Chapter 10

No Words

You and Ljoe finally arrived at the park. The park wasn't that crowded, but it probably was because it was a Wednesday. The two of you walked thought the park together. When you walked near the pond you walked over to the edge of the water and watched the ducks swim around. You told Ljoe that when you were a kid you and your older brother would always feed the ducks. It was one of your favorite things to do as a kid.

"_____-shi I will be right back, don't move okay?"


'I wonder where he's going....' you thought to yourself but shrugged it off and decided to watch the ducks.

After about five minutes Ljoe walked back over to you. You saw him and waved but you tilted your head in confusion seeing a bag in his right hand. You couldn't take your eyes off  the plastic bag in his hand, you were trying to figure out what it was.

"Where did you go?" you asked finally taking your eyes off the bag to look at Ljoe.

"I went to get this for you" he said holding out the bag to you.

"That's for me?" you took the bag from his hand, "what is it?"

"Look inside the bag."

You did as you were told and looked in the bag. You found four bread rolls sitting in the bag.

"Its bread?" you said looking up at him confused.

"Yeah!" he said a smile stretching across his face.

"But I'm not hungry...."

"I know you're not hungry because we just ate, but I do think these ducks are~" he said nodding to the swimming ducks.

"Ooh!" you said lowering your head in defeat as you chuckled.

He laughed and took a bread from the bag and ripped of a little piece and threw it to the ducks. You took a bread out and began to feed the ducks as well.The ducks had begun to figure out the two of you had food and they started to gather around the two of you. They kept coming closer and you started running away, trying to hide from them. But everytime you moved they followed you, you threw some bread by Ljoe and they started to attack Ljoe. You couldn't help but laugh at him getting scared by the flock of ducks attacking him.

He saw you laughing at him and he threw some bread at him. You screamed as the flock of ducks came waddling towards you. You ran behind Ljoe to hide from them. He laughed at you hiding behind him. But the two of you stopped laughing when the flock of ducks turned and started heading towards the two of you. 

You stood there wide eyed at the flock of birds, Ljoe grabbed your hand and pulled you away. Both of you were running through the park like crazy people, you even dropped the bag of the bread. You stopped running when you reached an open field. You dropped to the ground exhausted from running, Ljoe plopped down on the grass and laid next to you. 

The two of you laughed at how stupid the two of you must have looked to other people while you were running away. But their thoughts didn't bother you anymore, when you were with Ljoe all of your worries seem to melt away, with him you were like the person you were before your parents died. 

Once the two of you calmed down he sat up and looked at you.

"What?" you smiled at him.

"Nothing... but can you help me on the art project?"

"Oh right!" you laughed and sat up. You started to give him advice on how to draw certain parts of the scenery and how he should do the shading to give it more character and a three-dimmensional look. After you finished the two of you swapped numbers so he could text you for any help he needed on art projects. [;)]

"OMG you are Kang _____!THEE KANG ____! THE ART PRODIGY!I can't believe I didn't see this before!" he said looking at the name you had put in his phone.

"Y-yes I am" you smiled shyly, he smiled back at you.

"I know this may seem kinda random but why did you run away the last time I saw you at the park?" he said with concern in his eyes.

"Um... Well..." you looked down at the grass.

"It's okay you don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable enough to~" he smiled reassuringly.

"N-no I feel comfortable around you and I have to explain why I was the way I was when I first met you..." you looked at him.

"It was about six months ago..." you began.


It was a beautiful day and your parents had decided to take a drive, Minhyuk was at his friend's house practicing with their band, which they called themselves FT Island. So your parents had stopped to eat lunch and rest at this park, after you finished eating you had wondered off and were sketching the environment around you. Your parents would always take you out to go draw something becasue you were the so called "art prodigy" so they would take you on little adventures to draw something new. But when they couldn't because your dad was away on a business trip and your mom was off doing a gallery showing out of town they would take pictures of the places they went so you could draw or paint the picture.

"______! Come on its time to go~!"

You could hear the sound of your umma and appa calling you in the distance. When you heard your parents calling you, you packed up all your stuff and walked towards the car, it had just started to rain. The rain was falling pretty heavily that afternoon and they had chosen to park on the side of the road because the small parking lot was full that day. As you were walking down the hill towards the car, you could see in the distance an SUV driving pretty fast. But because it had just started to rain the roads were very slippery. All of a sudden the SUV lost control and crashed into your car. 

Your eyes went wide not sure if you were really seeing what had just happened or not. But when it clicked you ran towards the car and tried to see if your parents were alright. But you couldn't tell, so you pulled out your phone and called the ambulance. When they finally came you were crying, and they pronounced your parents dead on the scene.

Because your family was always so close you did everything together. Your mom was the one to introduce you to art, being she was an artist, but you were the closest to your appa. He was always there for you, and he drew and painted on the side. So you would always paint and just talk to him a lot. 


"So after seeing them die in front of me, everytime I would close my eyes I would see the scene play over and over in my head. So I was afraid to sleep, and I was too exhausted to talk to anyone so that is why I never talked when we first met. That is also the reason why I never went near the art floor, let alone go near a sketch book or paintbrushes."

"So why did you start talking and drawing again if it always reminded you of your parents?"

"B-because you helped me to remember why I enjoyed it so much and... after you conforted me that day I felt safe around you..."

He smiled and hugged you, I'm glad I could help," he chuckled, "but I am glad that you are the person you were before I came... even though I fell in love with the person I first met-"


"... Uh I-I meant even though I liked the person I met I am glad I got to meet and get to know the true you."

Just as you were about to tell him that you liked him too, someone in the distance called your name, this person was running towards you. As the person got closer you saw it was Chunji.

"____ I need to tell you something!" he pulled you up from the grass and pulled you away.

"Mianhae Ljoe~!" you yelled behind you as Chunji pulled you away.

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Chapter 14: Oh man I choose Chunji but this was still a nice story. But gosh sometimes I wish both of them can get the girl
I lovee this story <3 Its kinda sad.. I'll choose Chunji... No L.Joe... Idk, both?^^
Great story, author-nim! ;D
Chapter 13: Amazing but like everyone us saying what happned to chunji??? Thank for a great story! ^^
Damn-You #4
Chapter 13: What about Chunji??
Chapter 13: Awww! The confessions in this chapter. ASDFGHJKL:;
Chapter 12: Sweet! :))
Cutee ^^.
Awww sweet chunji ^^
Update Soon