Chapter 12

No Words

A whole week passed by and you got no word on how Chunji was doing. You worried about him. No matter how bad things got in the past he would always have a spot in your heart. He was your first love, you did everything together, how could you not have some of those feelings for him.

But over the past week you and L.Joe got really close. But you're relationship with each other was never really defined. You two never talked about what almost happened right outside your house when Minhyuk interupted. You two remained as friends.


You were putting your books in your locker when you heard a familiar voice, a smile instantly spreading across your face.


You turned around and saw a bent over Ljoe trying to catch his breath. He held up a hand telling you to give him a minute to collect himself, you just laughed.

"I heard you are going to be in my art class~!" he said.

You nodded chuckling, "yes yes I am, like I told you before you helped me to love art again."

He smiled and grabbed your hand, "come on lets go get lunch."

The two of you were walking to the cantina to get lunch when you heard girls screaming from behind you. The two of you turned around, it was Chunji. He was smiling like usual, his eyes searching every inch of the hallway looking for you. Your heart skipped a beat after not seeing him for so long. You grabbed Ljoe's hand and pulled him away.

'Where is she?' Chunji thought as he looked around the crowded hallway looking for you, but you were nowhere to be found. He frantically looked at every face in the hallway, but in the distance he could see two people standing there looking in his direction. He could tell one was Ljoe, his hair a dead giveaway, but the other person he couldn't tell. He started to move closer to where Ljoe was. But the other person, which was a girl he could now tell, grabbed Ljoe's hand and pulled him away.

'Was that _____? Did... Is... Is she dating Ljoe?' he thought watching the two of you walk away.

"Hey did you see Chunji?" Ljoe asked once the two of you were sitting down and eating in your normal start.

"N-no I didn't see him... he's back?" you rambled.

Ljoe chuckled, "are you okay?"

"Y-yeah I'm totally fine" you forced out a chuckle.

The bell rang and it was time for class. You and Ljoe walked to art class together. The moment you stepped into the hallway of the art floor you were hit with a wall of memories. You looked around at all your artwork displayed around the hallway.

"You ready ______-ah?" Ljoe looked at you.

You looked over at him, he smiled and took your hand in his.

"Come on I know you miss this place~" he said comfortingly as he gave your hand a light squeeze. You smiled back at him as the two of you walked to your next class.

As you entered everyone looked at you. As soon as they saw you they started smiling and waving at you. Everyone in that took art class wanted you back in class. Not only because you are the best one there but because you were like a second teacher to everyone, you would always help them with their projects.

Everyone sat down for class as the teacher walked in. Class began and in no time you felt like you belonged again. After months of being broken and depressed, feeling like no one cared. Then this new kid opened you up again and made you feel safe, and made enjoy art again.

You looked over at Ljoe who was sitting beside you, he was working on a painting. Just then the class room door opened and someone walked in. Everyone looked up to the door.

"Hello I'm sorry I'm late."

You turned to the source of the voice, it was Chunji. Your heart dropped, you didn't expect to see him. He smiled when he saw you and took a seat next to you and began to work.

After school had finished Chunji turned to talk to you but before he could say anything you were being pulled out of the room by Ljoe. The two of you were laughing and jogging out of the room and down the hallway.

This quite frankly, made Chunji mad, he was jealous now. He left for a week and you were laughing and running around with Ljoe. He got up and followed the two of you.

Meanwhile you and Ljoe were laughing and talking about the school day. For the past week Ljoe would always walk you home, an on the way there the two of you would go and get ice cream. Sometimes Ljoe would stay over your house for a bit, especially when Yonghwa, Jonghyun, and Jungshin would come over.

But today while the two of you were eating your ice creams and having a good time Chunji walked up to the two of you.

"Yah! What is going on here?!"

You and Ljoe jumped at his sudden shouting.


"______ are you dating him?! I thought you were going to wait for me?!"

'Does she like Chunji?' Ljoe thought in his head.

"What do you mean she said she'd wait for you?"

"I promised to take her on a date when I got back"

"I didn't promise you anything Chunji... You didn't even let me speak that day... And you can't keep doing this!"

"Are you dating him?"

"W-what?! We're just friends! Why are you like this?!" you had enough of this nonsense that Chunji was pulling and you got up and left.

"Don't follow me!" You yelled behind you as you walked away.

"Do you like her?" Chunji turned to Ljoe.

"W-well I kinda-"

"Stay away from her she's mine, I'm her first love so don't even try to go after her."

"I don't think that is up to you to decide"

By this time Chunji was pissed off, "well I'm telling you to stay away from my girl!"

"How do you know she even likes you?! What if she likes me?!" Ljoe retorted.

"Fine we'll just have to let her decide who she likes more!" Chunji yelled then walked past Ljoe.

