
Impossible Realities

TOP rushed into the room just as their lips met in the middle. He cleared his throat and Emy blushed as she looked at him. Knowing he had walked in at the worst possible time for GD, TOP awkwardly stated that Jessy had just woken up. After almost being trampled by a very worried Emy, TOP and GD walked out together with GD muttering to TOP "We really have to work on your timing!"
Emy had been like a sister to Jessy, the sister Jessy never had just like Jessy was a sister/mentor to Emy. Jessy had helped Emy come out of her shell because of that Emy was always grateful and always worried for her. As Emy walked in all she heard was Taeyang saying "Lets go to a hotel tonight."

"I don't know" Jessy answered unsure of how Emy and her were to pay for it. 
"Yah, creeper you just met her you ert! Get a life, don't you have any class? Asking a girl you just met to go to a hotel with you." Emy said marching into the room not wanting to hear any more of the conversation.

"Yah! What are you talking about? All I said was that because it's late and she is hurt, lets go to a hotel tonight." Taeyang said assuming that is what Emy had heard. 

"Huh?" asked Emy extremely embarrassed for barging into their conversation.
"What were you thinking?" Seungri said with a certain tone in his voice that made everyone in the room uncomfortable. 

"So, do you think we should go to a hotel for tonight? Please, tomorrow we will have ssssoooo much fun. Jessy, Emy, please say yes." Taeyang asked slightly pouting uncharacteristically. This is when both Emy and Jessy noticed that this was not the same Taeyang they had seen on t.v. shows and in MV's, this Taeyang was gentler and more insecure not cocky and full of courage. Jessy liked his change in attitude.

"Well, if you put it like that... how can I say no? I would love to stay the night and spend some time with you all tomorrow." Jessy said seeing Emy's face light up with hope as did her's. Both had always been quick to hope and dream, and even though there dreams were made fun of or crashed they always regained hope for the next cause. 

"Wait! We have a small problem" Emy said realizing what both girls had forgotten.

"What do you mean we forgot something?" I asked genuinely confused.

"The car, how are we supposed to get it? Or at the very least get to it?" Emy said pointing over to the parking lot filled with fangirls everywhere with no room for a car to move. Both girls had planed on waiting for there idols to appear with the others but thanks to the pleasant change in events there was no need for that now.

"We could...no that wouldn't work....then we could try....no way that's going to happen" I murmured to myself.
"I know what you guys can do although it maybe a tight fit, you two can come with us." G-dragon suggested.
"What?" Both girls said in sync.
"Well we do have two cars so maybe GD, Emy, Jessy and I can take one while TOP, Seungri, and Daesung take the other" Taeyang suggested.

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Thekatsmeow #1
Chapter 20: Cute and cuter! Waaa!
Thekatsmeow #2
Chapter 19: So sweet! Thx for updating!
mayeskie #3
Please update soon! c:
megsie00 #4
Chapter 19: I really like it! Update soon! :D
AuthoRyu #5
Chapter 13: Maybe i'm not a VIP, but after i read this ff, i like Taeyang now :) this is DAE to BAK!! :) update soon please :D
TaeMinniCus #6
Chapter 10: Omg this story is DAEEEEBAKKKK ~