
Impossible Realities


"Baby I need a you girl need me too" Jessy's cell phone went off.
"Hello?" she said into the phone. "Oh hey! Where are you?" she asked speaking in my most normal and feminine voice.
"That's too bad I was hoping we could all meet up. Well next time, ok? And you still owe my the sushi, you promised last time." As I spoke a silence fell in the room. "Ok bye. I love you! See you soon. I'll call later, Bye" Jessy said as she hung up.
Emy was the only one in the room who knew who she was talking to because she had seen how Jessy acts with him and thought nothing of it.

"Like I was saying. I already love this little guy, he's so calm" Jessy said talking about the dog on her lap.
"Who was that?"  Taeyang asked visibly upset.
"On the phone? No one" she replied trying to not make him more upset.
"What do you mean no.." Taeyang was cut of by TOP who also started to drag him out of the room.
"He..um... has had a long day let us talk to him" TOP explained getting Daesung and Seungri to help pull him out. Leaving GD in the room with both Emy and Jessy.

"What was that about?" she asked GD hoping he would clear it all up for me.
"I think he feels like you lied to him. Because he picked you out of everyone in the crowd to dance with him and talk with him." GD semi-explained.
"And what? Because he picked me out I'm not allowed to tell my BROTHER I love him?" Jessy asked sarcastically.
"Wait. That was you brother. We all thought that was your boyfriend. That's why he got jealous" GD told them.
Emy and Jessy looked at each other and knew exactly what the other was thinking. They quickly explained their plan to GD and made him promise not to say anything to anyone. 

On the other side of the door.

"Taeyang! Man calm down, it could be anything." TOP said trying to calm Taeyang down.
"Yah! How dare she put my song for that idiot on the other line!" Taeyang responded clearly upset about the situation.
"You don't even know if she likes you. And all you know about her is that you think she is pretty. So just chill for a sec. Ok?" Daesung told his hyung not wanting to hear more of Taeyang's unreasonable jealousy. He too had a bad experience with unreasonable jealousy.

After waiting for Taeyang to calm down and realize how he acted, they decided to go back in. 



Short update... I know. Leave some comments and I'll double update today!


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Thekatsmeow #1
Chapter 20: Cute and cuter! Waaa!
Thekatsmeow #2
Chapter 19: So sweet! Thx for updating!
mayeskie #3
Please update soon! c:
megsie00 #4
Chapter 19: I really like it! Update soon! :D
AuthoRyu #5
Chapter 13: Maybe i'm not a VIP, but after i read this ff, i like Taeyang now :) this is DAE to BAK!! :) update soon please :D
TaeMinniCus #6
Chapter 10: Omg this story is DAEEEEBAKKKK ~