The next day you noticed that the two of them were acting very strange. They kept clinging to you and fighting over who you were going to hang out with. You brushed it off thinking that it would only happen for that day.

But for the rest of the week they kept doing that, now it was getting to you and it was Friday. Sitting in your history class with Chunji next to you the principal walked in.

"Kang _____. I need to see you in my office right now."

You grabbed your stuff and followed the principal to her office.

"_____ I called you to my office because I want you to meet Mrs. Lee she is the director of the Seoul School of Art. "

"Hello Ms. Kang I hear you are a very talented artist. I have seen much of your work and I think we can better nurture your talent at the Seoul School of Art. We will pay for your full tuition and even pay for you and your brother to move out to Seoul.  So what do you think?"

"U-um it's an amazing opportunity... But I think I would have to talk about it with my brother."

"That is fine here is my business card and once you make your decision please give me a call" Mrs. Lee walked out of the room and you were able to go to lunch, because by then class was over. You walked out and saw Chunji waiting for you.

"What was that about?"

"Um I got offered the chance to attend the Seoul School of Art..."



"Are you going to go?"


"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I don't know if I want to leave here..."

"I think you should go if its what you want..."

"Gomawo Chunji."

The weekend passed in a flash and Monday came around. You and Minhyuk ha decided to move out to Seoul. It would not only give you a chance to do something you want but it would also give Minhyuk and his friends or CN Blue a chance to actually hit mainstream music.

So on Monday you didn't have time to say goodbye to Ljoe and Chunji personally, honestly you couldn't. You couldn't say goodbye to Chunji again and as for Ljoe you couldn't handle saying goodbye it would just break your heart.  Plus you knew that if he asked you to stay you would drop everything and stay. You loved him there was no denying it now.

So you texted the two of them explaining everything.

Ljoe was sitting in English class when his phone buzzed. He opened it and read:

I'm sorry I couldn't say this to you in person. But I'm leaving to go to Seoul. I got a great opportunity to study at an art school there. I couldn't say this to you in person because I knew if I did it would break my heart... I also know that if you had told me to stay here with you I would have.... Because I love you... I have fallen in love with you over the past couple months since I met you. I'm sorry I couldn't say this in person but goodbye.

He looked up from his phone and walked out of class. He immediately ran to your house. No one was there all your stuff was gone. He caught a cab to the airport. He ran around the place and tried to find you. He even tried to get past the gate to see if you were getting on the plane, but he failed to get past security. Without even thinking he bought a ticket for the next flight to Seoul.

After arriving in Seoul you and Minhyuk unpacked your things and set up your house how you guys wanted. It was nice in Seoul it was nothing like your hometown but it was nice. You then got dressed in your uniform and Minhyuk took you to the school so you could look around the campus before your first day so you could find out where your classes were.

It was already lunch time for the students and you looked around you in awe at the school.

"Who is that guy?" the students whispered around you.

You looked around and saw a familiar blonde haired guy looking at the students trying to find someone. Finally he saw you, and you recognized who it was.



He ran up to you and hugged you.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to tell you I won't let you say goodbye" he panted trying to catch his breath.

"But I don't understand...."

"I love you!" He said looking into your eyes.


"I fell in love with you too... And I can't live another day without you in my life... Please don't say goodbye~"he looked down at his feet.

You hugged him and whispered, "I won't say goodbye, I love you too~"

Minhyuk saw the two of you and walked up to you.

"_____- shi I don't think this school is for you... Lets go home~"

You looked at Minhyuk and smiled, "Oppa what about your dream?"

"You are what matters to me and making you suffer is the last thing I want to do, so we'll move out here when you graduate high school. And we can bring Ljoe with us next time" he chuckled and patted Ljoe on te shoulder.

"Come on you two lets go back home."

The three of you left Seoul together and went back to your hometown. You and Ljoe started officially dating and moved back to Seoul after graduation. Minhyuk and his friends got signed to a record deal an started playing and performing in music shows as the famous band CN Blue. Everything worked out as planned, and you went on college where you started getting noticed internationally for your artwork. Ljoe later became a trainee at a music company to become a rapper like he always wanted.

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Chapter 14: Oh man I choose Chunji but this was still a nice story. But gosh sometimes I wish both of them can get the girl
I lovee this story <3 Its kinda sad.. I'll choose Chunji... No L.Joe... Idk, both?^^
Great story, author-nim! ;D
Chapter 13: Amazing but like everyone us saying what happned to chunji??? Thank for a great story! ^^
Damn-You #4
Chapter 13: What about Chunji??
Chapter 13: Awww! The confessions in this chapter. ASDFGHJKL:;
Chapter 12: Sweet! :))
Cutee ^^.
Awww sweet chunji ^^
Update Soon