
Impossible Realities

"We do have a few rooms. Would you like one room or two?" asked the lady.

The girls looked at each other and with that they answered at the same time "one."
"Ok. Great you will be in room 709." Said the woman handing them their room keys.

Both Emy and Jessy took their keys and went off towards the elevators. "Wait" Jessy said this time.

"What?" asked Emy.
"Clothes...we don't have any clothes except these." Jessy answered.
"I don't care. And neither do they." She responded sternly. She had become more of her normal Emy again.
"Let's go" Jessy said dragging Emy out the front door again as she took out her cell and called a taxi.

"Where are we going" asked Emy still in Korean.
"To the mall, hopefully we find a store still open at this time. Although it does not seen likely." Jessy answered now back in English.

As the taxi pulled up both got increasingly nervous. Once they enter the back doors and sat down the driver asked " Where to?".

"Do you know any clothing store still open?" Jessy asked hoping that the TJMax near by would still be open.
"All I can think that is open at 2:30 am is Walmart. Would you like to go there?" asked the driver.

"What do you think? Do you want to see what they have? Just so we don't look stupid tomorrow." Jessy questioned Emy.
"It couldn't hurt. Lets go there" Emy said catching onto what Jessy was thinking. 

Mean while at the hotel...

"Where could they be??" asked GD worried for Emy as she stared out the peephole of this door which facing the door across the hall marked 709.

"What do you mean? Haven't they already gone in yet?" Taeyang asked.

"No they have come any where close to the door." GD answered.
"I'll call the front desk. And see if they did what we asked." Taeyang said coolly hiding his protectiveness over Jessy. Taeyang quickly called the front desk.

"Okay, thank you" Taeyang said hanging up the phone. "We are going out, now." Taeyang told GD pulling him out the door.

"Thank you" Jessy said handing the driver the his fee for the ride. As the girls walked into Walmart another car pulled up behind the taxi. As they walked in Jessy noticed the familiar French signs. She loved knowing enough French to let her survive there.
"It's over there" Jessy said pointing to the lady's clothing section.

Both girls ran over too excited too shop for current Canadian fashion. As they ran over Jessy felt like someone was following them but decided to wait for better judgment on the situation.
"Jessy, look how cute!!!" Emy said pointing to a baby pink shirt with a black heart in the center of it. 
"Grab your size and find a pair of pants. Later we can go to the accessory section." Jessy said having already planned her way of proving if there was a person following them or not.

Once both girls had gotten their outfits chosen. They went to grab a headband or a new purse. The whole time Jessy caught glimpses of the men who were following them. Jessy confirmed that there was only two of them. But she never saw their full face. As both girls were in the accessory section. The stalkers got increasingly closer to them. This is when Jessy decided to confront them.

"Excuse me, do you need help or something?" She acted innocently.
"Well actually, do you think this will look good on your friend here?" one of the men asked as he put a cloth on Emy's face causing her to fall asleep and Jessy to start to worry.
"Now why would you do that?" She said obviously angry at the man for messing with her friend. 
"Because your my new prize." He answered in French thinking she would not understand him.
"Who says I'm yours." Jessy said at him while punching him in the face. Her father was a police officer and forced her to take self defense classes when she was 14 and allowed her to stop when she turned 18, saying it was her choice if she continued to take the classes.

"Babe, that was kind of mean." Said the other man approaching her now.
"I only let Jaden call me babe" Jessy said kicking his stomach. That is when she turned and saw two familiar faces, watching her in aw.


Sorry for not updating for a while, 2 updates tonight though! Keep commenting!

Shout-out to my home dog Lee Chanseul who comments every update!

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Thekatsmeow #1
Chapter 20: Cute and cuter! Waaa!
Thekatsmeow #2
Chapter 19: So sweet! Thx for updating!
mayeskie #3
Please update soon! c:
megsie00 #4
Chapter 19: I really like it! Update soon! :D
AuthoRyu #5
Chapter 13: Maybe i'm not a VIP, but after i read this ff, i like Taeyang now :) this is DAE to BAK!! :) update soon please :D
TaeMinniCus #6
Chapter 10: Omg this story is DAEEEEBAKKKK ~