
My Cotton Candy Boy


                Young Won watched as she ran into the school. He dropped his arm and slumped down against the tree. ‘Smooth move, man. You’re scared her off,’ he mentally beat himself up for making her run away. His phone rang and interrupted his internal civil war.

                “Hello? I’m outside. Really? Okay. What? Why? WHAT?! Y-yeah, I’m fine. Yeah, okay, see you in a bit. Bye,” Young Won snapped his phone shut and ran a hand through his hair. ‘Tonight’s not a good night.’


                “Hyung! Where are you? Ah, I see. Well, the dance is over now. Yeah. Noona is on her way with the other hyungs. Oh, they wanted to have a movie night at my house since we have tomorrow off. Ouch! Are you okay, hyung? Okay then, I’ll meet you out front. Bye!” Daniel hung up and turned to Jisu. “Young Won hyung said he’ll meet us outside. We should head out.”


                Yeon Ah splashed some water onto her face and stared at the mirror. ‘What just happened? Why the hell is he telling me this now?’ she growled and splashed more water onto her burning face. Her heart was racing and her stomach felt like it was going to fall out her . Why did she run? She panicked. It not everyday a boy confesses to her, let alone her brother’s band mate and her project partner for the last month. She dried off and felt her phone vibrate.

                (Hey Yeon Ah, I’m waiting outside right now. I brought the van this time. -Manager Kim)

                (Yeonnie! The boys are coming over for a movie tonight! -Danny)

                Yeon Ah nearly dropped her phone. ‘The boys...’ she mentally screamed and rushed out the girls’ washroom. She sprinted out of the school and spotted the black minivan. ‘Tonight’s not a good night, at all,’ she thought, slamming the door shut.


                “Make yourselves comfortable. I’m going to clean up and will be down in a bit,” Daniel ran upstairs, followed by Young Won and Jisu. They fought each other to use the bathroom first and eventually, took turns and were downstairs in the living room.

                “Is your sister at home?” Dari asked, flipping through the stack of DVDs.

                “I don’t know. She hasn’t texted me yet, so I’m assuming not.” The boys decided on a movie and popped it into the DVD player. Half way through the movie, Yeon Ah quietly slipped through the door. Just when the killer jumped out on screen, Yeon Ah slammed the door closed.

                “Hey guys.”

                “AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! DON’T KILL US!!!!!!!!” Yeon Ah plugged her ears at the high pitched screams coming from Dalmatian. They paused the movie and glared at her.

                “Calm down! Jeez, kill my eardrums with your girly screams,” she mumbled and went up to her room. Daniel, clutching his chest, ran after her.

                “Hey, you’re home late. And thanks for scaring us by the way,” he nudged her shoulder. Unresponsively, she pulled out her PJs and took the pins out of her hair. “Hey, are you okay?” he asked, worried. It’s like she couldn’t even hear him. He poked her again, but still no response. Never had he seen her so dead, even after long hours of work. ‘Something’s wrong,’ he thought as she walked to her bathroom completely spaced out. ‘Got to get to the bottom of this….AFTER the movie is done,’ he grinned and raced downstairs. The boys turned the movie back on and continued watching.


                In her bathroom, Yeon Ah was in the middle of a small dilemma, if that’s what we could call it.

                “Ah, what do I do?” she messed up her hair more as she stared into the mirror. “I’ve never been in this situation before…Should I call Eun Hee? Yea, let’s do that,” she ran into Daniel’s room and grabbed his cell phone, searching through until she found his stylist’s number. Dialling it into her own phone, she discarded his phone onto the bed and scampered back to her own room. After 2 tones, Eun Hee picked up.

                “Hello? This is Kim Eun Hee speaking.”

                “Eun Hee, it’s me, Yeon Ah.”

                “Ah! Daniel’s sister. How can I help you?”

                “Well, you see, I’m in a pickle?”

                “What is it? Boy problems?”


                “It is, isn’t it?! Ah, I’m so smart. Tell me!”

                “Actually, it’s not.”

                “Uh, oh, okay then. What is it?”

