Chapter 2 - Korea Arts High School

My Cotton Candy Boy


A/N - All italicized texts = English (spoken or through text)


     Korea Arts High School is a prestigious high school that offers a variety of arts courses. Like any other Arts school, KAHS is bursting with talent, especially those who are in the music program. A regular school day at KAHS is simple. School begins at 7:30 in the morning, and students are taught the regular high school curriculum until 12. After an hour of lunch, the special arts courses are taught from 1 to 5 in the afternoon. The Arts courses range from visual arts, music composition, and dance. There is also a choice to join extracurricular activities such as sports teams, academic clubs, and more. Only 100 students are admitted into the school every year, so seats are always limited.


     Yeon Ah and her friends rushed to their classes as they heard the first bell ring. The three of them sprinted up the flights of stairs leading to the third floor and jogged to their respective classes. Scanning the classroom, she tried to find a good spot. ‘Ah, there it is.’ She walked over to the window aisle and sat in the very back. More students began to file into the classroom as the second bell rang to indicate the beginning of the lesson.

     “Good morning class,” a tall middle aged woman greeted the third years. “Welcome to your second last year of high school! I will be your homeroom teacher. My name is Ms. Jang, because I’m the best!” The thick air in the class lightened as students softly chuckled at her attempt to joke. “Now that I’ve introduced myself, I’m going to take attendance, and when I call your name, I want to your introduce yourself and tell us any random fact about you.” The class started buzzing with conversation as the students began to discuss what facts they plan on sharing. Yeon Ah mused over what she wanted to share with the class. Since she has never told anybody that she moved to Korea from the States, she decided she’d tell them that. “Okay, I’m going to start now.” The teacher started citing names from her attendance list. Yeon Ah didn’t have to wait long for the teacher to call out her name. “Next on the list is Chae Yeon Ah.”

     “I’m here. Hello, my name is Chae Yeon Ah; it’s nice to meet you. Um, a random fact about me is that I moved here from the States in my first year. Please take care of me.” Yeon Ah bowed as the class began to whisper to one another. Just as she was about to sit down, a boy shouted from across the room.

     “Can you speak fluent English?” She looked up at her teacher who nodded at her.

     “Yes I can. I was born and raised in the U.S., so English is actually my first language,” she replied.

     “Introduce yourself then!” the same boy yelled out. The whole class started chanting ‘Do it’. With a frustrated sigh, she stood up from her seat.

     “Hello, my name is Leona Chae. I moved here from California in my first year of high school. Nice to meet you all,” she ended her English introduction and sat back down. The class stared in awe at her perfect pronunciation. Even the teacher was surprised. Ms. Jang continued role call and when she was done, the bell rang, marking the end of homeroom.

     “I’ll see you all tomorrow! Study well today, okay!” Ms. Jang waved and walked out of the room. Students got up to stretch out in preparation for their four hour long lesson. Yeon Ah pulled out her schedule to check her classes. Today, she had Math, History, English, and P.E., and tomorrow she had Social Studies, Chemistry, Biology, and Physics. ‘Great,’ she thought, ‘all the sciences just HAD to be grouped in one day.’ Just as she was putting her schedule away, the classroom door slammed open as an angry looking man in his mid-thirties came storming into the room. Picking up the chalk, he wrote out ‘Mr. Park’ and spun around to face the classroom.

     “Settle down and get out your books. HURRY! You’re wasting your own lecture time, so I advise you all to move faster.” The man glowered at the class and the students scrambled to their seats and pulled out their supplies. Yeon Ah also followed suit and took out her books. ‘Looks like somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed today’ she thought. The teacher turned to the chalkboard and began writing down equations. Once he filled the ENTIRE board, he faced the class and said, “Finish these questions and hand them in by the bell.” The whole class stared, dumbfounded by the thought of having to finish all the problems. One brave soul raised her hand to ask a question. “What is it?” he snapped. The student trembled in fear as she cleared .

     “Won’t you be teaching us the lesson before we attempt these equations?” That was a bad idea. Mr. Park jumped up from his seat and chucked the piece of chalk at the wall above her head. Stunned, she just stared back at him with wide eyes.

     “This is a placement test. Obviously I’m not going to teach you anything because I want to see what level you guys are at. Now, I think it’d be wise for you guys to start the assignment.” Glancing at his watch, he wrote down the time they had left. Only 45 minutes to complete almost twenty, calculus level questions seemed closed to impossible. Yeon Ah began answering the questions. They were all derivative questions. She sighed in relief because during the summer, she had learnt calculus upon her parents’ advice. Finishing off the last question, she looked up at the clock and had five minutes left before the end of class. She put her pencil down and walked to the teacher’s desk. Everybody looked up at her, shocked that she was able to complete even the first question.

