.the cupcake that brought us together.

Kyungsoo already put on his game face on; he was up early, excited to know what the next challenge was to advance to the next round.

"Kai…Kai wake up." He nudged his boyfriend, who was still sleeping on their shared bed,

"Hm." Kai groaned. "Huh?" He slowly opened his eyes and gradually sat up. "What is wrong?"

"I'm excited."

"For…what?" He rubbed his eyes.

"For the next challenge!" Kyungsoo's eyes went wide with excitement. "I'm really excited that I couldn't go back to sleep!"

"Hm." Kai looked at the clock. "Wha…Kyungsoo, it is only 4am. Go back to sleep."

"B-but I can't --"

"Sleep…please." Kai flopped back on the bed, snuggling with his pillow. Kyungsoo pouted, but decided to follow what Kai has told him. He slide next to Kai and laid beside him. He turned to his side, now facing Kai. As the other slept, Kyungsoo studied his boyfriend's facial features. He blushed a bit and without even thinking, he started to trace his face with his fingers, just slightly hovering over.

"Hm." Kai moved his face away from Kyungsoo's touch, making the other softly chuckle. Kyungsoo scooted closer the other and proceeded to fall asleep.

--- (KAISOO) --- (KAISOO) --- (KAISOO) ---

"Kyungsoo…wake up. Kyungsoo."

Kyungsoo groaned and tried his best to open his eyes. "What?" He heard Kai chuckle.

"Time to get up. Competition time. We have to be there at 10."

"What time is it." Kyungsoo whined as he rolled over to Kai's side of the bed.

"It is 8:30 in the morning. You need to eat something and shower."

"I already showered…at 3 in the morning."

Kai smiled and sat knelt down to at level with Kyungsoo; he brushed his hair away from his eyes. "Okay, hour and half, but thats it."


Kai leaned in a gave a quick peck on Kyungsoo's head. With that, he went to the table and at his breakfast that he got from the continental breakfast lounge.

--- (KAISOO) --- (KAISOO) --- (KAISOO) ---

After getting Kyungsoo up and giving him some breakfast, they made their way to a familiar stadium.

"Good luck." Kai leaned in to give a good luck kiss to Kyungsoo. "I know you will do well." He smiled.

"Thank you."


Kyungsoo nodded. "Fighting!"

While Kai made his way to find a seat, Kyungsoo went to find his work station. Lucky for him, he was next to Hyelim.

"Oh! Hyelim! Good morning!"

"Kyungsoo!" Hyelim made her way to give him a hug. "Morning to you too. You excited for today?"

"Yeah! I mean, I couldn't even sleep last night."

Hyelim chuckled; they continued to talk until they heard their host tapping his microphone. "Good morning pastry makers and audience!" Chanhee said, while everyone cheered. "For today, we have our pastry masters, Mathieu LeBlanc and Valentina Leitner, and for special guests we have Ms. Lee Jooyeon, Ms. Oh Hyerin, Ms. Park Sooyoung, and Ms. Noh Yiyoung." The stadium clapped in welcoming the famous stars. "So now, pastry makers, your goal is to make desserts with fruit as the main ingredient. Time limit is 2 hours. You may start…now!"

All the pastry makers started to create their pieces. 'Okay, fruit, fruit…which one should I do?' After quickly thinking of a dessert to make, an idea hit him. 'That will do!'

--- (KAISOO) --- (KAISOO) --- (KAISOO) ---

"Okay everyone! Time is up!" Chanhee said as he stepped down from the stage with the pastry makers and their special guests.

"I hope they like this one." Kyungsoo was growing worried once again. He looked around at everyone's creations and was starting to have doubts that he would advance to the next round. 'Mine looks so normal…nothing special.' He sighed; he looked up at the stands to see Kai smiling at him. Kyungsoo felt his nerves calm a bit; he made the conclusion that whenever he is stressed or feeling nerves coming on, he just has to look at his boyfriend smiling at him, and everything will calm.

"Do Kyungsoo?"

"Y-yes? Thats me. Do Kyungsoo." He stood up feeling his hands becoming sweaty.

"What did you make?"

"I-I made um, rustic apple tart." He gestured the plate. The judges grabbed their forks and tasted the tart. With unreadable expressions, Kyungsoo bit the inside of his cheek.

"Thank you Kyungsoo." Chanhee said. With that, Chanhee and the judges made their way to the stage where they deliberated.

