Date Nights

My Cotton Candy Boy


                “Whew, that was a close call, yet again,” Yeon Ah leaned against the alley wall. Young Won peeked around the corner to check if the coast was clear.

                “Aish, why is it that every time we go on a date, they magically show up?” he whined, stomping his foot. Yeon Ah chuckled and pulled him into a hug. It has been almost a month since they had started dating. Since Young Won is scheduled to film on their anniversary, they had decided to have an early celebration. He had surprised her with a candle lit dinner at a small restaurant. The owner was a family friend who he trusted would keep their secret, even from his parents. They were on their way to their favourite coffee shop, but were shocked to find the rest of Dalmatian already there; which brings us back to the dark alley they were hiding in.

                “Don’t get so angry, Blue Boy. Something might freeze over. Oh wait. Everything already is,” she rolled her eyes and looked at the vapour coming from her boyfriend’s mouth. Winter was fast approaching and it looked like it would snow any day now. Young Won checked once more before pulling up his scarf and joining the crowd with his girlfriend. Yeon Ah adjusted her scarf as well, just in case. “Let’s go to a different café.”

                “Okay. There’s a new place opened down the street. Let’s go there.” Young Won pulled her closer and together, they walked to the little shop.


                “Hello there, I’ll be your waiter for tonight. Here are your menus. One for the pretty lady,” he winked at her. Young Won bit on his tongue so stop himself from doing something stupid. Yeon Ah took the offered menu without even looking at the waiter. To this, Young Won smiled. ‘Why was I even worried? She’s my girlfriend, the one who is indifferent about all boys except for me,’ he smirked under his scarf. Yeon Ah scanned the menu, looking for a good, hot drink for the cold winter night.

                “Wonnie, what are you going to get?” he smiled at his pet name. It had taken him almost a month of pleading before he successfully convinced her to call him by that name.

                “Hmm, I think I’m going to get the hot chocolate. What about you, Yeonnie?” he sighed at her name. Although it was cute, he didn’t like the fact that he wasn’t the only one to use it. All the boys of Dalmatian had started calling her that, and her friends already do.

                “I want to try the peppermint hot chocolate,” she grinned. Young Won nodded and called the waiter over.

                “Okay then, what would you guys like?” he asked, staring right at Yeon Ah. Young Won glared at him and cleared his throat.

                “We’ll have a hot chocolate and a peppermint hot chocolate. Thanks.” The waiter wrote down the order and bowed out. “I don’t like the way he’s staring at you. It’s disturbing.”

                “What are you talking about?”

                “Haha, this is why I love you. You don’t even notice when other guys hit on you.” Yeon Ah reached over and held his hand.

                “Somebody’s jealous. It’s cute.” The waiter came out with their order and placed it on the table.

                “One hot chocolate and one peppermint hot chocolate. Enjoy your drinks.” Young Won looked around before lowering his scarf to take a sip. Yeon Ah tried some of hers as well. It was, by far, the best hot chocolate she had ever had. They talked about life and school, slowly drinking their hot chocolates and enjoying each other’s presence. Just as they were about to leave, the chimes sounded and a bunch of noisy kids walked into the café. Yeon Ah scowled at them and was about to say something, but then one of the boys caught her eye. Or more like, his hair did.

                “Oh my god, don’t look now, but Byung Hun and his friends just walked in. I said don’t look!” she hissed when Young Won turned his head. He pulled up his scarf and hid his face from the group. “Why do we have the worst luck with dates?” She pulled her beanie down and covered her face with her scarf. “Let’s just hope they leave soon.”

                “Yea, it’s a school night, so they shouldn’t stay out too late, right?” Wrong. It just so happened that the boys of Teen Top were celebrating L.Joe’s birthday.

                “We can’t leave together. He might recognize us. Oh, what to do?” Yeon Ah glanced over at the group. They were goofing around and throwing paper balls at each other. L.Joe looked straight at her and she quickly looked away. “Crap, he looked at me. Let’s pray he doesn’t recognize me.”


