
Impossible Realities

Taeyang was the first to come and help Jessy defend herself while GD was more focused on taking care of Emy. Soon the police was called and the men were escorted away while Taeyang, Jessy and GD were held for questioning. Emy was taken to the hospital for help.

"You may leave now. Have a nice day and thank you for your help. If you need any emotional help please feel free to call this number" the police woman said handing them each a therapy card.

"Taeyang oppa can we go to the hospital now?" Jessy asked meekly. During the fight she was focused on protecting herself and her friends, but now she was feeling the fear that had been drown out by the adrenaline.

"Jessy anything you want." Taeyang said opening the door to their car for her. "GD would you mind driving again?" Taeyang asked hoping to sit in the back with Jessy.
"No problem." GD said setting his phone for directions to the hospital. GD took the drivers seat while Taeyang sat in the middle back and Jessy in the right back seat. Then Taeyang put his arm over her shoulders and she leaned her head against his shoulder.

Soon after she placed her head on Taeyang's should he pushed it off. "Oppa.." Jessy was cut off by his whispering in her ear.
"I know you are not ready to move on past Jaden so I will not push you" He said lifting his arm. Then  he switched seats to the far side. Although she had only known him for a few hours she really liked the way he acted with her. So Jessy decided to make her first move past Jaden in a year. 

After switching into the middle seat she whispered in Taeyang's ear "Jaden is my past. You are here now. I dont want to lose the present over the past. Please don't think I need Jaden. I will tell you everything later tonight, but please don't think any less of me after hearing what I have to say." Jessy said slightly embaressed by her past. At that moment Taeyang turned his head towards her and bluntly kissed her. Jessy's heart jumped. Nothing like this had happened since Jaden. She was glad she could enjoy being kissed again without feeling guilty.

"Thats enough back there." GD said from upfront interupting the moment and making their cheeks turn bright red.
"Oppa why did you kiss me?" Jessy quietly asked hoping only Taeyang would hear.
"Because you're beautiful" Taeyang said just as GD annouced that they were at the hospital. As they all exited the car Jessy was totaly stunned. But once they entered the hospital her mind was focused on only finding Emy and asking for her advice.

"Room 568, Emy Valentine, yes she will be leaving today. She is doing just fine. When she leaves make sure she gets plenty of rest." The nurse said leading us to her room.

"Can I go in first?" GD shyly asked "I know you two are like sisters but I want to tell her something really important" GD explained.

"I don't see why not" Jessy said feeling slightly disappointed.

"Emy," GD started as he closed the door behind himself "Emy?" GD asked.
"GD oppa?" Emy said bluntly thinking she was still dreaming. When GD heard oppa he started to blush.
"Emy how are you feeling?" GD asked hoping she was feeling better.
"Better, I feel a little drowsy though." Emy answered honestly. 
"I'm glad. I was wondering if tomorrow when we go out with Taeyang and Jessy, would you like to go for a walk just the two of us?" GD asked wishing she would say yes.

"Of course oppa." Emy said the word again. 
Now GD was leaning over the hospital bed his face inches from Emy's "Thank you" he whispered as he progressively got closer.

GD's face leaned in a bit more until eventually he kissed her. "I cant wait for tomorrow" GD said leaning back. Although he knew it was wrong to kiss a girl he just met he felt if he didn't take his chance now he would miss it all together.
"Oppa am I dreaming?" Emy asked dazed by GD's powerful kiss that had made her heart flutter. GD did not answer, he wanted to leave Emy wishing for or leave her before he started to blush. As he walked out Jessy rushed in and closed the door behind her indicating she wanted to speak to Emy alone. 

"You would not believe what just happened." Both girls said at the same time "What?" they said in synch again. "He kissed me."  "What?" both at the same time. 


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Thekatsmeow #1
Chapter 20: Cute and cuter! Waaa!
Thekatsmeow #2
Chapter 19: So sweet! Thx for updating!
mayeskie #3
Please update soon! c:
megsie00 #4
Chapter 19: I really like it! Update soon! :D
AuthoRyu #5
Chapter 13: Maybe i'm not a VIP, but after i read this ff, i like Taeyang now :) this is DAE to BAK!! :) update soon please :D
TaeMinniCus #6
Chapter 10: Omg this story is DAEEEEBAKKKK ~