It took awhile, but soon, Chanhee raised his microphone. "The judges have made their decisions. As you may know, only 16 will continue on. The first person that we will call first has won the judges' tastes buds…and that person is…Do Kyungsoo!"

"Yes!" Everyone in the stands quickly turned their heads to Kai, who was now standing up with his hands up in excitement. "Erm…I-I mean, good job Kyungsoo." He clapped, making people from the stands chuckle at his actions.

Kyungsoo smiled and thanked the judges.

"Please come up here to receive your badge."

Kyungsoo nodded and made his way to the stage to collect his badge. 'I did it!' He smiled. 'I can't believe it! I'm one of the 16!!' As he nodded once again to the judges, he made his way back to his seat. 'I'm so close to my goal!'

--- (KAISOO) --- (KAISOO) --- (KAISOO) ---

"I'm so proud of you!" Kyungsoo looked over his shoulder and beamed; he ran over to Kai and jumped, making the other catch him. Kai swung him around and tightly hugged him. "You did it!"

"I was getting worried there." Kyungsoo admitted. "I thought that I wasn't going to make it." He glanced at his badge.

"But you did it!" He pecked on Kyungsoo's forehead. "Very proud of you."

"Hm!" Kyungsoo nodded. "Thank you!"

"Mr. Do Kyungsoo."

Both Kai and Kyungsoo looked at the source of the voice.

"We need to take a photo of you and the other 15 that made it to the next round."

"Oh, sure." He turned to Kai and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "I'll be back."

Kai nodded and watched as his boyfriend made his way to the rest of the group. He loved seeing Kyungsoo smile; he knew that he was having fun as well. As he thought for a bit and idea struck. He fished out his cellphone and dialed a familiar number.

--- (KAISOO) --- (KAISOO) --- (KAISOO) ---

It was the last day of the competition and Kyungsoo felt nerves coming again. 'I just need to make it to the quarter…then semis…then the final.' He bit his lip. 'I know I can do this…I know I can.'

He slowly got up from the bed and turned to see Kai still sleeping. Kyungsoo softly chuckled; he leaned over and nudged his boyfriend. "Wake up Kai. Time to get up."

"Hm." Kai groaned and turned over to the side, away from Kyungsoo. "One more minute honey."

"Honey?" Kyungsoo blinked. 'Ah, I see…I'm the girl in this relationship?!' "Kai, wake up." No response from the other. "Fine then." Kyungsoo made his way to Kai and laid on top of his side, making Kai groan from the extra weight.

"Okay, oh…kay…I'm getting up."

"Great!" Kyungsoo got off. "I know what to do if you are being difficult. I'll just sit on you."

"That…is just interesting." Kai yawned a bit. "Kiss, kiss?" He asked while his eyes were still closed. "Please?"

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes. "Fine." He leaned over and gave Kai a kiss.

--- (KAISOO) --- (KAISOO) --- (KAISOO) ---

"You will do good. I can feel it." Kai patted Kyungsoo's back. "Good luck."

"Thank you." Kyungsoo beamed. "I'll head to my station now, so I'll see you during one of the breaks okay?" Kai nodded; he watched as Kyungsoo made his way to the stadium, to his station. He checked his watch and nodded.

'They should be here.'


Kai looked over his shoulder and smiled. "Glad you guys can made it."

"We would never miss it." Kevin said.

Kai could only smile. Yesterday he called Luhan and Kevin, in which he was thankful to ask for his number before he and Kyungsoo left. He instructed Kevin to tell everyone, including Kyungsoo's father, to come down to the pastry contest. He just wanted everyone to witness Kyungsoo's achievement in advancing into the next round.

"We even made signs." Baekho showed Kai what he and Ren did. "Pretty huh? Ren did most of them."

"Yah!" Ren smacked Baekho's shoulder. "Don't tell him that!"

"Why?" Onew said while he waved his small sign stick that had Kyungsoo's name on it. "It is pretty. Right Bom?"

"Of course!" She started to wave both signs that she had. "Ren has a creative side, which I didn't know."

"Shut up." Ren told the others. "Can we just go in and root for the owl?"

"I agree. We should go and find seats." Luhan told the others, in which they nodded. "We will see you inside?"

"Yeah. I just need to wait for Kyungsoo's father."

