
Tracing To You : When Love Strikes.

The next morning, it seems like as if nothing happened last night. 


Minho send me and drop me off at school as usual. 


I was planning to stare out the window to avoid talking to him but I didn't need to. 


Minho was quiet as usual but the quietness after what happened last night was overwhelming. I felt bad for having to kiss him back yesterday night but then no giving an answer. I can't commit, I should have said that but.. 


But I ran off like a jerk, a moron to the guest house. 


Only to realise I have regretted it and should have told him I love him. I bit my lip and looked down, looking at my hands as they fumbled together. I felt bad, worse of all, I felt like I was cheaing on myself. I know I love him but... 


"Aren't you getting out?" 


I blinked and looked at Minho who was looking out the window. I gulped and realise we were just outside the school gates, parked at the curb where many other parents were dropping their kids off. I gulped and grabbed the strap of my haversack before opening the door and scurried out. I almost trip on the pavement but I caught myself and pull my arms into the straps of my bag. 


I heard the engine of his car started, the soft humming of the motor before I looked up and saw him exiting the curb and heading down the road. I caught him looking back at the sideview mirror before he looked away. I bit my lip and rearranged myself before rushing to the school gates and head for school. 


* * * * * * 


By the time it was lunchtime, I couldn't helped but think of him. 


I was too distracted and touched my lips several times hopeless, before sighing like a fool. I was staring at the board but my mind was thinking of him. Teachers caught me but I managed to answer their questions without fail. I bit my lip and followed the usual small group of friends I made since moving to a different class from Hye Unnie. 


"Why so gloomy?" Eun Ji asked, "Kencanah?" 


"Neh..." I mustered a smile to remove whatever thoughts they were thinking, questions that might make me slip the truth out. 


"Ahh... Nando baegopa!" Hee Na said, stretching her arms out, "Ppali...." 


We quickly ran to the cafeteria building just in between the two school buliding that separates the academics from the extra activities. We end up quing for the food before settle ourselves at the usual corner of the cafeteria. 


Everyone was eating, smiling and laughing, talking about our teachers and classmates. I didn't had the mood to join in, picking on my fries with my fork, sighing. 


Eun Ji looked at me, and waved a hand at me. 


"Kencanah?" She asked, staring at me, "Something is bothering you...." 


"Neh...." Hee Na said, looking at me, "Whats wrong? Hmm?" 


All eyes on me, I sighed and looked at their faces. They smiled encouragingly before nodding their heads. 


"Share it with us..." Hyun Jun said, one of my classmates. 


Well, I'm not usually the sharing kind but... It wouldn't hurt to get an advice right? Hye Unnie hadn't replied me and I was worried sick for her. I gulped and put the fork down, putting my hands together. 


"Well, if you have two guys in your life...." I looked at the guys and corrected, "Or girls.... and you should choose between them... what would you do?" 


"Pick who's the best then!" One of the guy exclaimed before getting knocks in the head. 


"Aish... You're totally an air head!" One of the other guys said, 


"Well... This sounds like a battle between...." Hee Na muttered, looking away and two fingers stick out. 


"Minho," She tapped one of them, "And Kai..." She tapped the other finger. 


I gulped and thank god I wasn't chewing on food or it would have gotten stuck in my throat. 


"Woooo~" I heard one of the girls said, "Hotties...." 


Hee Na high fived her and smiled. I blinked and looked at Eun Ji. 


"Well, go with what your heart tells you." She smiled, grabbing another piece of potato and ate it up. 


"That...." Hyun Jun muttered, pointing at Eun Ji, "Sounds.... totally useless.... Really... If I like two girls, I would just see how they fair on a date." 


"Date?" Hee Na muttered, making a snort in , "Thats just cheating on the other party, Hyun Jun ahh..." 


"Then how would you suggest?!" Hyun Jun challenged, 


"Take them both out together....." Hee Na said, digging into her salad. 


"See how they fair..." Hee Na smiled and looked at me, "You will then know which guy to go out with... and be with...." 


I gulped and thought about it, turning away just as the group started criticising Hee Na for her crazy idea. I sighed heavily and forced a piece of meat in my mouth, chewing and swallow it down my throat. 


* * * * * * * 


I waited at a small cafe right after training. Today's training finished early, as scheduled. I sighed and waited right outside, in a chiffon skirt and a blouse, decked with a small cardigan since the night was cold. I could smell the rain from far, sighing when I knew it was Hye Unnie's favourite weather. 


"Min Jae!" 


I looked up just to see Kai smiling and walking towards me. 


"Oh... Oppa!" I smiled and waved at him just as Minho turned and looked at me from the other side. 


"Oh? Hyung!" Kai smiled and bowed, "Annyeong...." 


