.the cupcake that brought us together.


(Riiinnnng. Riiinnnng.)


I pressed my alarm button and glared at my alarm. It read: 6:00am.


I landed back on my bed hoping to get some sleep.


I rubbed my eyes and let out a groan.

'School…Damn it!'

I rolled in my bed, back and forth, to wrap myself in my old, but still useful, power ranger blanket to keep myself warm.

'No no no'

(knock knock)


I heard my dad open my door. I peaked through my covers. He chuckled.

"Kyungsoo, school ti--"

"No! Dont say that word! I'll die!!"

I felt my head being patted.

"Time to get up."

With that I heard footsteps leave my room and my door being closed.


I slowly got up and headed to the bathroom to get ready.


The bus drives away after dropping off the students. Kyungsoo dragged his feet as he approached his school. He looks up to see Kevin, smiling brightly, standing in front of the school gates.


Kevin said with a bright smile.


Kyungsoo yawns and rubs his eye. He looks up at Kevin.

"How can you wake up so early and be all cheerful?"

"Because I can."

"You…morning person…"

They walked in the school and passed by the students.

"Can you believe it?"

Kyungsoo turned to Kevin.

"Huh? Believe what?"

"That we are seniors."

"Oh" Kyungsoo responded. He turned his head to look at the school halls watching the students talking with one another to pass the time. "Yeah, time flies."

"Do you know where you are going Kyungsoo? College I mean"

Kyungsoo looked down. He knew where he was going, but he didn't want to go.

"I really want to go to a culinary school, but my dad won't let me."

"Oh…I'm sorry. What does he want you to take?"

"Something in the medical field like him. But thats okay."

Kevin wraps his arm around his shoulder to give him some comfort.

"Oh!" Kevin unwraps his arm from Kyungsoo's shoulder. "What classes do you have? Gimmie your schedule!"

Kyungsoo laughed and dug into his pants pocket to get his schedule. He handed it to Kevin and waited for his response.


Kevin's smile faded.

"We only have economics, AP English literature, and lunch hour!"

Kyungsoo patted his shoulder.

"It's okay hyung. Hey at least we have 2 classes together and lunch hour too. Better than not having any class together right?"

"I guess so."

Kevin handed back Kyungsoo's schedule, with a sad expression. Kyungsoo stuffs his schedule back in his pants pocket.

"What other classes are you taking hyung?"

"Besides AP English literature and economics, I am taking probability and statistics, environmental science, choir, study hall assisting Mr. Song - - "

"Oh! He teaches english right?"

"Yup! He does. Oh and continue on with my french."

"Ah. That's cool - -"

The bell rings before Kyungsoo has a chance to finish his sentence.

"I guess I'll see you in 3rd period Kyungsoo."


Kevin gave him a small goodbye wave and walked the opposite direction. Kyungsoo sighed. He was still tired.

'Come on Kyungsoo…let's go!"

Kyungsoo dragged his feet to 1st period - AP Calculus BC - his favorite class. Unlike some of his classmates, he thought math was fun. Solving equations just came naturally to him. Only 13 students were in the class as Kyungsoo walked in.

"Oh Kyungsoo, good morning."

The teacher, Mr. Chung, gave Kyungsoo a nod. Kyungsoo bowed.

"Good morning Mr. Chung. How are you?"

"I'm…still sleepy to be honest."

Both chuckled.

"So am I. Is there anyway Mr. Chung that maybe for today's lesson we just sleep?"

"Yeah Mr. Chung!! I agree with Kyungsoo. Nap time instead learning! Sir, I couldn't even wake up or function right this morning! Nap time!!"

Yelled Chanyeol, one of Kyungsoo's tall classmates. Kyungsoo gave a chuckle.

'He is seriously funny. Glad that he is in my class again this year.'

"Mr. Park, your voice please." Mr. Chung responded as he motioned his hand down to tell him to lower his voice. "And as much as I want to Mr. Park, but I must follow my lesson plan."