Luhan nodded and entered the stadium with the others. Kai waited for a bit; he looked around to see if he could spot Kyungsoo's father, but there was no luck. 'Maybe…he got angry and he doesn't want to see Kyungsoo.' He bit his lip. 'I hope not…I just want him to witness his son's greatest achievement.'


The other turned around to see Kyungsoo's father. "Sir." He approached him and shook hands. "I'm happy that you can make it." Kyungsoo's father could only respond with a hum.  Kai knew that his father wasn't pleased. "Sir, I know that you are disappointed that Kyungsoo entered this…it was all me, I swear to you. Please don't blame him, but Sir, you have to see him. He is happy and he advancing to the next round. He is in the quarter finals…Kyungsoo is so close into winning I know it."

"And if he fails?"

"If he does…which he won't…then blame everything on me."

Kyungsoo's father sighed. "Where is he?"

Kai blinked a couple of times. "H-he is in there." He gestured the opened doors to the stadium. "They are about to start soon."

"Alright then." Kyungsoo's father walked passed him. "Well?" He looked over his shoulder. "Lets go and root for Kyungsoo."

Kai slowly smiled; he nodded. "Okay."

--- (KAISOO) --- (KAISOO) --- (KAISOO) ---

"Welcome everyone to the last day of the pastry contest!" Chanhee said, making the audience cheer. "It will be quite a long day today."

"Oh great." Ren rolled his eyes, making Baekho nudge him.

"There will be breaks in between and snacks provided by our pastry masters. For today, we have our pastry masters with us and will start of with the quarter round, which only 8 will advance."

"Only 8?" Bom said with a surprised tone in her voice.

"Kyungsoo can do it." Kai assured her. "I know he can."

"So, lets all get started. For this quarter round, we ask of you to make a dessert with no use of eggs."

"No eggs?" Onew blinked. "This should be interesting then."

"Everyone has 3 and a half hours. Good luck!!" Chanhee said. A bell was rung and everyone started to get to work.

"Eggless desserts? This is going to be interesting what people make." Luhan said, making the others nodded in response. "I wonder what Kyungsoo is going to make."

--- (KAISOO) --- (KAISOO) --- (KAISOO) ---

"Everyone! Times up!!" Chanhee informed the pastry makers. "We will let the pastry masters do their judging." The audience watched as the three of them walked down from the stage to the pastry makers' stations.

"I'm really nervous." Bom bit on her sign.

"Me too." Onew started to wipe his forehead.

'He will be fine.' Kai thought.

They watched as the judges made their way to each station tasting the desserts made. Once they reached Kyungsoo's table, they leaned in. They really wanted to know what they were thinking.

"I think Kyungsoo made it." Luhan told them.

"How are you so sure?" Ren raised his eyebrow at him.

"I dunno…I can just feel it." Luhan smiled at the boy, who puffed his cheeks.

"Looks like they just got done." Kevin pointed out. The judges started to walk up to the stage, debating a bit. "Just watching them talk makes me all nervous."

"Okay everyone." Chanhee cleared his throat. "The pastry masters made their decisions." He handed the microphone to Mathieu LeBlanc.

"Okay." He said Korean. "For the next round, as you may all know, only will advance." He cleared his throat a bit. "So, will the following people please come up to the stage."

He started to call names, which none were Kyungsoo. "Oh my god, I can't listen to this anymore." Bom covered her ears. Kevin patted her back, he bit his lip, also feeling nervous for Kyungsoo.

"To fill in the seventh slot…will be Kim Raehwan."

"Oh no." Baekho said softly. "The last one has to belong to Kyungsoo."

"And lastly," Mathieu LeBlanc said as he adjusted his glasses. "Our eighth slot is filled by Do Kyungsoo."

"Yes!!" Kai and company said in unison, standing up and cheering for Kyungsoo. Their cheers filled the stadium with echos of their cheer.

'What are they doing here?!' Kyungsoo widen his eyes. 'D-dad is even here?!' He bit his lip. 'I'm so screwed! Dad is here!! He is going to be mad!!'

"Do Kyungsoo."

"Y-yes! I'm c-coming." Kyungsoo made his way up to the stage and stood next to the advanced contenders. 'At least I made it…dad would have to let me advance.'

"Congratulations to the final 8. We will resume back at 3:30…in the mean time, myself and Ms. Valentina Leitner made some desserts for all of you to try. They will be in the next room." The audience cheered and started to exit the stadium.

