Chapter 6 : New Friend

Monster Highschool

@Mozamoya: I know there are 12 guys, but Baekhyun is human.


You walked in the woods. "I can't believe they made us go first," You stomped your foot and crossed your arms. Baekhyun had his hands in his pockets and walked behind you. You looked back at him. "Why are you walking so slow?" You asked. He rubbed his neck. "I-I..beause.. i'm afraid.. of the..dark.." Baekhyun looked down. *He's afraid of the dark? Really?* You sighed and dragged him next to you. "C'mon, just keep walking," You rolled your eyes.  Kai and Ae Sook started walking in the woods. "When will they come?" Ae Sook asked her brother. Kai stopped walking. "Now," Kai said as they both ran. "Can we stop for a sec?" Baekhyun whined. You shook your head. "We have to keep going. Or they'll eat us alive," You told him. Baekhyun sat on a log. "Lazy , c'mon!" You whacked him. You both froze. "What was that?" You asked. You both looked around hearing branches moving.

"You two are with them?" A tall man came out of a bush. You backed up. *Damn, why didn't they give us weapons?* You didn't answer. "Baekhyun, come with us, you will be safer. And you young lady, may come as well," He said holding your hand. For some reason you couldn't move. *Why can't I move?!* He was about to bite you, but Kai tackled him. "Run!" Kai yelled. You and Baekhyun ran as fast as you can. You felt something following you but you kept running until you and Baekhyun fell in the river. You were drenched. "Are you guys okay?" Chanyeol came running to you two. You both nodded. "Baekhyun, set this up," Suho handed Baekhyun something, it looked like a bomb. "Are you guys insane?!" You shouted. "It's the best thing we've got. Blow the whole woods up," Sehun shrugged. Kai came running. "Blow it up," Kai looked at Baekhyun.

Baekhyun began setting the bomb. The others came. "Blow it up! They're trapped in there," Kris nodded at Baekhyun. You noticed that Lay was still in there. "Lay!" You were about to go in, but Suho stopped you. "Don't," Suho held you back. Lay was bleeding, he was trapped. "We have to help him!" You told him. He shook his head. Your tears started to fall. "You're gonna let him die?!" You shouted. He nodded. *Sorry Suho, but I have to save him*. You punched Suho in the stomach and ran in the woods. "Jiyoung! Come back!" They yelled, but you ran into the woods to save Lay. Lay was on the ground clutching onto his stomach. You helped him up. "Jiyoung, what are you doing?" He said and looked at you. "Saving you," You put his arm on your shoulders and ran. Kris grabbed the bomb from Baekhyun. "Kris, what are you doing?" D.O grabbed his arm, Kris pulled his arm away. "Blowing the woods up," Kris and threw the bomb. You heard the ticking noise and ran.

The bomb exploded. You landed on top of Lay. The others were okay. "Jiyoung.. are you okay?" Lay asked. You got off and helped him up. "Yeah," You smiled. "THAT... WAS AWEEEEESOMEEEE!" Chanyeol roared. You laughed. Then, the principal came. *OH * "Come children, I think you have some explaining to do," He motioned his hands. Your heads hung low and walked into the building.  "What were you doing?" Principal Han asked. "Blowing up the woods," Kris answered. He looked at Kris. "And why did you do that?" He asked. Kris crossed his arms. "Because if we didn't, we would've lost our school," Kris glared at him. Principal Han felt angry but thankful at the same time. "Next time when I tell you to guard the school, guard the school. Don't blow up the woods," He dismissed you. You all walked up to your bedrooms. You saw Suho frowning and rubbing his stomach. "Suho," You walked to him.

He looked at you and then he entered his room. You followed him. "I want to say i'm sorry. I wanted to save Lay, and I hadno other choice but to, yeah you know," You rubbed your neck. He looked at you and smiled. "I gues, it's okay," Suho nodded. You smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek. HIs eyes grew wide, he blushed. You laughed. "You're welcome," You went out and closed the door. Suho layed on his bed and smiled like an idiot. Lay followed you. "What is it?" You asked and he shut your door. "Uh, thanks," Lay smiled. You nodded. "You're welcome," You turned around and took off your shirt. Lay turned around quickly. *Why is she changing when i'm here?!* Lay started to sweat. "Lay?" You looked at him. He slowly turned around. *Thank god she's wearing a- couple sweatshirt?* Lay looked at your sweatshirt. You had another one in your hand. "Hey, can I-" Lay was about to ask something, but someone knocked on the door.

You went to the door and opened it, it was Sehun. "Hi! Oh, can I wear that?" Sehun pointed to the sweatshirt. You nodded and gave it to him. *Damn you Sehun.* You looked back at Lay. "What were you gonna ask?" You saw Lay smiling. "Nothing," He shook his head and went out, you followed. You all went to the cafeteria. You sat next to Sehun and the others glared at him. He stuck his tongue out at them. Ae Sook came and sat next to her brother. "Um, Jiyoung, can I ask you something?" Baekhyun asked. You nodded. "Sure," You told him. He rubbed his neck. "Umm, are you.." He asked as Chanyeol and Xiumin whacked his head. "Are you crazy?!" They both said. "Of course she is," Chanyeol said. "Of course she's not," Xiumin said, they both said it at the same time. They looked at each other. "Umm, sure.." You gave them a weird look. "I mean, how you jumped over the fence and how fast you run.." Baekhyun said shyly.