                “Hey guys, doesn’t that look like Yeon Ah noona?” L.Joe pointed at the couple sitting in the corner. Teen Top looked over and squinted at her as well.

                “Yea, but I don’t think it’s her. Plus, she’s with a boy. Last time I checked, Noona’s single,” Ricky chirped. They all nodded and turned away from the table. ‘I swear that’s her. But Ricky’s right, she doesn’t have a boyfriend.’


                “We need to distract them or else we’ll be stuck here forever. Why did they have to sit near the door?” Yeon Ah peeked over at Teen Top again. Young Won grabbed her hands and gave her a reassuring look.

                “It’s okay. I’m sure the waiter will let us go out the back way.” They finished up their drinks and headed to the counter.

                “Hello, can I help you?”

                “Do you guys have a back door?” Young Won asked him.

                “Yes, why?”

                “Could we possibly exit from there?”

                “Sorry, no can do. The back room is for employees only,” he sneered at Young Won. Yeon Ah took a deep breath and did something she would do only under dire circumstances. She pulled out her aegyo card.

                “Please? Can we please go out the back door?” she clasped her hands and pouted at him. He stepped back in surprise and instantly grew red. Young Won stared at her, shocked at her sudden actions.

                “O-o-okay. Follow me,” he held led them to through the kitchen and out the back exit.

                “Thank you~!” she winked at him and pulled a scowling Young Won away. Once they were outside, she bowed to him. “I’m so sorry, Wonnie. I had to do it. It was our only way out of there.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and led the way.

                “Fine. Just promise me that you’ll never use aegyo for anybody but me, okay?”



                L.Joe looked at the couple talking to the waiter. It bugged him that the girl looked extremely similar to his noona. ‘It can’t be her. There’s no way. Unless she found a boyfriend and has been keeping him from me.’ He saw her pleading the guy for something and eventually they were led to the back. ‘That definitely isn’t noona. She doesn’t ask for favours.’


                “Hey, it’s snowing,” Yeon Ah looked up at the falling white flakes. It was mid December and they were on another rare date. Young Won had taken her to dinner and they were now walking through the lively streets of central Seoul.

                “So it is. This is the first time I got to see the first snowfall with my girlfriend,” he beamed and held her close. Yeon Ah smiled and poked his cheek.

                “Same here,” they sat down on a park bench and watched the couples walking by, admiring the first snowfall as well. Young Won told her to stay put and ran off. She breathed in the brisk, cold air and closed her eyes. She always enjoyed going on their dates because one, she was with her boyfriend, and two, any worries she had were washed away. She unconsciously smiled.

                “What are you thinking about, my cute little girlfriend?” Young Won gazed at her. She sat up, startled, and grabbed the drink from him. He chuckled and sat back in the chair. “You know, we’re coming up to 2 months now. Can you believe we’ve been able to keep this from everybody for so long?”

                “Yeah, I’m amazed my brother hasn’t found out yet. Just goes to show that twin telepathy is a load of bull,” she giggled. “Hey, it’s getting late. I think it’s time for us to go home. Plus, it’s the last day of school before winter break.” Young Won shook his head and pouted.

                “But it’s still early.”

                “It’s 11. Plus, Daniel’s going to get suspicious,” she pulled him up and started walking to her bike. Suddenly, she heard a commotion ahead. Girls were screaming and crowding around a table. “Hmm, I wonder what’s going on over there.”

                “Probably a sale on some cute fluffy things.” They got closer and Yeon Ah stopped dead in her tracks.

                “Wonnie…Code Red,” she whispered. Standing at the table was none other than L.Joe and Niel. Young Won pulled her close and they quickly walked away. “Why do we have such bad luck with dates?”

                “Beats me. Let’s hurry.”


                L.Joe picked up a diamond encrusted butterfly clip from the table and held it up to the light. ‘Noona’s birthday is coming up. I should get her this,’ he smiled.