I looked at Minho, afraid that he would leave. I saw what he was wearing - a white V-neck and skinnies, along with a stripe cardigan. I smiled at him, reaching for his hand and held on to him.


"We are having dinner together...." I said, giggling and giving the eye smile, before linking my other arm with Kai, "Ka ja...." 


Minho sighed heavily and didn't say a word, rolling his eyes and let me drag him. Kai smiled and lead me in, opening the door for me and smile. 


Once we go seated, I smiled and took the seat in the middle of them both. Kai and Minho was facing each other. Kai was grinning at me, before he looked at the menu. Minho looked at him and rolled his eyes, glancing at me and caught my small apology smile before looking at the menu. I sighed and pouted, hiding my face in the menu. 


Mhmm... The menu looks nice... what should I order? 


Kai looked at me and smiled, "Have you picked?" 


I shook my head and sighed. Kai frowned a little and smile, "You'll pick something...." 


I almost jumped out of my seat when I heard a thump on my other side, before turning and looking at Minho who scooted closer and flipped to the first few pages of the menu. He flipped it to 'All-Time Favouries" page and set it in front of me. I looked at the page before looking at him. 


He sighed and looked at me, his eyes blazing into mine. 


"Take their signature Fish 'N' Chips...." He said, before calling on the waiter to order. 


Kai looked at us, blinking. He didn't know what just happened but he smiled a little when I looked at him and smiled a little. 


Kai told the waiter his orders. Minho told his orders.. and mine... 


"One plate of Creamy Mushroom... One Fish 'N' Chips... One iced tea... One Strawberry Milkshake...." 


The waiter took them down and nodded, taking our menus and leaving us. I bit my lip and looked down, realising that Minho knows me better than Kai but Kai can learn right? 


"You like strawberries?" Kai suddenly said once the waiter was out of sight, "I didn't know..." 


"Neh..." I gave him a nervous smile, before looking away. 


Then... the awkward slience... I gulped and looked down just as Kai started asking me more questions about myself. 


Well, at least Kai wasn't like Minho.... 


I smiled and giggled when Kai shared his interests and stories, making both of us laughed. Minho kept drinking the water that was served to us, looking at Kai and me with a glimmer of jealousy. I glanced at him when Kai looked away slightly, catching his uncomfortable stance and how his face suddenly looked... 


"Here's your orders..." The waiter came and served the orders to us. 


"Waa...." Kai smiled and clapped, thanking the waiter. 


I bowed and thanked the waiter just as Minho gave a small smile and thanked the waiter as well. 


"Mani meokgo~" Kai said before digging into his food and smiled. 


"Neh...." I smiled and digged into the breaded fish and popping it into my mouth. 


"Mhmmm...." Kai and I said together, bursting into anoher fit of laughters. 


Minho gave a small smile before digging into his spaghetti. 


I looked at him when he was eating and realise that it was a bad idea taking him here. 


I felt sorry and sad, knowing that he was not going to say anything at all and watched us. He ate his spaghetti without a word since we met outside the cafe. I gulped and felt a sting of pain in my heart, regretting. I wanted to see him laugh, smile and look at me with those brown orbs. 


Now, those brown orbs were looking away, out into the night, sad and lonely. I bit my lip and ate more, keeping silent. 


Kai looked at me and then at Minho. 


"Kencanah?" He looked at me, taking my hand and squeezed it. 


I gulped and looked at our hands and nod. I could feel Minho's eyes shooting lasers at our hands. He suddenly ate roughly, his utensils were noisy. I gulped and pull my hand away, nodding. 


"Kencanah...." I smiled at Kai who looked stunned. 


He smiled and nodded hesitantly before eating up. 


After a while, Kai smiled and sliced a piece of his meat. 


"Ahh...." Kai said, feeding me. 


I opened my mouth and smiled, eating up. "Mhmm.... Maa!" 


"Neh!" Kai smiled and ate up. 


Minho looked at me before pushing his plate to me. 


"I know you want some of this...." He said, a small smile shown on his face, "Take it... I'll take yours..." 


I gulped and looked at him. 


... he knows me too well....


I nodded and took his plate, pushing mine to him. He smiled and ate up. I smiled brightly, looking at the plate of spaghetti before slurping them up. Kai was left dumbofunded before he finished his food. I smiled and ate up more just as Minho suddenly took a piece of tissue and wiped the corner of my lips. 


"You had something..." He said suddenly when our eyes met. 


I blushed and looked down, finishing up the plate before wiping my lips and smiled. 


"Maa..." I smiled and looked at Kai. 


Kai smiled and nodded, sipping on his cold drink. I smiled, grabbing my drink and pull it too close that it spilled. 


"Omo!" Kai stood up and started grabbing tissues to wipe the milkshake. 


