Mistakes Happen...On Both Ends.

YOU'RE here for...US?




“Are you sure this is what you want?” Eric asked, trying as hard as he could to keep is cool.

The boys sat there, both with lumps in their throat while the car stayed silent. “Of course.” Neil spoke up, his voice slightly cracking. He squeezed Jenny’s hand tighter almost to the point where hers turned red.
Changjo just sat there, trying to clear his throat. You could tell his mind was blank and his heart was filled with fear. He had worked so hard to gain idol-ship. This wasn’t going to change anything right? Of course not-it’s just a girl. It’s not like Angel’s will start bashing them or even leave the fandom.

“Y-eah.” Changjo said making it sound more like a question- To bad he said it just a little too quiet and a little too late. Emily looked up at him; her face airbrushed red holding rivers of tears back. She clenched her other fist and ripped her other one from his hand.

He looked at her, surprised at her actions. She sat there as the car dropped the silence and went straight to frightened. Her arms were crossed and her head hung slightly trying to hide the single tear that had escaped her grasp.

“Emi-“Changjo began, but was cut off by a heart broken voice.

“Leave her alone.” Jenny spoke up from across the limo. “Just…” she trailed off, realizing she has let herself get caught up in a moment that wasn’t even hers. “Just don’t touch her.”

Changjo sent her a glare that was filled with both heart break and rage. It wasn’t her fault, from all the drama’s Jenny’s watched it just came naturally to her to yell at the screen when something happened that enraged her. But this-this was different.

Emily’s first love turned in to a disaster and it hadn’t even been forty-eight hours. She wouldn’t tolerate it any longer.

“If that boy makes one more wrong move, he’s done.” Jenny thought.

After a rather long and awkward period of silence the engine revved up and the car started moving again. “As long as you guys are happy, there’s nothing I can do to stop you.” Eric said, trying to make the situation. Too bad it just rubbed salt on the wound.

Neil took out his phone and opened up a new text.

“Hey-are you okay? You snapped for a second. I’ll take care of Changjo backstage when we get to the concert.” He texted Penny.


With the limo filled with tracks from Teen Top’s new album Jenny didn’t notice her phone go off. Even with Taeyang’s I Need A Girl playing she didn’t seem to notice. All that Neil received from her was an aggressive hand squeezing.

The ride to the concert location took much longer than expected…or was that just the feeling of nervousness that filled the car? Once Eric parked the car in place they all got out, and even with Changjo holding the car door open for her she ignored him. She got out and silently walked away to stand next to L.Joe.

“You better watch yourself.” Jenny warned, poking him in the chest. She looked up at the boy’s frightened face, with hers only plastered with the urge to smack it. She walked away and interlocked her hand with Niel’s. The group left Changjo a couple of steps behind when they walked into the huge and empty concert hall.

It was still fairly early- 6:30AM to be exact. Even though their concert started at 12:00 o’clock they had to arrive early to be able to get wardrobe and rehearse their schedule one last time.

Inside held a large, modern looking room which held at least 500 fangirls when full. It had dark oak flooring and white walls that stood a full twenty feet tall with a fairly large chandler in the middle. There were benches lined up on the wall and tall glass pillars were strategically placed to make it appear larger. The doors to the actual concert hall were pretty large as it was, at least six feet in diameter and 8 feet in height.

“Okay girls, this is where I need to take you for a little surprise we have planned. The boy’s are going to go rehearse first.” Eric said putting his hand on Emily’s back trying to guide, and comfort her. “Just head into the hall and I’ll be there in a few seconds.” He said motioning to the doors. “Follow me this was ladies.”

As Eric took the girls away, the boys started walking across the large room to the doors.

“You’re such an idiot!” Ricky exclaimed, holding back the urge to hit him.

“You can’t show some compassion to the girl you like?” Chunji added.

“I don’t even know what to do with you anymore.” Niel said. “You even upset my girlfriend!” He yelled. Yes, it was true he was frustrated but calling Jenny his girlfriend put a smile on his face every time.

“Do you not think I’m mad at myself right now? I just lost the first girl I ever liked!” Changjo said, his voice just shy of booming. He left the group of now shocked boys behind as he sped up his pace.

Running his fingers through his dark red hair he thought to himself, “I need to fix this.”

Across the building:


“Alright girl’s,” Eric said, walking the girls into a room, “If what happened in the car hadn’t happened this probably would be a better surprise.” He rubbed his neck sheepishly as Emily wiped back yet another tear that had left her baby blue eye.

“Can you just tell us what it is?” Jenny demanded. “Why would he bring it up again? Is he an idiot?” She thought.

“You two are going to be back round dancers in their performances.” He said, trying to make it as gentle as he could.

Good god is he serious? Emily thought.

“Your costumes are over there, the makeup artists should be in soon to get you ready.” He said starting to back out of the room. “After that we’ll have some of our choreographers teach you the dances, if you even need them.”

“Wait, hold up.” Jenny said trying to grab his attention.

“Good luck!” Eric blurted, rushing out of the room.

“Get back here!” Jenny called running after him but by the time she got to the door he was out of sight. So she just turned back to Emily with small worry in her eyes. She stood there with her arms crossed, feet together and her hair hanging in her face. “Oh Emily.” She quietly said.

“Hm?” Emily muttered, looking up with her eyes glazed with the tears she refused to shed. Her eyes were slightly pink and she was fiercely biting her bottom lip.

“Don’t worry.” Jenny said, walking over to her best friend. She wrapped her in a big hug and started swaying left to right. “He’ll come to realize that he was a jerk soon enough.” She comforted.

Emily pushed the embracing hug of off her body. “When? When Jenny? When he gets back to Korea?” She said, slowly letting her rage come out.

“Well, there’s only one thing left to do then.” Smiled Jenny.

Emily looked at her confused. “What? Why are you smiling?”

“Give him a preformace of a lifetime, and show him the girl he’s going to miss.” She said smirking at her own comment.

Emily gave Jenny a high-five. “That’ll show him.” 






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YourPororo #1
Chapter 1: Omg this is so weird for me because I only made this account to support my friend who has an account on here, even weirder; Her name is Emily and my name was Jenny O.o I don't really understand what's going on, I don't even know what fandom this is, but the way it was written was cool :)