Chapter 1

No Words



You watched the minutes go by slowly as you sat in the back of the class. It was almost lunch time and you couldn't wait to get out of the class, away from the whispers and stares of other students.


Finally the bell rang and you dashed out of the class. You went to your locker to grab the lunch you packed for yourself this morning. Slowly all the students came out of their classes. You could feel the weight of their eyes on you. You quickly made your way out to the school's garden.

It was peaceful there and you didn't have to deal with everyone's stares and whispers as you passed by them. The garden was your little escape from reality, from your thoughts and memories. You put your headphones on and started listening to your music.

After a little bit, a boy walked into the garden. Your eyes widened, 'Who is that?! No one ever comes here?!' you thought to yourself.

He turned and saw you staring at him with round eyes, he smiled and made his way over to you. 

'Omg why is he coming over here?!'

As he made his way over to you, you noticed that he had blonde hair with blue streaks in it. 

"Hi~ I'm L.joe... What's your name?"

You sat there wide eyed and silent not sure if you should say your name or not.

"Its okay if you don't want to talk... haha I'm new here and... well it was a bit crowded in the dining hall so I came outside to eat... Can I eat here with you?"

You nodded. He smiled and sat down next to you.

'He doesn't seem to know who I am...' you thought.

The two of you sat there in silence the only noise to be heard was the sound of chewing.

"Do you mind if I play some music?"

You turned to face him and ended up staring in to his brown eyes, you noticed the two beauty marks right below his left eye. You struggled to pull your eyes away from his, but he brought his ipod to his face and pointed to it. You shook your head and he his music. It was actually a nice upbeat song.

"This is one of my favorite songs. What do you think? Do you like it?"

You gave him a thumbs up and smiled, he returned your smile. The both of you were pulled away from your little world as the school bell rang telling you that it was time for class again. Both of you packed up your stuff and walked back to the building.

"Hey, do you know where I go for art class?" 

You froze in your tracks hearing the question, you haven't been near those classes in months, let alone that floor and you weren't going near it anytime soon. You pointed to the stairs and held up four fingers.

"It's on the fourth floor?"

You smiled slightly and nodded.

"Thanks~" he said smiling at you. He watched as you made your way through the crowd of students heading to class.

'Who is she?' he thought as he walked upstairs.

He reached the fourth floor and was amazed by the beautiful sculptures and paintings that decorated the hallway.This floor wasn't as crowded as the others but it was still alive and active with students.

He walked down the hallway looking at all the artwork. He noticed that almost all of the art that was shown was signed by the same person.

'Wow... this person is very talented, their work is beautiful!' he thought as he stared at this one painting of a couple holding hands as they walked through the rain in a busy city.

The bell rang again signaling class would be starting soon. He quickly found the classroom and took a seat just as the teacher walked in.

Throughout the whole class his mind kept drifting off and you would pop into his mind. He would see you quietly eating your lunch and when you looked at him he could see your eyes twinkling in the sunlight. You were so quiet and peaceful but it seemed like something was wrong. You seemed afraid of him at first but then you loosened up and saw he meant no harm. He also noticed that you went back to having that scared look when he mentioned his art class. 

'I wonder why she looked so afraid when I mentioned art?'

"Wow, L.joe thats a pretty good drawing. What was your inspiration?'

L.joe blinked to see the teacher infront of him, then he looked at the sketch. It was a drawing of a girl sitting in the middle of a garden.

"U-uh I-I.... I don't know..." he said staring at the picture in disbelief.

"Whoa~! That's so nice!"

L.joe looked over at the source of the voice.

"I'm Chunji."

"I'm L.Joe" he smiled at Chunji.

After class L.Joe and Chunji walked together. 

"Hey Chunji who did all this stuff?" he gestured to the artwork lining the hallway.

"Well some of this is from other students... that one is mine" he pointed to a painting of a girl, she was smiling while holding a sketch pad. "But a lot of the artwork around this floor is by Kang _____. She's the school's art prodigy. Or was... she doesn't even go near a sketch pad anymore. She totally changed over the past couple months."

"What do you mean?"

"Like in my painting she was always smiling and she was nice to everyone... basically the queenka of the school but now she avoids everyone... even me" he frowned a bit talking about you.

You made your way through the sea of students, eager to leave school. You walked home, it wasn't insanely far from there but it was better than being stuck in a vehicle with a bunch of students.

"Hey kiddo~ how was your day?" your older brother Minhyuk asked as you walked into the door. You gave him a thumbs up.

"Did you talk to anyone?"

You shook your head.

"Oh~ so you sat in the garden again for lunch?"

You nodded, he then could tell that something popped into your mind by your facial expression.

"Did someone talk to you?"

You blinked in surprise then nodded slowly, as a smile spread across your face.

"Oh~ was it a girl?

You bit your bottom lip and shook your head.

"Oh~ so it was a boy?" he smirked.

You smiled and nodded as L.Joe flashed across your mind again.

"Was he nice to you?" by the tone in his voice you could tell that minhyuk was getting a little defensive.

You quickly nodded and he lightened up.

"Oh my friends are coming over later okay?"

You smiled widely and nodded, you liked his three friends. They were like family to you. They would always take care of you and protect you, plus the four of them created this band and you loved hearing them play. They could sing really well. You went upstairs to your room and worked on your homework.

But homework wasn't being done... There was something about L.Joe that you just couldn't get him out of your mind.

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Chapter 14: Oh man I choose Chunji but this was still a nice story. But gosh sometimes I wish both of them can get the girl
I lovee this story <3 Its kinda sad.. I'll choose Chunji... No L.Joe... Idk, both?^^
Great story, author-nim! ;D
Chapter 13: Amazing but like everyone us saying what happned to chunji??? Thank for a great story! ^^
Damn-You #4
Chapter 13: What about Chunji??
Chapter 13: Awww! The confessions in this chapter. ASDFGHJKL:;
Chapter 12: Sweet! :))
Cutee ^^.
Awww sweet chunji ^^
Update Soon