                “Hey, I’m going to van now. Auntie, I’ll take this please,” he handed the lady the money and struggled out of the crowd of girls. Once outside, he started walking towards the parking lot, but somebody caught his attention. Up ahead, he saw a very familiar figure. ‘Is that, Noona?’ He started running after them.


                “Hey, do you hear that?” Yeon Ah slowed down and took a peek under Young Won’s arm. She squeaked and picked up the pace.

                “What is it?”

                “Byung Hun is running after us.”


                “Crap…what do we do?”


                L.Joe was almost 10 feet away from the couple when a mob of girls surrounded him. ‘AH, WHAT THE HELL!’ He bit his tongue to suppress his frustrated scream and signed the papers shoved at him. ‘That was her. I’m sure of it. Who was that with her?’ he eyed the couple who turned the corner.


                “Phew, we lost him,” Yeon Ah climbed onto her bike. “I’ll see you later?”

                “Yeah, probably tonight.”


                “We’re writing some songs at your house.”

                “Really? Okay then. I’ll see you tonight.” Young Won pulled her into a hug. She inhaled his familiar scent and pulled away. “Bye, Wonnie.”

                “See you later, Yeonnie.”


Eeep, I've taken too long, yet again >_> Sorry I haven't updated in's cause.....I was preparing.....FOR THE JYJ CONCERT! *prepares for a long rant*

I'm an oldie, so DBSG was one of the first groups I listened to. I'VE WAITED 7 WHOLE YEARS FOR THIS CONCERT. Although it wasn't all 5 memebers, it was pretty amazing. I was in the 5th row....4 SEATS AWAY FROM THE EXTENDED STAGE. No words can describe how awesome it was. If this were 5 years earlier, I would've been fangirling and screaming, however, I've grown up and grown out of screaming at boys, so I actually stood through the whole entire concert, quiet. Stupid huh? But I have to admit, Yoochun lives up to his name of being a lady killer >_< he made eye contact with EVERYBODY in our section. No joke. My friend nearly died. Me too >_> Junsu was so good. I can tell he was giving it his all. And Jae was a bit down with the weather, but he still was performing at 100% ah....I can now die happy ^^

ANYWAY, the story is boring eh? Mianhae~~~~~~


@ Humptydumptyicedtea: kekeke, you're name is awesome! I know I posted that on your wall, but I have to say it again LOL let's hope I end it well >_<

@ koreasujufan: hahaha, thanks!

@ ShyMin: mission accomplished....again XD Glad you like it so far! And yes, I think the drama can officially start now....I've been holding it off wayy too long >_>

@ winterflowr: awwwww, don't goo!!!!! come back!!!!! 

@ yamirie: bbangku FTW XD hmmmm, let's wait until the next chapters to see ^^

@ ilovemuffins: thanks for reading!

See you in the next Chapter!

-greenninjapanda GNP-

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This was cute :3 Good job with this fanfiction ^^
GNP-Productions #2
Awww~~~ Cute~~~ but somewhat awkward in this situation since he's supposed to be a brother O_O Thanks for reading~~~
ilkpop1112 #3
I read chap 2 and I'm on chap 3, the funny thing is, I have a HUGE crush on this guy named Daniel Cho, and people call him Danny so it's kinda awkward for me to see Danny or Daniel in a story... :P
hai_young #4
I just checked the last comment you replied me to.
and hahahahah ive come back and reread it. just like i promised;)
GNP-Productions #5
Wah, thanks for reading ~
this story, i can't even describe it in words. i usually only like but this story is fantastic baby (CWIDT^^)
Loved the story. ;)
I LOOOOOOOOVED THIS STORY!!! x) I'm gonna miss it!! T____T
GNP-Productions #9
WUAAHH~~ I'm glad every one liked it (I hope). I, too, miss writing this story T^T
This story was super cuteeeeee !!! Why did it have to end >< <br />