Kai quickly made his way to Kyungsoo; he was too excited to wait for the rest of the audience members to clear out. He apologized to the people at the bumped into, but once he reached Kyungsoo, he gave him a tight hug.

"You made it!!" Kai swung Kyungsoo around. "I'm so proud of you."

Kyungsoo beamed; he looked over Kai's shoulder and seeing his friends quickly approaching them as well. He was going to ask why his friends and his father were doing here, but before he could, Kevin almost tackled down Kyungsoo and Kai together.

"Yah! Kyungsoo! You did it!!"

"We are so proud of you!" Onew cheered.

While Kai and Kyungsoo's friends were giving their praises to the other, Kyungsoo looked over his shoulder. He broke his hug from his friends and approached his father.

"Dad…h-how --"

"Kai mostly." He patted his son's shoulder. "Kyungsoo, I'm so proud of you."

Kyungsoo slowly smiled. "R-really?"

His father chuckled. "You are really doing well." He cupped the other's cheeks. "You can do this Kyungsoo."

"Hm!" Kyungsoo nodded. "I'll win dad…that is my goal."

"Thats my son."

--- (KAISOO) --- (KAISOO) --- (KAISOO) ---

The semis went by fast, and Kyungsoo was able to make it to the finals, along with another named Kim Jinchul.

"I can't!" Bom hid her head against Onew's back. "I'm going to have some sort of panic attack!!"

The mission was to create a dessert, completely original, that have some sort of meaning behind it. They watched as Kyungsoo and Jinchul did their work.

"Time is almost up." Ren whispered as he fiddled with the hem of his shirt. Baekho noticed and started chuckle at the other. Even though Ren shows that he dislikes the other, he does deep down care.

"That cupcake looks familiar." Onew said as he squinted a bit. "Isn't that…"

"Oh!" Kai nodded. "Isn't that the cupcake Kyungsoo brought in that one day."

"Yeah! The fluffy frosting cupcake with the puffy frosting for wings!"

As Kai thought about it, he remembered that day was the day that he bumped into Kyungsoo.

"Times up!" Chanhee said with a smile. He stood up along with the other judges. They made their way to the two finalists.

"That one guy." Ren pointed out. "He looks…cocky."

"I bet he feels that he got this in the bag." Luhan said, shifting in his seat.

'We will see about that.' Kai thought. He felt his hands getting slightly sweaty. Even though he kept wiping his hands on his pant legs, they still kept coming up with more sweat than before.

"Now," Chanhee started. "We will ask you guys…hm, what made you create these wonderful treats. We will start with Jinchul."

The audience listen to what Jinchul had to say. It was meaningful, but Kyungsoo's little cheer squad was a little bit curious as to what he would say. What made the cupcakes so special?

"Thank you Jinchul." Chanhee turned around to face the other. "Now, Kyungsoo."

Kyungsoo looked up with a little nerves showing in his eyes. 'You got this Kyungsoo.' Kai his lips. 'I know you do babe.'

"So, what makes your little cupcakes special? What was…your inspiration?"

Kyungsoo smiled at the host. "Well…these cupcakes mean a lot to me. Ah…they were just little proposals to my boss…asking him if they were all right to sell them...a-at the cafe that he owns." He paused for a minute before speaking again. He looked at where his little cheer squad was. His friends, his father, and even his boyfriend were all smiling at him, telling him to continue. "But um, I feel that they are more."

"Hm? What do you mean?"

Kyungsoo chuckled. "Now that I think about it, these cupcakes were how me and my now boyfriend met." He smiled brightly at Chanhee, who gave an interested expression. "Funny…it felt like I was meant to make these and my boyfriend was suppose to eat them you know. If I didn't bump into him, I probably would never had met him…and since we go to the same school, we probably wouldn't have noticed each other. I would like to think of it as the cupcake was something that brought us together. He was the one that told me to do this…even though I told him no. I was told countless of times by others to participate in this contest, but I refused…but I guess my boyfriend's persuasion made me think otherwise." Kyungsoo gripped the microphone in his hands. "And for that, thank you."

Kai smiled. 'You're welcome. I just want you to be happy.'

Chanhee nodded. "Well, thank you Kyungsoo." The host told the audience that the judges would be judging their desserts and the results will be soon. Bom held her breath as he looked back and forth between the judges and Kyungsoo.

"How is it that he is so freakin' calm?" She whispered harshly at Onew, who only gave her a shrug.

