" Jenny said trying to brush it off. They hid in groups of two Niel with Jenny and Emily with Changjo. together but separate the 'couples' trumped the 'singles'.

"Jenny? Can I ask you something?" Niel said while they hid together with Jenny slightly behind him.
"Sure" She answered with a smile.
"Will you be my..." He started "Girlfriend?" He finished quickly. "I know we won't see each other ever again but being with you makes me the happiest. So although its only going to be for now will you?" He over explained.

"Ok but only if you say you like my in both English and Korean." Jenny said making him blush which she thought was so cute.
"I like you" He said in Korean first then an attack from CAP came and Niel couldn't finish because by the time he had killed CAP Jenny had run away in fear for her laser life. Niel looked for her but he couldn't find her but he could hear her heels clicking against the hard ground. So he kept searching the large room for her. 

"Chanjo? Can I tell you something?" Emily said being brave.
"Go ahead." Changjo awaited.
"I like you." Emily blurted her face already turning red. 
Changjo turned aroung and lifted her head gently so she looked into his eye. "I'm glad cause I like you too." He said then he engulfed her in a large hug. 


Sorry it's short...Kinda got stuck...hope you enjoyed it anyway!

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YourPororo #1
Chapter 1: Omg this is so weird for me because I only made this account to support my friend who has an account on here, even weirder; Her name is Emily and my name was Jenny O.o I don't really understand what's going on, I don't even know what fandom this is, but the way it was written was cool :)