     “I’ve finished the problems, Mr. Park” He incredulously looked at her and took her paper. ‘There’s no way she could’ve finished them. They are calculus questions; they are grade 12 math questions,’ he convinced himself. The bell rang and Mr. Park walked around the class, collecting papers from unwilling students.

     “I’ll mark these and have them back to you by Wednesday’s class.” He left the classroom and immediately, the students gossiped about his strict behaviour.

     “I didn’t know what to do on any of them. How about you guys?”

     “He is really mean. Did you see how he glared at us?”

     “Gosh, I hope the other teachers aren’t as mean as he is.” Once again, the door slid open, slowly this time. In walked a woman in her early twenties. She wore a black pencil skirt with a white blouse. Many of the boys stared at her in awe.

     “Greetings, class. I’m Miss. Kim and I will be teaching you for both History and English. It’s nice to meet you all.” The class greeted her and the boys in particular, sat upright in their seats, giving her their complete attention. Miss. Kim taught them their History and English lessons and left when the bell rang. Yeon Ah sighed, dropping her pencil onto the desk and stretching her arms behind her. The P.E. teacher came strolling in and immediately had the girls’ attention, sans Yeon Ah.

     “I’m your P.E. teacher, Mr. Brouillard. You can call me Mr. B. Please gather your gym clothes and follow me.” Everybody stood up and went to their cubby holes at the back of the class. Yeon Ah turned around and reached into the cubby right behind her, grabbed her bag, and started towards the door. The girls crowded around the teacher as they all walked towards the gym. In the gym, the girls and boys went to the changing rooms to change their clothes. Yeon Ah was the first girl to get out because she didn’t need to add on a couple pounds of make up like the other girls were doing.

     “Teacher, what is taking them so long?” a boy in the bleachers asked. The teacher shrugged and paced back and forth. The girls FINALLY decided to come out and the teacher began his class.

     “Now that everybody is here, we’ll be starting the lesson. We are going to begin this term with Track and Field. However, I need to test your guys’ fitness levels. Line up on the right side of the gym, we’ll be doing the “Beep Test”.” The students groaned as they dragged their bodies over to the right side of the gym and lined up along the wall. Stretching, Yeon Ah took her spot among the line and touched the wall, along with every other student. Mr. B started played the recording and the first tone sounded. Yeon Ah lightly jogged over to the other wall, pacing herself so that she wouldn’t tire out too early. Reaching the other end of the gym, they all touched the wall and waited for the next beep. One by one, people were dropping out or failed to reach the wall before the next beep. Yeon Ah was the lone girl left against two other boys. Now, there was only three seconds between each beep, giving the three a short amount of time to recover. The beep sounded and Yeon Ah ran as fast as she could. Just as she touched the wall, the next beep was heard. “Good. I think we will end here today. Congrats Ms. Chae, you beat out the boys by half a second. Hit the showers everybody, I’m letting you out early today.” Mr. B turned off the sound system and everybody walked to the change room. Yeon Ah felt really gross and sweaty, so she took a shower in one of the stalls. The other girls in her class thought it’d be funny to pull a prank on her because they believed that she was being a teacher’s pet in all their classes so far. When the bell rang and they were leaving the changing room, they took her uniform with them. Yeon Ah came out of the shower stall and walked over to her stuff only to find her uniform gone and her shoes left behind.

     “You’ve got to be kidding me…” she mumbled. Frustrated, she dried her hair, wore her gym clothes and walked out of the change room, all while whispering curses in English. She didn’t need to go far to find her uniform. The girls thought it’d be funny to hang them off the basketball nets. “Awesome. Way to throw the uniform of a 5’2” girl onto a 10’ basketball hoop. Oh bonus, it’s on the backboard. Seriously, why do these immature little girls got to be hatin’ on me?” Yeon Ah positioned herself under the hoop and jumped. She easily caught the rim and hoisted herself onto the hoop. Carefully she balanced herself on the hoop and grabbed all of her clothes and hung them on her shoulders. She sat down onto the hoop, and then jumped off.

      “YAH! Did you know how dangerous that was?! Are you crazy or something?!” Yeon Ah stood up and turned around to where the voice was coming from. She was surprised because she was greeted by a boy with pink hair. ‘Seems young, probably a first year student,’ she glanced at him and turned towards the changing room. “Excuse me! I’m talking to you!”