I grabbed the tissues and quickly wipe them, though I know it was of no use. Minho stood up and bit his lip, going over to the counter. I bit my lip and stopped Kai when I noticed he was only going to destroy my whole skirt. I gulped and shook my head.


"Oppa... Kencanah...." I said, "I'm going to the toilet..." 


I quickly went to the toilet and went to the sinks to remove the stain. I cursed and swear to myself, biting my lower lip when the stain couldn't be remove. 




I looked up and saw one of the staff coming in and passing me a white blouse. I looked at her and blinked, taking the new blouse. It was the same blouse they were all wearing. She smiled. 


"The guy outside paid for the blouse. He asked me to give it to you...." 

"Oh....Kamsa hamnida...." I nodded and bowed just as she went out. 


I quickly went into the cubicle and changed out of my blouse to the new blouse. It fits and I smiled. 


At least it would be okay for a while....


I bit my lip when I saw my chiffon skirt ruined. I sighed heavily and headed out of the cubicle, looking at myself in the mirror and readjusted the blouse before  heading out. 


Minho stood there by the walkway, waiting. 


I looked at him and something flutter inside. 


He was the one who... 


"Kencanah?" He asked, straightening up and looked at me. 


"Neh..." I smiled, hesitating a bit, "But my skirt...." 


I looked down and showed him the skirt that was ruined. He looked down and started removing his cardigan. 


I looked at him and blushed when he tied his cardigan around my waist, hiding the stains. He looked at me. 


"Better?" He asked, 


"Neh... But the stains... They won't remove...." I sighed heavily, "Komawo...." 


He smiled and nodded. 


"Ka ja... I paid for our dinner already....Kai's waiting outside the cafe...." He said. 


I nodded and headed out, passing the staff who greeted us farewells as we both exited the cafe. I smiled and looked at Kai who had gotten worried. 


"Kencanah?!" He asked, looking at my suddenly changed look. 


"Neh..." I smiled. 


"Are you sure you are not one of the workers working inside?" He suddenly joked. 


"YAH!" I laughed and slapped him playfully. 


He laughed, letting me go. 


"Well," I smiled and looked at him, "Its late...." 


He looked at me and nods, "Do you want me to send you home?" 


"Kencanah..." I smiled and peck his lips. 


He suddenly blushed and touched his lips, just as I pull away. I looked at him and giggled. 


"Oppa... better go home... Its going to rain soon...." I said, feeling the drizzle starting. 


He blinked awake and nodded. "Ahh... N-Neh!" 


He quickly ran to the opposite way, and waved before he disappeared at the corner. I smiled and waved at him just as the rain suddenly poured. 


I turned to see Minho gone. 


"Omo!" I grabbed my cardigan and tried to shield my face but it was no use. I bit my lip just as someone walked up behind me and an umbrella showed up out of nowhere. 


I was still wet and suddenly cold. I looked at my savior, who turns out to be... 


"Kencanah?" Minho asked, "Ka... lets head home..." 


He took my hand and pulled me to the car. I shivered slightly, drenched. He looked wet too, drenched like me. His hair was dripping wet. His shirt was soaked and I could see the pack of abs I saw a few times already as the material stick to his body. I gulped and got in just as he closed the door. 


I rubbed my arms and shivered, biting my lip from chattering. He got in a moment later, with a huge blanket. He shut the door and threw the wet umbrella behind the seat, before draping the blanket over me. I shivered and grabbed the thick material to warm me up. 


He brushed his wet hair back and started the car. He turned the heat up slightly, as he pulled out of the parking lot. 


Throughout the whole ride, he was checking on me, asking me whether I was okay or not. I nodded, feeling my eyes getting heavy. I wanted to sleep. I was looking at him from the side. He was shivering too, but he didn't have anything to keep him warm. I bit my lip and sighed, before feeling my eyes getting heavy. The last I felt from his touch was his hands patting me as he kept the blanket on and tuck me in more through the ride home. 
















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the moment that you have been waiting for! Min Jae's confession!


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minho-yeobo #1

OMO Unni~~~ I almost cried reading it! Aigooo
Chapter 26: Aigoo. She'll get jealous when Minho and Sulli has to kiss in the drama Dx
minho-yeobo #3
Chapter 25: I'm dyingggggg~
This is sooooo sweet!!!
Waaaaaa my yeobo's back:)
Chapter 25: I'm dying of the fluffyness now!! *v* hehe update soon!!!
Chapter 24: is the one do that , is minho ? it could be kai , or someone else -.- i hope its minho thought ;p

Chapter 24: date date date date <3 love love love love this!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 24: Update soon!!! I can't wait to see how their date will be!!!
Chapter 24: Aigooo this story's update always brightens up my day!
The story gets more awesome by the second!
I love it!
Shinee_Hello08 #9
Daebak!!new reader here please update soon!!