"Oh, i'm just athletic, I guess..." You shrugged. Kai stared at your neck and his ips. Ae Sook pinched the back of his neck. "OWWW!!" Kai shouted. Ae Sook let go and smirked. Kai rubbed his neck and pouted. "What was that for?" Kai acted innocently. "If you want blood, take it from some other human," Ae Sook whacked him. Kai turned to look at Baekhyun. He winked at him. Baekhyun gave him a weird look. "Kai, are you... gay?" Sehun asked. Kai glared at Sehun. " YOU," Kai said coldly. Sehun backed up. "Whoa~ Don't go too far Kai, Sehun's not gay. You can some other-" Chanyeol spoke and Kris whacked his head. "I'M NOT ING GAY!" Kai shouted. Students looked at him. "But you just said that you wanted to-" Chanyeol said innocently as Kris whacked him again. "Calm down you guys," You whispered to them.

"No, Sehun i'm NOT gay," Kai answered him and covered his face. Sehun nodded. *What are we gonna do now?* It got silent for a couple minutes. Your eyes were about to close until you heard a scream. You all stood up and went into the hallway. Someone was bleeding. It was that woman who told you to help her children. You ran to that woman and heard her screaming. Someone bit her. You all looked at Kai and Ae Sook. "What?" They both said. You turned around and saw her grabbing your feet. "Please, take them. Take my children, get them away from me. I'm... i'm... a monster," Her eyes were red. The staff pulled her away. You saw the two young children standing by the lockers. They looked scared and worried. "Let's have dinner," Kai his lips and went over to them, but you stopped him. "No, don't," You told him. He sighed. You went over to the children. They backed up.

"It's okay, I won't hurt you," You told them. They knew you were human, the younger one hugged you tightly. The other one stood next to her. "Where's mommy going?" She asked looking up at you. You sighed. "Your mommy is going to be fine," You smiled. The other one hugged you too. You saw one of the human sitting in front of the lockers. He was the one who was near your age. He wasn't human anymore, he was a vampire. Kai saw his teeth. "If Kai didn't do it, then.." Suho said, they turned and looked at Ae Sook. She looked down. "Y-you did this?" Kai asked. She nodded. Kai felt angry and sad at the same time. "W-why?" Kai asked. She looked at her brother. "I had to," She answered. "I guess i'm one of you," He said and got up. He went closer to you. They two children hid behind you. He touched your skin. You shivered. "What's your name?" He asked putting your hair behind your ear.

"Jiyoung," You sighed. He smirked. "Jiyoung? I'm JR," He his lips. You gulped. He sniffed youe neck and his teeth grew. He your neck. "You know, i've always wanted to taste your blood," JR said as he went closer to your neck. Kris stopped him. "You can't do that," Kris told him. He looked at Kris and let go of your neck. "And why is that?" JR asked. Kris stood in front of JR. "Wow, you're pretty tall," JR smirked. "Thanks, you're pretty short. Do you mind telling me how the weather feels down there?" Kris smirked. JR backed up. "Nah, i'm good," JR shook his head. He looked at you. "Now, where do I sleep? With her?" He asked. "No, you sleep on the roof," Sehun glared at him. "Aw, too bad. I would love sleeping with her. I would make her scream my name all night," You felt sick hearing his words. "Get on the roof!" Chen grabbed his arm and went upstairs. He winked at you. *Eww.*

It was already midnight and you went into your room with the two children. "I'll take care of these two. It's too dangerous for them to sleep down there by themelves," You told Kris. He nodded. You closed the door and you got clothes for them to wear. "It may be a little big, but it's fine," You shrugged. They both slept next to you on the bed. For some reason you couldn't sleep. You sat up and rubbed your eyes. You sighed and saw something on the bed next to your bed. It was a pack of blood, it had a note on it. The note said: Here, I owe you one. You can give it to your parents or do whatever you want with it. Just don't give it back to me. -Kai. P.S Kai's new nickname is Gay Boy. Haha! -Chanyeol. P.S.S Ya! Imma kill you Chanyeol!! -Kai. You quietly laughed at the note and shook your head. You had an idea and went up to the rooftop.

You went outside and looked around. JR was nowhere to be found, until you felt someone backhugging you. You flinched. "It's okay, it's just me. Oh, and is this for me?" JR held the pack of blood. You nodded. "Yeah, take it," You told him. He let you go and looked at the pack. "Hmm, what blood type are you?" He asked. "B," You told him. He nodded. " And this is blood type O. I only like blood type B," He dropped the pack and pinned you against the door. He sniffed your neck and it. His eyes turned red. "Even if you scream, no one will hear you. Unless you scream my name. They'll probably hear you and get jealous," He shrugged. *Sick bastard.* He leaned in and kissed your neck. "D-don't," You told him. He kept kissing youe neck. You bit your lip so you won't make any noise. He pulled away as his eyes went back to normal.

"You said don't, so I didn't bite you," He shrugged and sat on a chair. You touched your neck. "Are you gonna take the pack?" You asked him. He shook his head. "I rather taste you than drink that. I'm good," He slumped in the chair. You took the pack and headed down. *I guess he's not that bad. He's still a ert though. Chen is too..* You went into your room quietly and slept on the ground.

Yes, it's JR from NU'EST. :)

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Dayoung84141 #1
Chapter 16: Lay, JR, or Kai
Chapter 16: Xiumin or tao
Chapter 16: Thinking it's either Kai,Lay,Baekhyun or JR xD
Update soon :) Fighting!
hunny_yeol #4
I want to know! Update soon author nim ^^
hunny_yeol #5
I want to know! Update soon author nim ^^
hiddencreature #6
Chapter 16: I think it's xiumin
hiddencreature #7
Chapter 16: Pleassssssssssssssse update
JaeRi125 #8
Chapter 16: Who is the father plzzz updateee!!!!!
Koalas #9
Chapter 16: did lay do it? anyways THANK YOU FOR UPDTATING!!!!!
Chapter 16: Who??? OMG!!! Please update soon!! ^^