     “Don’t worry kid; I’ve been around long enough to know what to do. Don’t get your briefs in a twist. Now run along to your little friends, it’s lunchtime.” Yeon Ah walked away from the stunned first year student. She changed and went back to her classroom. The girls from her class glared at her as she walked through the hallways. ‘Great, my effort in class is showing off in their eyes. It seems like this year is going to be more annoying than before.’ She put her stuff away in her cubby and took out her cell phone to find that she received three messages. One text was from each of the twins and one was from her twin brother. ‘What’s this, he never texts me.’ She clicked on his message and read it.

     “Hey baby girl! How’ve you been? Have you been following Dalmatian?! If you aren’t, YOU HAVE TO! I need your support the most cause you are my second half, yo. Anyway, mom and dad says you have to be home by 7:00pm sharp, OR ELSE! See you at dinner! -Danny~~~” Yeon Ah flinched at Daniel’s immature text. She replied to him.

     “Don’t call me baby girl….remember what happened last time? Do you want another -whooping, bro? Who’s Dalmatian? LOL I JOKE. I don’t fan girl, but I did get two copies of your album. Okay, I’ll try to get home by then. BTW, you’re coming to dinner tonight? Why? -Leona” She sent him the text and read the twins’ text. They told her to meet them at their usual hang out spot. She grabbed her lunch bag and walked outside to the big oak tree. She saw her friends already sitting there, so she ran over and joined them.

     “What took you so long?” Hyo Rin asked. Yeon Ah growled and unpacked her lunch.

     “Are the girls already out to get you? Wow, that was fast. What did they do this time?” Hyo Min reached over to grab some Kim bap from Yeon Ah’s lunchbox. Slapping her friend’s hand away, Yeon Ah popped a piece in , chewed, swallowed, and began recalling what happened in P.E.

     “Geez, those girls need to calm down. If they think the teacher is good looking and want praises from him, they need to work for it. Also, that pink headed kid needs to mind his own business,” Hyo Min shook her head in disgust as she witnessed some junior girls giggling at the said gym teacher who was playing soccer in the field with some senior boys. Yeon Ah rolled her eyes. Her cell phone vibrated with a new message.

     “Hey, you are a baby! I am older than you, so you are the baby! You dare threaten me? I don’t know…they just told me to come tonight. I’m at rehearsal now, so I’ll talk to you later. -Danny” Her brother wasn’t really helping in her current situation, but she was excited anyway to be able to see him tonight. Chuckling, Yeon Ah put her phone away and continued eating her lunch with her friends.

     “So after lunch, we all have the same schedule right?” Hyo Min asked, looking at the other two.

     “I think so. I’ve got double Music Composition classes, and double Jazz. How ‘bout you guys?”

     “We’ve got the Music Comp with you, but we both have double Strings instead. Let’s go, the bell will ring any minute now,” Hyo Min and Hyo Rin both got up at the exact same time and with the exact same movements. No matter how many times she’s seen it before, Yeon Ah stared in amazement.

     “Hahaha, don’t be jealous because you don’t have a twin to do this with,” Hyo Rin stuck her tongue out at her. ‘Oh, the irony of your words,’ Yeon Ah smiled at them and gathered her things before they all walked towards the school. Since the Arts building is separate from the Main building, all the students packed their belongings from their classrooms and brought them over to their classrooms at the Arts building. Yeon Ah met up with Hyo Min and Hyo Rin at the front of the Main building. Hyo Min had a violin case, while Hyo Rin had a cello case. Together, they walked to the Arts building and into their Music Comp class. 


Hello all~~~~ Chapter 2 is finally up!

It's boring, again. A lot of introductions, but you get a glimpse of L.Joe and Daniel ^^ Chapter 3 will have more main character interactions, so look forward to it! Maybe later today...

Comments are MUCH appreciated and SUBSCRIBERS are awesome!

See you in the next chapter!

-greenninjapanda GNP-

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This was cute :3 Good job with this fanfiction ^^
GNP-Productions #2
Awww~~~ Cute~~~ but somewhat awkward in this situation since he's supposed to be a brother O_O Thanks for reading~~~
ilkpop1112 #3
I read chap 2 and I'm on chap 3, the funny thing is, I have a HUGE crush on this guy named Daniel Cho, and people call him Danny so it's kinda awkward for me to see Danny or Daniel in a story... :P
hai_young #4
I just checked the last comment you replied me to.
and hahahahah ive come back and reread it. just like i promised;)
GNP-Productions #5
Wah, thanks for reading ~
this story, i can't even describe it in words. i usually only like but this story is fantastic baby (CWIDT^^)
Loved the story. ;)
I LOOOOOOOOVED THIS STORY!!! x) I'm gonna miss it!! T____T
GNP-Productions #9
WUAAHH~~ I'm glad every one liked it (I hope). I, too, miss writing this story T^T
This story was super cuteeeeee !!! Why did it have to end >< <br />