Mr. Chung said as he tapped his lesson plan with his index finger.

"Aw man!"

Chanyeol slumped in his chair and folded his arms like a little kid when he didn't get what he wanted.


He turned to Mr. Chung.

"Yes sir?"

"Class is about to start. Please take your seat."

"Oh! Right."

With that, the bell rang and Kyungsoo quickly took his seat and opened his backpack to grab his spiral notebook and his pencil. He heard Mr. Chung close the door.

"Class, we have a new student."

Kyungsoo looked up to get a look at this new student. His eyes went wide.

"Hello everyone."

He bowed.

"My name is Kim Jongin, but please call me Kai."

He gave a sweet smile to the class.

'It is him!' The stranger from yesterday! The attractive, sweet, smiling like prince guy!' Kyungsoo's eyes went even wider. 'W-wait…what? Did I just say that he is attractive?'

Kyungsoo scratched his head in confusion until he heard Mr. Chung called his name.

"Ah! Yes. Here!"

Kyungsoo shot his hand in the air.

"Thank you Kyungsoo. Right over there Mr. Kim."

Kai nodded. He walked over to Kyungsoo and took the seat next to him. He turned his head to him and gave him a smile.

"Nice to see you again. Were you able to get those cupcakes displayed?"

Kyungsoo beamed. He was happy that the stranger hasn't forgotten about him or about his cupcakes.

"My boss approved them. Thanks to you though."

Kai gave nod.

"Well I am glad."

Kai opened his backpack to get out his notebook and pencil. He opened it and started to write down notes. Kyungsoo did the same. After 20 minutes, Mr. Chung was pretty much done with his lesson plan. He assigned homework and since they had time left, the class started working on it while chatting with each other.


"Hm?" Kyungsoo turning his head to face Kai.

"What did you…" Kai checks his paper. "What did you get for number 17?"

"You are already at number 17?"

"Yeah? Are you?"

"Ah…Sorry." Kyungsoo turned to look at his paper. "I'm not there yet."

"Oh. My bad." He started to scratch the back of his head. "I'll wait for you." He puts his pencil down.

"It will be quick. I have 3 more problems 'till I get to 17." Kyungsoo rushed through his problems and finished problem 17.

"I got 24.735. What did you get?"

Kyungsoo didn't hear anything from Kai, so he turned his head to face him. He realizes that Kai's head was down.

"Kai? You awake?" He poked him with the eraser of his pencil.


Kyungsoo held in his laugh as Kai lifted his head. Kai looked at him with a weirded out expression.

"What is it?"

"Sorry! It's just that…"

Kyungsoo pointed at Kai's worksheet and Kai followed his direction. He noticed that there was a pool of drool.


Kai quickly wiped his worksheet with his sleeve. He turned a little shade of red.

'Seriously…drooling…god, he must think I'm weird.' Thought Kai.

"Sorry for laughing. It was just funny."

Kyungsoo said as he put his pencil down on his desk. He turned to his backpack and tried to find his tissue packet.


He opens the tissue packet and gave one to Kai.

"Thanks Hyung."

As Kyungsoo was putting the rest of the tissue packet, he turned his head as Kai said 'hyung'.

"What? Hyung? Aren't you…like older than me or something?"

"Huh? Oh no, I am not. I am a year younger than you. Actually, the whole senior class. I am a year younger than everyone."

Kai wiped his worksheet then the corners of his mouth.

"I guess you can say I'm bright for my age. Heck, I am taking mostly AP and honors courses."

"Wow! Incredible!"

Kai scratched the back of his neck and scoffed.

"Not really."

Kyungsoo tilted his head.

"Why not really?"

Kai leaned back on his chair. He pondered a bit then sighed.

"Well, in my old school, a lot of my classmates would tease and bully me for being smart. There were days where I wished I was just an average kid. Fit in with others."

Kai sighed.