                “….Idon’tknowhowtotakethemakeupoff…” she quickly whispered into the phone and winced. The other end was silent. “Eun He---”

                “AHAHAHAHA, IS THAT REALLY WHAT YOU CALLED ME FOR? AWWWW, You’re too cute!” Yeon Ah pulled the phone away from her ear. Eun Hee sure has a loud voice.

                “Don’t laugh. I’m not a frequent makeup user, so I have no clue how to take it off,” she sighed, looking down at the bottles cleansers and makeup Eun Hee had left.

                “You know, they all have labels with instructions on how to use them and what they do. I thought you were smart, Hun,” Eun Hee laughed. Yeon Ah scowled at the phone and picked up a random bottle, skimming over the words.

                “I thought it’d be better if you told me what to do.”

                “Okay, I get it. You only have 2 steps to follow. First use the transparent teal bottle. It’s a cleanser that will remove all of your make up. Then use the opaque baby pink bottle. That’s your moisturizer. And as I had said earlier, there are instructions on how to use the product on the bottle. G’luck!” Eun Hee hung up the phone. Yeon Ah grimaced as she pocketed her cell and picked up the teal and baby pink bottles.


                “Let’s watch a comedy now!”

                “No! Chick flick!”

                “…..NO, DAYDAY. We are NOT watching a chick flick.”

                “What? I need a break from the horror, Inati hyung.”

                “Whatever…I think we should watch a thriller.”

                “How ‘bout we let Yeon Ah decide?” Jisu pointed at her walking down the stairs. She was in some basketball shorts and a loose t-shirt.

                “Decide what?” she asked, plopping down next to Daniel and Dari. Young Won was looking at her, but she pretended to not notice.

                “What movie to watch next,” he replied. She quickly glanced at him and then looked away. Awkward much?

                “I don’t care. You pick,” she pointed at Bbangku on Daniel’s lap. He whined. She picked him up and brought him to the stack of DVDs. “Pick. Your choice.” He looked at her, before pushing the DVD tower with his noise. The cases came crashing down and he nudged the one on top of the remaining pile. “Darkness Falls. Good choice, buddy,” she patted his head and picked him up. Slipping in the disc, she played the movie and sat back down with Bbangku on her lap.


                The living room was filled with loud snoring. ‘I wonder how Manager Kim can cope with the noise. It’s already bad enough with one here, how can he live with the other 5? Respect,’ she thought, rolling her eyes at the 6 men sprawled around the living room. Yawning, she got up and turned off the TV then headed off to her room. Bbangku was curled up in ball, sleeping on the mat next to the stairs. ‘Cute.’ She slipped into her room and crawled into her cold bed. Minutes past and Yeon Ah kept tossing and turning, unable to go to sleep. ‘What the heck…’ she groaned and squeezed her eyes shut. Why couldn’t she get to sleep? It’s not like there was anything on her mind to keep her awake, right? Wrong. There were so many things going through her head. The dance, the mysterious costume, the confession…Especially the confession. The scene kept replaying in her head like a broken record and every single time it got to the part where she ran, it looped right back to the beginning. ‘I just want to sleep…’ she silently whined and pulled her pillow over her face. There was a tiny squeak of the floorboards outside her door and she immediately sat up. ‘Probably one of the guys trying to find the bathroom.’ However, there were no sounds after. Everything was quiet, too quiet. She tip toed over to her door, avoiding all the familiar loose boards and placed her ear on the cold wood. Soft breathing was heard from the other side. ‘Gotcha.’ She grabbed the doorknob, twisted it open, and covered the person’s mouth, muffling the scream he let out, and closed her door.

                “Isn’t it a bit freaky of you to stand outside a girl’s at this time of the night?” she asked. It was dark, so she couldn’t make out who it was. He clawed at her hand, trying to pull it off his mouth, but she held on tight. So, out of desperation, he pulled her towards her bed and the bedside lamp. Yeon Ah closed her eyes at the sudden brightness and blocked it. “Turn it off!” He turned the switch and everything became dark again. Yeon Ah blinked the light spots out of her vision and turned to the mystery person. His blue hair shone in the moonlight and she back up into her headboard. “What do you want, Dong Rim?” He looked at her, a hint of sorrow in his eyes.