"Maybe he is trying to calm himself down as well."

Bom wanted to respond, but bit her lip. She glanced at the others, noticing how Ren is messing around with the hem of his shirt, Luhan rubbing both of his hands together as he stared intently at the judges, to even Kai and Kyungsoo's father, who bore serious expressions.

What seemed like an eternally, Chanhee rose from his seat. "Thank you for waiting everyone. We will announce who the winner will be. Thank you for your patience everyone."

Kyungsoo's little cheer team held their breath. They waited for Chanhee to announce the winner.

"And the winner is…"

'Kyungsoo.' Kai thought.


The audience clapped loudly once hearing the winner's name. Kyungsoo continued to smile, despite being on the losing end. He turned to Jinchul and shook his hand.

"Congratulations." He told the other and stepped back so the photographers could take a photo of the winner. Deep down, Kyungsoo felt defeated. He wanted to cry, but just couldn't get himself to do it. 'At least I did it.' Now Kyungsoo knows how well he did; he was able to make it to the final round out of everyone and is placed in 2nd.


He turned around to see his cheer team giving him smiles. Kyungsoo slowly approached them, feeling as if he let everyone down. Kai leaned over and pulled him into a tight hug, giving comforting words. "At least you did it right?" Kyungsoo could only nod. "I'm proud of you though. Everyone here is proud of you." The shorter could only bury his face against Kai's chest, and wrapped his arms around the other.

"Kyungsoo…we are very proud of you." Bom said, rubbing his back. "You kicked ."

Kyungsoo let out a small chuckle. "Thanks."

"There, there." Ren made his way over to Kyungsoo and patted him on the shoulder. "You…did well." He looked away, blushing a bit that he was comforting the other.

"Thanks Ren." Kyungsoo wiped his eye from potential tears dropping from his eyes. "Thanks to all of you…for supporting me…even though I didn't win."

Kai smiled and placed his hands on Kyungsoo's cheeks. He gave a quick peck on his forehead, and telling him once again, a job well done.

"Excuse me."

The group turned around to see Ms. Valentina Leitner smiling at them.

"M-Ms. Valentina Leitner!" Kyungsoo wiped his eyes clean and bowed to her. "M-may I help you?"

Valentina smiled. "I would like to say…congratulations on making it to 2nd."

"T-thank you."

"I know that grand winner got the main prize…but I would like to make an offer."


"I would like to take you under my wing…train you in my pastry institution as...well...a pastry maker. It may not be like the school the grand winner…but the concept is still the same. You are really talented Kyungsoo…those pastries are creative and the taste is splendid. Please consider." She opened her purse and took out a card; she handed it to Kyungsoo, who was shocked at the whole conversation. Ms. Valentina Leitner, personally asking Kyungsoo to attend her pastry institution. Valentina Leitner, one of the best pastry makers, asking Do Kyungsoo to attend her institution.

"I-If I say yes?"

She smiled. "Then you would be moving to Belgium, that is where my pastry institution is currently located. I understand that you are still a senior in high school yes? We will transfer the credits to the institution and continue your education there in Belgium. Think of it as, studying abroad as well as a boarding school…everything will be set for you. And don't worry about the language barrier…that will be taken care off."

"How will that be taken care of?" Onew asked, being curious. His question was answered when Ms. Leitner replied that since her institution has students from all over, they will be taught Dutch on the side, since it one of the 3 official languages in Belgium. "I see. How convenient."

"Hm." She nodded. "Plus, just like the grand winner, I will be giving you 36,904,266 won. That is 25,000 euros for your education at the pastry institution. What do you say Kyungsoo?"

Everyone stared at Kyungsoo for his answer. He was thinking of what he should respond. Going would mean that he can live his dream as a pastry maker. He would be trained under a master. Basically, he would be a fool to pass it up. But that would mean that he would be leaving everyone that he cared for to attend the pastry institution. He would be leaving Kai.

As if Kai sensed it, he nudged Kyungsoo. "Take it."

Kyungsoo was stunned. "W-what?"

"Don't worry about me. Go for it." He said, trying his best to hide the sadness in his voice.

"Yeah, Kyungsoo." Kevin smiled at the other. "This is the chance that you've been dreaming of isn't it?"

"I-I…b-but I --" He glanced at his father, who gave him a smile.

"It is okay Kyungsoo. Go for it." Kyungsoo's father said, nodding his head in acceptance.