"I even got beat up after school. They would demand that I would do their homework. Every time I refused, I would get kicked in the stomach or punched in the face."

He scoffs.

"Great times. Great 3 years."

His smile fades. Kyungsoo just sat there with a sad expression on his face.

"That is horrible Kai!"

Kai just shrugged.

"What did the teachers say?"

"I didn't tell them."

Kyungsoo's eyes went wide. He was shocked at Kai's response. Kai turned his head to face Kyungsoo.

"Think about it. If I told any of the teachers, those kids would have more of a reason to kill me."

He looked down and Kyungsoo still couldn't believe that Kai's old school was like that. He patted Kai on the shoulder.

"Well, you are here now. People here are fairly nice. I mean you got mean people here and there, but never beating each other up."

Kai just nodded.

"That is great to know."

Kai gave him a smile.

"I find it so weird." Kyungsoo started to say. "When I saw you yesterday, you didn't strike me as a bullied type of person."

It was Kai's turn to tilt his head.

"You are so good looking that I figured that you were popular among the people."

Kyungsoo soon covered his mouth in realization.

'Crap!' Kyungsoo glanced at Kai. 'I just called him good looking! Right at his beautiful face! I mean face!! Damn it brain! Great he might think of me of some wierdo!'

"I…am good looking?"

Kyungsoo turned his head away from Kai's face and resumed back to his math problems.

"N-no…I mean yes! I mean…wait!"

Kyungsoo didn't know what to say anymore. He buried his head in his arms and decided to stay quiet. He heard Kai chuckling.

"Thank you for the compliment. You're cute yourself."

Kyungsoo jerked his head up and gave somewhat of a glare at Kai.

"Cute!? Yah! I am a guy!" As he points at his chest. "I should be called handsome."

Kai looked at him and chuckled more. He gave Kyungsoo a pat on the head.

"Okay okay. You are…handsome."

"That is more --"

The bell rang.

"Okay class that --"

"Peace out Mr. C!"

Chanyeol yelled as he ran to the door leaving everyone shocked and worried.

"That boy is going to ram into a door one day."

Mr. Chung shook his head and turned  back to his students.

"As I was saying before Chanyeol decided to run like a mad man, have a nice day guys."

The students quickly packed their stuff and started to head out for the door. Kyungsoo started to pack up, until Kai tapped his shoulder. He turned to face him.

"Uh, do you know where…"

Kai took out his student schedule from his jacket pocket.

"Where Ms. Park's Visual Design and Communication is?"

Kyungsoo smiled.

"I have that class next. Can I see your schedule for a minute?"

Kai nodded and handed him his schedule. Kyungsoo's face beamed with delight. He handed Kai's schedule back and swung his backpack around.

"We have 3 other classes together. Plus lunch hour!"

"Really? That's awesome."

Kyungsoo nodded and they both walked out of AP Calculus BC. They headed for their next class and both of them arrived at Ms. Park's art room right on time. Kai had to introduce himself again to the whole class.

'Man, he has to do that for the rest of the day.'

Kyungsoo thought.

"Thank you Mr. Kim, you may take your seat right next to Lay. Lay."

He turned his head to Lay as he raised his hand.

'Dang, I wanted Kai to sit next to me.' Kyungsoo turned to the seat next to him; it was empty.

"Okay class since intros are done, lemme just pass out these."

Ms. Park started to pass out the assignment as the doors suddenly burst open.

"YAH! Sorry I'm late Ms. Park!"

Ms. Park gave a sigh as Chanyeol tripped on his feet. His hair was quite messy and his glasses were on crookedly.

"Only you Chanyeol. Seriously, please don't break down my door like last year."

"Yes ma'am!"

Chanyeol gave a salute.

"And please…tuck in your shirt…"

Chanyeol looked down and his shirt was quite disheveled. Some of the girls giggled, even Kyungsoo was able to giggle.