                “An answer.” His response was short. What? She did the leave the guy hanging earlier. Yeon Ah looked down, suddenly finding her nails to be the most interesting thing in the world. “Look at me.” She couldn’t pull herself to do it. What if she said something stupid? What if she made a fool of herself? Young Won moved closer and grabbed her chin, tilting her head up to look at him. “Now that wasn’t hard, was it?” Yeon Ah pulled away, but kept her head up. “I don’t know about you,” he continued, “but I couldn’t sleep at all. Every single time I closed my eyes, I see you running away. I think…I think I need an answer from you. For closure, you know? Maybe I could rest better knowing that you’ve rejected me.” He forced himself not to look away. “I want you to know that I like you, a lot. My feelings are true. It has taken me 3 weeks to figure it out. 3 very stressful, confusing weeks. But now it’s clear and I know that I really like you.” Yeon Ah looked out the window. “Seeing that you’re quiet, I guess you don’t feel the same way. Okay, I’ll take it.” He stood up to leave, but she held him back.

                “Wait. Give me 10 minutes to figure this out. 10 minutes,” she gave him a determined look. Young Won looked at her alarm clock and nodded his head.

                ‘Okay, think things through. He likes you. That’s great. But what do you feel? Joy? Anger? Anything?’ Yeon Ah debated and glanced up at him from time to time. Young Won was getting nervous and was counting down the minutes.

                “Time’s up.”

                “You actually counted?”

                “You said 10 minutes.”

                “I did…Well, I have my answer.”


                “Well…” Yeon Ah turned away and he took it as a no. Just as she had planned. He turned away and with all the courage she had in her body, she leaned forward, giving him a small peck on the cheek. Immediately, she buried herself in the blankets. “Now you know my answer.”

                “Actually I didn’t catch that. Want to repeat it for me?” he was grinning ear to ear. Yeon Ah peeked up from her blankets and shook her head. “Fine. What made you realize?”

                “Well, I can’t really explain it. Other than my brother, you’re the first person I want to call. You’re the first person that can calm me down when I’m angry. You’re the first person who can pick me up when I’m weak. I guess you’re somebody special for me to think of you this way.” Young Won smiled and pulled her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around him.

                “So, I guess we’re official?” he looked down at her.

                “I guess so.”

                “Would you look at that, it’s exactly 12:01 AM. We’ve become an official couple on October 31st.” They laughed together when suddenly, the door swung open.

                “Oh, hello. Bathroom. My bad. Good night.”

                Young Won stared wide eyed at Yeon Ah. Were they already caught?

                “Daniel’s a heavy sleep walker. He won’t remember a thing.”

                “I know I will.”

                “Shut up, Blue Boy.”


Finally, right? It was 20 chapters overdue...STORY IS NOT OVER YET!

BTW, I lost a sub T^T *wallows in my own self pity*


@shikshin28: haha yea, finally right?

@surethingfalling: LOL super power hug XD let's not hurt him now XP

@ShyMin: ack, he didn't chase after her >_< however! something better happened XD

@hai_young: hahaha run in a circle XD If they live happily ever after, the story will be over =O

@winterflowr: L.Joe is still here! 

@yamirie: hehehe I feel bad for making it so awkward...>_<

Anyway, I predict there will be about 5-6 more chapters left! 

See you in the next Chapter!

-greenninjapanda GNP-

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This was cute :3 Good job with this fanfiction ^^
GNP-Productions #2
Awww~~~ Cute~~~ but somewhat awkward in this situation since he's supposed to be a brother O_O Thanks for reading~~~
ilkpop1112 #3
I read chap 2 and I'm on chap 3, the funny thing is, I have a HUGE crush on this guy named Daniel Cho, and people call him Danny so it's kinda awkward for me to see Danny or Daniel in a story... :P
hai_young #4
I just checked the last comment you replied me to.
and hahahahah ive come back and reread it. just like i promised;)
GNP-Productions #5
Wah, thanks for reading ~
this story, i can't even describe it in words. i usually only like but this story is fantastic baby (CWIDT^^)
Loved the story. ;)
I LOOOOOOOOVED THIS STORY!!! x) I'm gonna miss it!! T____T
GNP-Productions #9
WUAAHH~~ I'm glad every one liked it (I hope). I, too, miss writing this story T^T
This story was super cuteeeeee !!! Why did it have to end >< <br />