'D-dad…accept it!' Kyungsoo felt his heart leap for joy. He really wanted to go, but another part of him didn't want to leave Kai behind. He was his boyfriend after all, and he loved him too much to leave.

"Excuse us for a minute." Kai said, as he grabbed Kyungsoo by the hand. He brought Kyungsoo to a empty hallway; he sighed. "Kyungsoo."


He turned around and smiled. "You should really go. You heard Kevin…your dad…everyone. It will be a great opportunity."

"Bu-but…what about you."

"Hm? What about me?"

"I-I'll be leaving you. I'll be leaving Korea…I'll be leaving my friends, my father."

"We will be fine." Kai assured him. "We want you to take this opportunity. Your chance is now." He placed his hands on Kyungsoo's cheeks, them in comfort. "Go for it. Hm?"

Kyungsoo wrapped his arms around the other, hugging him tightly. "I'm…I'm going to miss you."

The taller nudged his head against the other's. "Me too." He sighed. "Me too."

--- (KAISOO) --- (KAISOO) --- (KAISOO) ---

"K-Kyungsoo, have a safe trip!!" Bom hugged her best friend tightly as she could, almost to the point where he couldn't breath.

"B-Bom!" Kevin tried to let Bom release her grip on Kyungsoo. "He is going to pass out if you keep on hugging him like that."

"S-sorry! I just couldn't help it!"

Once Kyungsoo was able to breath, Onew took the opportunity to bid his goodbye. "I'm gunna miss you…you know that." He patted Kyungsoo on the head.

"Me too." Kyungsoo tried his best to smile.

"We are rooting for you. Make us proud."

"Hm!" He nodded.

"Yah, Kyungsoo!" He turned to see Ren puffing his cheeks, yet avoiding his gaze at the other. "Erm…have a safe trip!"

Kyungsoo smiled and brought Ren into a hug. "I'm going to miss you too." Ren started to feel a tinge of red coming onto his cheeks. Instead of pushing him away, he held onto him tightly. As they pulled away, Kyungsoo patted him on a cheek. "Bring lots of customers to Onew's cafe alright?"

"Hm." Ren nodded.

"Kyungsoo," Baekho patted Kyungsoo on the back. "Have a safe trip alright."

"Will do."

As they finished their goodbyes, Kyungsoo's father gave his farewell message. "I'm proud of you…Kyungsoo."


"I'm sorry for pulling you away from your dream. I am proud of you."

"D-dad…it is fine." He hugged his father tightly. "Just thank you…for letting me go."

"Hm. You be good now…and work hard."

"I will."

"Kyungsoo…it is time to go." Leitner said, calling for him to board on the plane.

'B-but Kai…he didn't --'

"W-wait! Kyungsoo hold on!" He turned around to see Kai, running as fast as he could with Luhan behind. Once he reached the other, he tried his best to control his breathing. "Wa…wait a minute. Just…wa-wait, oh my god, I'm out of shape." He placed his hands behind his head, trying to control his breathing. "S-sorry Kyungsoo…t-traffic."

Kyungsoo smiled and hugged the other tightly. "You came though." He rubbed his face against the other's chest. "For that…I'm just happy."

Kai rested his hands now on Kyungsoo's waist, hugging him tightly. "Have a safe trip." He said against the owl-eyed teen's hair.

"Hm." Kyungsoo nodded; he rested his chin on the other's chest. "Kiss goodbye?"

The taller couldn't help, but smile. Without responding, he leaned down and gave the other a sweet goodbye kiss. As they pulled away, Leitner informed that they must board now. Kyungsoo bit his lips, preventing himself from crying; he released his grip from Kai, and with the best of his ability, he smiled.

"Goodbye everyone!" Kyungsoo waved before entering the gate.

Everyone waved goodbye, wishing Kyungsoo the best of luck. Kai let out a small smile. 'I know that you will do well Kyungsoo…I know that you will do well.' Before he knew it, Kyungsoo was gone. A small tear fell from the corner of his eye, catching Onew's attention.

"Yah," Onew patted Kai on the head. "Don't cry…Kyungsoo will return to us one day."

Kai let out a breath. "You are right." He nodded. "You're right."

'Kyungsoo fighting!!'

--- (KAISOO) --- (KAISOO) --- (KAISOO) ---

A half a year has past and Kyungsoo was feeling great as ever. Sure he missed Korea, his father, friends, and especially his boyfriend. They did have computer access, which he was able to skype Kai every now and then.