"Mr. Park…I have known you since you were a sophomore...the relation between you and Mr. Byun is done in the privacy of your guys' houses --"

More giggles were let out in the art room. Some guys gave high fives to each other.

"I mean…Ah nevermind…too many fans of you and Mr.Byun are in my class. I'm surprised that they don't have a couple name for you guys yet."

"Yeah we do!" yelled out a girl. "We call it Baekyeol!"

Ms. Park pitched the bridge of her nose. She motioned Chanyeol to take the only seat next to Kyungsoo. Chanyeol nodded and walked towards Kyungsoo as he tucked in his polo.

"Ah Kyungsoo! We are in the same class!"

"I know right?"

"As I was saying, Mr. Park and Mr. Do, here are the assignments. It is a two week assignment. Read carefully and remember to have fun."

The class started to work on their two week assignment, brain storming ideas and chatting with one another until the bell rang. The day flew by before any of the students knew it, the day was over. Kyungsoo spotted Kevin at his locker.

"Kevin hyung!"

Kevin turned and gave Kyungsoo a bright smile.

"Hey Kyungsoo. Heading off to work?"

He nodded.

"Yeah, but I'm still sleepy. Can you work for me today?"

Kevin giggle and patted Kyungsoo on the shoulder.

"I would, but I am busy today. Remember? I asked Onew hyung to get a day off today so I can go to Jee's Daycare to sing to the children.

"Oh jeez Kevin!"

Kevin blinked in shock and pouted.


"You…you are seriously an angel. Eli is so lucky to have you!"

Kevin blushed at the remark.

"I want to have what you have Kevin!"

"A boyfriend?"

"Maybe! Yeah! "

Kevin giggled at his friend's response.

"You Kevin, are killing me with all the pure and kindness."

Kyungsoo dramatically falls to the ground with his hand laying on his head.

"Oh my beloved angel, your shining light shines to brightly. Am I worthy to be in front of your presence?"

Both heard someone chuckling and they turned - it was Kai.

"Wow Kyungsoo are you an actor when you are not working?"

Kyungsoo blushed and quickly stood up, dusting off the dust from his jacket and pants.

"N-no! Oh, Kai, this is my best friend Kevin. Kevin this is Kai, he is in the same grade as us."

He motioned towards Kevin.


Kai nodded.

"Hello hyung."

Kevin gave a questioning look.

"I'm sorry, but aren't you…older then me? I should be referring to you as 'hyung'?"

Kai chuckled.

"No, I am a year younger than everyone in our grade."

Kevin's gave a shocked expression.

"Oh I'm sorry. It's just that you look older than me and I would have thought - -"

Kai waved it off.

"It is fine. That happened with Kyungsoo as well. So it is all good."

Kevin chuckled at the response.

"Kevin hyung! Kai is just that smart!"

Kyungsoo blurted out and beamed at Kai.

"Oh really? Wow!"

Kevin said with amazement.

"Yeah, he is taking all honors and AP courses!"

"Wow! I hope you don't mind if I ask you to tutor me."

Kai nodded.

"Sure, any problems, I'll try my best to answer."

Kevin beamed. He checked his watch.

"Oh, I have to go. I'll see you Kyungsoo, Kai!"

He gave them a wave and started to sprint towards the doors. Kai turned towards Kyungsoo.

"Where are you heading off to?"

"Oh, work. Wanna come with me? I can introduce to you to everyone."


Both Kyungsoo and Kai took the public bus to the Shiny Starts dessert cafe. The place was busy, but not that packed.

"Oh, Kyungsoo you are just in time."

"Hello Onew hyung. Oh this is my friend Kai, the stranger that I bumped into yesterday.

"Ah yes. Hello, I am Onew, the owner of this cafe."

Kai and Onew shook hands.

"Oh and Kyungsoo, your cupcake, I need to have the recipe so I also make them when you are not here."

Kyungsoo nodded. He swung his backpack around and took out a piece of paper and a pen. Once he was down writing down the ingredients, he gave the paper to Onew.

