Chapter 5

No Words

That night Minhyuk came home, he called out your name as he and his three other friends walked into the house. He looked in the kitchen, the living room, his room, your room, the bathroom, he even checked down stairs in his music room but you were nowhere to be found. He ran frantically around the house in a panic not knowing where you were.

"She's not here!" he screamed as he ran back into the living room where his friends were.

"There is one place that you haven't checked...." Jonghyun said quietly as he pointed to the ceiling.

"B-But she's never in there... She hasn't stepped foot into her studio since our parents died..." Minhyuk said in disbelief.

"Well it wouldn't hurt to try..." Jungshin shrugged.

All four of them slowly walked up the stairs that led to the attic where your studio was. They could hear the sound of someone walking around and stuff being moved around. They cracked the door open and all four poked their heads in to see you moving around your art supplies. You had set up a small canvas on an easel and were getting your paints set up on your palet. You found one of the pictures that your dad had given to you last year after he had returned from on of his business trips. It was a beautiful picture of a skyscraper, you began painting it.

The four of them quietly backed down the stairs to the living room shocked.

"S-she h-hasn't touched a sketch pad since they died..." Minhyuk stuttered as he sat down in shock at the scene he had just saw.

"We know man..." Yonghwa said sitting next to him, he to was in shock. 

"W-why is she painting again?" Minhyuk stared blankly at the tv screen.

"Maybe someone in school is helping her to erase the bad memories?" Jungshin added.

"I don't know but who ever it is... she must like him a lot because she wouldn't even take one step towards that area a few months ago."


You were up in your studio painting. The feeling of being able to create stuff again made you feel great, you haven't done this stuff in a while so you were hoping that you could do what you once did months ago by muscle memory. You let the brush glide over the canvas recreating the picture. Once you finished you compared the two and they were similar. You smiled to yourself and put the canvas aside to dry. You then took another small one, you stared at the canvas imagining what you would paint on this one.

After a couple minutes of thinking you let your brush take control as you painted. As you painted you thought of how safe you felt around this person, just seeing their smile made you forget the past few months of pain you went through. The kindness that you could see when you looked into his eyes reminded you of your father. He was always on your mind and the more you thought about him the more you couldn't help but fall in love with him. 

You stepped back and looked at your finished painting of L.Joe, it was beautiful. It looked just like him. You fell for the way he always seemed to be happy around you. Even when he heard how badly the school talked about you he comforted you and wanted you to be happy. You couldn't remember the last time that someone had stopped and cared about your feelings. For months you had grown use to people talking about you and how they all thought you had brain damage. No one cared about what you were really going through, no one stopped to even confirm if the rumors were true. 

After the death of your parents you had shut down. Your family was the most important thing in your life besides your art and in an instant half of your family was taken away. People heard about the incident in the news and they came up to you to give you sympathy but you couldn't take it. You didn't want it becase you figured if you didn't hear any of it or talk to anyone about it, the fact that your parents died was all just a dream.

But L.Joe... He was different. He wasn't like all the snobby kids at your school. That's why you started to fall in love with him.


The next day you took your painting of the building and wrapped up in paper then put it in your backpack. You walked out of the house and headed to the bus stop. You sat patiently waiting for the bus. When you got on the bus you waited for your stop, you watched as coffee shops, restaurants, shops, and people passed by. Soon the city was behind you and outside you saw trees and little houses.

You finally arrived at your stop. You got off and walked down the road for a bit until you reached the cemetery. You walked through the rows of headstones until you reached a pair. You knelt down in front of them. You lightly traced the names with your fingers they read:

Kang Sarang & Kang Hyunwoo

"Umma~ Appa~" you whispered, "I'm sorry for not coming sooner, please forgive me..."

"Appa I finally painted the picture of a building, I know I took a long time to finally paint it but here," you pulled out the painting and unwrapped it then placed it by the headstone.

"This boy, named L.Joe, he's new at school... He made me draw again Appa~ He's different, and- and i think i love him appa~ what should I do?" you began to tear up.

"He makes me feel safe, when I eat lunch with him at school it's like how I felt before you left me here with Minhyuk..." you whispered to the grave.

"I have to go now Appa... you know how Minhyuk can get when he doesn't know where I am" you chuckled, "but I promise to come more often, and I'll even bring L.Joe one day so you can meet him. Good bye Appa~ Good bye Umma~"

You got up and walked away. Someone peeked around a tree and watched you walk away.


It was monday morning and you were excited for school. Classes went by pretty fast, and it was already lunch time. You walked out of class and saw L.Joe waiting by your locker, a smile spreading from ear to ear when you saw him. The two of you went out to the garden to eat your lunch like normal. 

"Hey are you okay? At the park you just kinda-"

"Ran out on you?" you cut him off.

His eyes widened as he heard you speak. 

"Y-you just spoke..." he said shocked.

"Y-yeah..." you whispered.

"But are you okay?" 

"Yeah I am fine. It's just... just..."

"Just what?"


He looked down at his bag then decided to pull out his sketch book. He started sketching the garden. You watched over his shoulder as he drew. He turned and saw you watching him.

"Do you want to draw?" he asked about to rip out a page from his book.

"No~! I got my own" you said pulling out your sketch book and started drawing too.

As the two of you were drawing in peace L.Joe put on some music. 

Walking by the garden Chunji heard something so he decided to walk near the garden to see what it was. He hid behind a tree when he saw you and L.Joe sitting together. His eyes widened when he saw you drawing. Then he could hear you singing along to the lyrics of the song, this just about blew his mind. He has never seen you draw for months, let alone sing.

'How come she doesn't talk to me? Or draw for me? Does she like L.Joe?!'

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Chapter 14: Oh man I choose Chunji but this was still a nice story. But gosh sometimes I wish both of them can get the girl
I lovee this story <3 Its kinda sad.. I'll choose Chunji... No L.Joe... Idk, both?^^
Great story, author-nim! ;D
Chapter 13: Amazing but like everyone us saying what happned to chunji??? Thank for a great story! ^^
Damn-You #4
Chapter 13: What about Chunji??
Chapter 13: Awww! The confessions in this chapter. ASDFGHJKL:;
Chapter 12: Sweet! :))
Cutee ^^.
Awww sweet chunji ^^
Update Soon