
Impossible Realities

"You go first." Jessy said breaking their synchronization.

"He just kissed me." Emy said  with a face that was bright red. Both girls squealed quietly. "He kept leaning in until he kissed me and he asked if just the two of us could go walking by our selves tomorrow." Emy said wishing she could still be kissing GD.

"AAAWWW kyeopta." Jessy said excited for her friend. 
"Wait you said he kissed you." Emy said fishing for the details.
"Yes, Taeyang kissed me in the car." Jessy said, unable to stop herself from smiling at the thought of it. "I told him that I would tell him about Jaden and our past later tonight, so you might have to spend some time with GD. If you don't mind of course." 

A knock was heard at the door and a nurse walked in. "You are free to go now. The police have paid your fees. Before you go please make sure to tell the front desk you are leaving" She said then walked out. Emy asked Jessy to leave so she could change. When they all left the hospital Taeyang and Jessy sat in the front this time with GD and Emy in the back. When the four got home they were all dead tired since it was 3:30am. Taeyang told Jessy that she could just tell him tomorrow on their picnic while GD and Emy said awkward goodbyes.

The next day at 12p.m

All four entered the car with Taeyang driving again but this time both girls were in the back. "Oppa where are we going?" Emy asked GD.
Hearing oppa again made him smile "Surprise" He said in a cute Korean accent. Which made the girls in the back giggle.

"Oppa for far is it?" This time Jessy asked playing along with Emy. "Only 30 minutes honey" Taeyang said. This time making Jessy start to smile. 

When they arrived at the quiet park everyone filed out of the car and popped the truck to pull out the cheesy basket the bought before leaving. Then they laid out the blanket they had and all sat on it. Taeyang with Jessy and GD with Emy. After eating a mixture of Korean rice and fruit salad the couples split up.

GD and Emy...

"Emy, I want to get to know you better but, I'm going back to Korea tomorrow" GD said with a somber face.
"I know how you feel. All we can do is make the most of the time we have together." Emy said trying to not look too sad. GD was her first real kiss. Although others had dated her she never kissed them, she had never felt that connected to any of the others.

"You know if we were to start to date I would not be able to visit often" GD tried to suggest he wanted to be her boyfriend.
"Well, I am going to Korea like in a week. To be exact 5 days. Jessy and I have been saving for our trip since we were 14. I can't wait to see Seoul." Emy said looking forward to the whole trip which was long awaited.
"Really? Well if you would like I can give you a private tour of the country." GD suggested wanting some more alone time with her. 

Emy, oblivious to what he meant, said "I'm sure Jessy and I would totally enjoy that." Crushing GD's hopes, but he was still happy to spend at least a little more time with her. After that they talked about their likes and dislikes. Before they returned to the picnic area GD quickly pecked Emy's lips leaving them both blushing but feeling good about each other. As they walked back the held hands and talked some more.


Dear readers, I know this chapter is short but only because the next chapter has some drama which I didn't want to add into this one. To hint at the next chapter let's just say Jaden is no longer just a name!

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Thekatsmeow #1
Chapter 20: Cute and cuter! Waaa!
Thekatsmeow #2
Chapter 19: So sweet! Thx for updating!
mayeskie #3
Please update soon! c:
megsie00 #4
Chapter 19: I really like it! Update soon! :D
AuthoRyu #5
Chapter 13: Maybe i'm not a VIP, but after i read this ff, i like Taeyang now :) this is DAE to BAK!! :) update soon please :D
TaeMinniCus #6
Chapter 10: Omg this story is DAEEEEBAKKKK ~