"Thank you Kyungsoo." He turned to Kai. "Would you like something to drink? It will be on the house."

"Really? I could pay."

Kai was about to take out his wallet, but Onew waved his hand dismissively.

"No no. Don't worry about it. What would you like?" We have cappuccino, latte, ice coffee, variety of tea flavors, milk, and the classic hot chocolate."

"Oh, can I just have coffee? Black?"

Kyungsoo stared at him with wide eyes.

"Whoa! Coffee black? You sure you don't want cream or sugar?"

"No I am fine."

He smiled at Kyungsoo at which he blushed. Onew chuckled at the sight.

"Kai, you want any dessert to go with your coffee?" He motions the dessert display.


Kai walks up to the dessert display and checks every dessert out. He picked 3 cakes and Onew gave him a nod.

"How interesting."

Kai turned to Kyungsoo who was now beside him.


"Those are my favorite cakes."

Kai gave a chuckle. Onew smiled at the two.

"How adorable."

Kyungsoo and Kai looked at Onew with blushing faces, while Onew kept on smiling.

"Anyway, Kyungsoo, please change into your uniform and help out - -"


"…eh, please help out Ren."

Some of the customers jerked their heads from the yell by Ren. Onew scratched the back of his neck and apologized to the customers. Ren came out the kitchen with flour on his face and some chocolate syrup on his cheek and neck. Kyungsoo turned to see Ren and waved at him.

"Oh Ren!"

"You! You are freakin' late!"

Kyungsoo tilted his head.

"I'm on time actually."

"No! You are not!"


Baekho emerges from the kitchen with flour on his face and on his uniform as well.

"Ren, Kyungsoo hyung and Kevin hyung have to take a bus from their school to here. It takes awhile."

"Oh…right. But…but he isn't immediately changed into his uniform!"

Ren pointed at Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo could only chuckle and Kai along with Onew joined in.

"I'll get changed now. Oh by the way, Ren, Baekho." He motioned towards Kai. "This is Kai, he goes to my school. Kai, this is Ren and Baekho."

Kai nodded and they did the same.

"I'll be working now Kai."

"Have fun."

Kyungsoo laughed and went to the back to get ready for work. Kai stayed 'till closing time with Onew keeping him company here and there. Ren and Baekho already left an hour ago with a box at hand with some desserts made by Ren. Kyungsoo emerges from the kitchen.

"Oh Kai, you are still here?"

"Yeah, thought I would walk you home. It is close right?"

Kyungsoo blushed at the response.

"It is, but y-you didn't have to you know."

Kai shrugged.

"It's all good. I had a nice chat with Onew, so I wasn't all that bored. Plus." Kai started to get up from his seat. "It is getting late." He points to the window showing that the sun was almost setting. "Think of it as a "thank-you-for-being-my-friend-and-introducing-me-to-your-friends" type of thing…"

Kyungsoo laughed and nodded.

"Okay then. Good that you weren't bored."

Kyungsoo held out a box.

"I was gunna give this to you tomorrow, but since you didn't leave, I'll give these to you now."

Kai gladly accepted the box.

"They are sweets that Ren and I made today. There are 5 made by yours truly and 4 made by Ren."

"Thank you."

Kyungsoo gave a nod and turned his head.

"Onew hyung!"

Onew popped his head from the kitchen door.


"Kai and I will be leaving!"

"Okay! Walk safely! Nice meeting you Kai!"


Kai gave a small wave at Onew and both took their leave. Kyungsoo and Kai chatted a bit as they walked. Before Kyungsoo could believe it, they were standing in front of his house.

"Well, this is me."

"Oh really? Funny, I just live 5 blocks down."

"You are joking."

Kai shook his head.

"I'm not. Literally 5 blocks down."

Kyungsoo smiled.

"Small world. First you are a stranger, then my classmate, then my awesome smart new friend!"

Kai turned red.