Despite having a language barrier, Kyungsoo was able to pick up the Dutch language quickly. Immediately, he gathered many friends, and a few admires of both parties. However, he kindly declined saying that he belonged to someone already.

"Kyungsoo, want to have lunch before our class starts?" A friend of Kyungsoo's asked.

"Ah, rain check." He told him in Dutch. "Sorry!"

His friend chuckled and told him that it was okay. They bid farewell before Kyungsoo started to head to the small shops, just to walk around a bit before class. He sighed as he caught many couple together; it reminded him of Kai.

'I wonder how he is doing.'

He sighed; he was about to put his hand in his pocket, before a hand reached over and intertwined their hands together. It shocked Kyungsoo no doubt; he tried to whip his hand out of the other's, but instead, he widen his eyes at who it was.


Kai could only smile; he leaned down and pecked Kyungsoo on the lips. As he pulled back, he chuckled to see a dazed owl. Kyungsoo shook his head, breaking his trance.

"W-what…Kai!! How --"

"I flew in. Landed last night."

Kyungsoo couldn't believe it. Kai was actually here in Belgium. A wave of happiness went through him; he didn't hesitate and started to plant kisses on the other.

After planting what could be the 50th kiss, he hugged the other tightly. "This better not be a dream." He said against Kai's chest.

Kai could only smile. "It isn't. I saved and earned a lot of money…just so I can visit you."

"Y-you took in a lot of jobs?"

"Yeah…working at Onew's cafe…being a waiter at restaurant…working at the mall…anything that would give me money. I really couldn't stand it Kyungsoo…I missed you too much."

Kyungsoo felt himself blush. "S-skype wasn't enough?"

Kai chuckled and shook his head. "No…it wasn't."

The smaller of the two smiled. "I missed you too." He placed his hand behind Kai's neck, bringing him closer for a passionate kiss. As he pulled back, inches away from the other, he smiled once again.

"I'm happy you are here."

"Hm. Me too." The taller wrapped his arms around the other tightly. "I'm just happy to see you." He placed his forehead on top of the others. "Very much happy."

The two beamed, before intertwining their hands once again and walking down the walkway of the small shops, just like the other couples around. Kyungsoo beamed as he laid his head against the taller's arm.

'I love you so much Kai! Very much!!'

--- (KAISOO) --- (KAISOO) --- (KAISOO) ---

Le End

comments if you like/mistakes = im sorry

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[coffeemilk's fic: the cupcake that brought us together] i'll update soon!! i promise!! T ^ T


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Chapter 14: cuteeeeee! crying read this for their happiness!!! aaaa kaisoo♥♥
Asianstufflover #2
Chapter 14: Aww,I love this fic sooo much! It's cute >////////<
Chapter 14: Cuuute. :)
Chapter 14: awwwww I loved this story so much!! Kai's confession was so adorable hahaha it feels like something I would do and omg all the food mentioned made me so hungry I swear lol
Chapter 14: wow KAISOO ~~
Krisyeolsdaughter #6
Chapter 14: yay kaisoo <3 i was fangirling so hard while reading thiss <3
Chapter 14: Awwwww.. such a sweet story...!!!! ^^ #HappyReadingIt
k0j3t4 #8
Chapter 14: This story just very..... Fluff.... I love it so much!!!!! And I'm schocked you know Nico's singers. Not many people know them. Hahahaha. Good job author. :D
everythingyoudo #9
Chapter 14: Oh my god.... My ing feels. You just had to make my feels go everywhere with your fluffy story. God I'm crying right now. FREAKING CRYING BECAUSE OF THIS FLUFF.
I want to choke hold you while sprinkle you with glitter, rainbows, and unicorns right now. Q-Q
DarkAngel21 #10
Chapter 14: Omg what a lovely and wonderful story. I really enjoyed reading this. I absolutely adore Kaisoo and Kai surely was a gentleman and such a caring boyfriend. Kai and Kyungsoo really are made for each other. I loved the other characters as well. They suited this story really well and i was so happy that Kyungsoo's dad accepted Kyungsoo's dream. And omg the surprise visit of Kai at the end brought me to tears. It was sooo lovely from Kai to visit Kyungsoo. This story really was amazing. Author-nim you did absolutely fabolous. Fighting :-)))))))