Kai jumped and felt his cheeks getting pinched.

"So cute!"

Kyungsoo pinched Kai's cheeks, in which Kai turned even more red.

"Hyung, tha-that hurts!"

Kyungsoo blinked and titled his head.


He giggled and let them go.


Kai started as he rubs his cheeks with his free hand.

"I got to go. I'll see you tomorrow at school."

Kyungsoo nodded and waved Kai a goodbye. As Kai got home, he started to take off his shoes.


An adorable, small statured, light brown hair man quickly entered from the living room - Kai could tell he was fuming.

"Kai! Where were you?! I was worried!"

"I'm sorry Luhan hyung."

Kai attempted to do his best aegyo at his step brother and guardian, but Luhan just gave him a glare.

"Yeah right Kai. No way that is going to work."

"Damn." Muttered Kai.

"YAH! Language!"

"Hm. Sorry hyung. I just made new friends and I was excited and I didn't check the time until I was too late."

"Oh! New friends already?"

Kai gave a pout.

"Yeah! Their names are Kyungsoo and Kevin…Oh I met their boss, Onew, who works at Shiny Stars and their co-workers, Ren and Baekho. They are nice. Even Kyungsoo made me these sweets. Oh and Ren too!"

Kai held up the box Kyungsoo gave him.

"Oh! How sweet of them. I am glad you made friends. They sound so kind."

Kai nodded and went in the kitchen with Luhan at tow. He opened the box and there were 9 delectable desserts.

"These look really good. Especially that one."

Luhan pointed a small chocolate 3x3 shaped dessert with a raspberry on top.

"Kyungsoo is a great baker. I tasted one of his desserts before. It was like a drop of heaven."

Luhan giggled. He made his way over to the kitchen drawer and grabbed two forks. He handed one over to Kai.

"Thanks hyung."

Both took a bite out of one of the desserts.

"WAH! This cake here is so good!"

Luhan cupped his cheek and wiggled in place. Kai chuckled at his step brother's reaction. They both ate a few more desserts before actually cooking dinner.

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[coffeemilk's fic: the cupcake that brought us together] i'll update soon!! i promise!! T ^ T


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Chapter 14: cuteeeeee! crying read this for their happiness!!! aaaa kaisoo♥♥
Asianstufflover #2
Chapter 14: Aww,I love this fic sooo much! It's cute >////////<
Chapter 14: Cuuute. :)
Chapter 14: awwwww I loved this story so much!! Kai's confession was so adorable hahaha it feels like something I would do and omg all the food mentioned made me so hungry I swear lol
Chapter 14: wow KAISOO ~~
Krisyeolsdaughter #6
Chapter 14: yay kaisoo <3 i was fangirling so hard while reading thiss <3
Chapter 14: Awwwww.. such a sweet story...!!!! ^^ #HappyReadingIt
k0j3t4 #8
Chapter 14: This story just very..... Fluff.... I love it so much!!!!! And I'm schocked you know Nico's singers. Not many people know them. Hahahaha. Good job author. :D
everythingyoudo #9
Chapter 14: Oh my god.... My ing feels. You just had to make my feels go everywhere with your fluffy story. God I'm crying right now. FREAKING CRYING BECAUSE OF THIS FLUFF.
I want to choke hold you while sprinkle you with glitter, rainbows, and unicorns right now. Q-Q
DarkAngel21 #10
Chapter 14: Omg what a lovely and wonderful story. I really enjoyed reading this. I absolutely adore Kaisoo and Kai surely was a gentleman and such a caring boyfriend. Kai and Kyungsoo really are made for each other. I loved the other characters as well. They suited this story really well and i was so happy that Kyungsoo's dad accepted Kyungsoo's dream. And omg the surprise visit of Kai at the end brought me to tears. It was sooo lovely from Kai to visit Kyungsoo. This story really was amazing. Author-nim you did absolutely fabolous. Fighting :-)))))))